

Design and Implementation of WEB-based Information Publishing Function and Earthquake Information Rapid Report

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【作者】 李红蔡寅李永红张慧峰王峰马玉香梁凯利

【Author】 Li Hong;Cai Yin;Li Yonghong;Zhang Huifeng;Wang Feng;Ma Yuxiang;Liang Kaili;Earthquake Administration of Shandong Province;

【机构】 山东省地震局

【摘要】 笔者研发了地震速报信息快速提取和WEB信息发布的功能程序模块。利用EQIM平台和山东省地震局门户网站,实现了基于百度矢量地图的全球、全国和山东及邻省地震速报信息的自动发布。改变了原来手工录入信息慢、信息发布时效性差的局面,以便于公众通过山东省防震减灾信息网站及时掌握震情动态,对于提高社会防震减灾的公共服务能力具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 We developed a set of program for earthquake information rapid report and WEB-based information publishing. Based on the Earthquake Instant Messenger System( EQIM) and disaster prevention and reduction information website of Earthquake Administration of Shandong Province, we realized automatic sending of earthquake rapid report information on Web about global, China, Shandong and neighboring area by means of Baidu site vector map. This technique changed the situation of information publishing with slow speed due to hand typing,made people more convenient to obtain the seismic information, and therefore, was significant in enhancing social public services capacity of earthquake disaster prevention and reduction.

【基金】 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAK19B04-05);山东省地震局合同制项目(13Y91)资助
  • 【文献出处】 震灾防御技术 ,Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年01期
  • 【分类号】P315.75
  • 【网络出版时间】2015-04-03 14:35
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】37