

Information Construction of Children’s Vaccination in Earthquake-striken Area of Sichuan

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【作者】 漆琪刘青恋王进郑红茹关旭静马千里李建

【Author】 QI Qi,LIU Qing-lian,WANG Jin,ZHENG Hong-ru,GUAN Xu-jing,MA Qian-Li,LI Jian Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Chengdu 60041,Sichuan Province,China.

【机构】 四川省疾病预防控制中心

【摘要】 目的了解四川省地震灾区儿童预防接种管理和信息化建设工作现状;分析在灾区建立儿童预防接种信息化管理系统的难点,并探索解决方案。方法在四川省开展儿童预防接种信息化建设项目的地震极重灾区(6个市州、20个县区),对市、县、乡级儿童接种信息化工作情况以及相关工作人员掌握儿童信息管理知识进行调查。结果四川省地震灾区20个县区中有2个县区全部乡镇开展了儿童预防接种信息化工作;5个县区部分乡镇开展了儿童预防接种信息化工作。市、县、乡级有2人以上参与儿童预防接种信息化管理工作的单位分别占50.0%、80.0%、49.6%;从事该信息化管理工作的市、县级中级以上计算机水平人员分别占92.3%、78.0%;有74.9%的接种单位预防接种服务方式以月运转为主;每月平均接种儿童数低于300的接种单位占91.3%。每次接种结束后有98.2%的接种单位会预约接种。结论在四川省地震灾区开展了儿童预防接种信息化工作的县、乡较少,但实施信息化建设的人员、技术、设备均是可行的。

【Abstract】 Objective To realize the current situation of Childhood Immunization Information Management(CIIM) work in earthquake stricken areas,analyze the difficulty to build the CIIM and find out the solution.Methods The CIIM related investigation was conducted in the areas suffured extremely serious earthquake,including 6 cites(prefectures) and 20 counties.Result Among 20 counties in the earthquake stricken areas of Sichuan,all townships throughout 2 counties carried out the childhood immunization information technology work,and part of the townships in 5 counties carried out the work.The units which have two or more information management staff in the city,county and town level were 50.0%,80.0%,and 49.6% respectively.The information management staff in city and county level which at or above the intermediate level in computer accounted for 92.3% and 78.0% respectively.About 74.9% of the inoculated units mainly provide monthly vaccination services.About 91.3% vaccination units have the average inoculation to less than 300 children monthly.About 98.2% vaccination units make an appointment after each vaccination.Conclusion It is feasible to build the CIIM in personnel,technique and equipment although there is just few earthquake stricken areas in Sichuan carried out the CIIM work.

  • 【文献出处】 寄生虫病与感染性疾病 ,Parasitoses and Infectious Diseases , 编辑部邮箱 ,2012年02期
  • 【分类号】R186
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】36