The Uncertainty Analysis of M_S-L Regression Relation in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Region
【摘要】 本文收集了青藏高原区7级以上以走滑为主的30个地震的地表破裂参数资料,拟合出了青藏高原区新的震级与破裂带长度统计关系式,并结合前人的统计关系式,分别通过破裂带长度估算震级,求出了估算震级与仪器震级的差值。同时将差值为正值(即估算震级偏大)的归为一类,差值为负值(估算震级偏小)的归为另一类,做了分析和对比。研究发现,差值为正值的地震所处的走滑断裂带一般位于一级块体或次级块体的边界断裂带上;差值为负值的地震所处的走滑断裂带大多位于一级块体或次级块体内部断裂带或断裂带的交汇处。基于上述分类的差异,作者对不同回归关系计算的差值数据进行了统计分析,分别给出了修正计算结果不确定性的参考值,为降低估算震级的不确定性提供了理论依据。
【Abstract】 We collected 30 strike-slip dominant surface rupture parameters of the earthquake with M S≥7.0 in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region, and gave out the new statistical relationship of magnitude and rupture length. By using our relationship combined with the previous study, we calculated the error between the estimated magnitude and the magnitude that was measured by the instrument. The errors then are classified into two categories in terms of positive quantity and negative quantity. Through analysis and comparison, we found that the strike-slip fault along which earthquake occurred is typically located in a block or sub-block boundary fault when the errors are in positive quantity, whereas the strike-slip fault along which earthquake occurred is typically located in fault within the block and sub-block or the interchange of the fault when the error is negative. Our results are valuable to reduce the uncertainty of estimated magnitude in the future.
【Key words】 The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; Magnitude; The length of surface rupture; Uncertainty analysis;
- 【文献出处】 震灾防御技术 ,Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention , 编辑部邮箱 ,2011年03期
- 【分类号】P315
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】41