Advance Corewall Construction Analysis of Zhengzhou Greenland Central Plaza
【摘要】 近年来,钢筋混凝土核心筒+外围框架柱的结构体系已广泛应用于超高层建筑结构中,核心筒超前施工的爬模体系成为较为常用的施工工艺。针对绿地·中央广场核心筒超前施工的施工工况进行相关结构分析,确立了施工阶段的风荷载、地震作用等设计参数,并依据核心筒领先层数的需求建立了典型施工工况,分析比较了各施工工况下的结构整体和构件强度、变形和稳定性,获取制约核心筒超前施工层数的主要因素。分析表明顶层墙肢局部稳定不满足要求,最后给出相关施工控制建议,以供框架核心筒体系的超高层建筑结构施工参考。
【Abstract】 In recent years,the frame-corewall structure system has been widely used in the super tall buildings and advance corewall construction becomes a common construction technology. Some related construction analysis was performed for the Zhengzhou Greenland central plaza. The design parameters of wind loads and earthquake actions were first determined and three dimensional finite element models were established,according to the construction requirements. Structural system and member strength,deformation and stability for typical construction cases were obtained. Key parameters that limit the story of advance corewall construction were analyzed. Some construction controlling methods were proposed.
【Key words】 Greenland Central Plaza; advance corewall construction; local stability of wall;
- 【文献出处】 结构工程师 ,Structural Engineers , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年02期
- 【分类号】TU973.17
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】97