

The Changes of U.s. Newspaper Industry in Information Age and Its Constructive Value to China

【作者】 潘亚楠

【导师】 马胜荣;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 美国报业在近代史上一直影响着全球报业及传媒发展。但是在信息时代的背景下,美国报业遭受到了巨大的挑战,继而引起了行业的衰败和萎缩。在此种状况下,美国各大报纸都竭尽所能地应对这一巨大挑战,并且取得了成效,中国报业可以从美国报业的变迁中学习和借鉴。本论文主体部分共分为六个章节。论文首先对信息时代历史发展过程和具有里程碑意义的事件进行了梳理,同时将本论文的研究时间界定为进入21世纪后的最近十年。因为随着网络技术日新月异的发展,进入21世纪后的信息时代媒介环境与九十年代时相比也发生了重大改变,美国报业存在的问题和危机也在这近十年集中爆发。在信息时代,传播方式交互性增强,传播者和受众的界限越来越趋于模糊,信息消费出现碎片化、分众化的特点,包括报纸在内的媒体也随之出现移动化和融合趋势,电子报、手机报等新的报纸形态应运而生。在第三和第四章中,论文首先阐述了近年来美国报业遭遇的几大重大挑战,如发行量下降、阅读人数减少、利润大幅下滑等,同时指出美国报业遭遇困境的原因除了新媒体带来的冲击外,还包括其自身盈利模式过于单一、过度商业化等深层次问题。美国报业在应对这些挑战时可以说采取了全方位的措施,如建立数字编辑部,改变传统的采编模式;在吸引中老年核心受众的同时,广泛开展针对青少年群体的报纸参与教育(NIE);改变对广告收入过于倚重的商业模式,积极尝试在线新闻支付模式;整合报业产业链,建立互助性报业。第五章和第六章也是本论文研究意义的落脚点。在对美国报业在信息时代面临的挑战和应对措施进行研究的基础上,对信息时代的美国报业和中国报业进行共时分析,指出中国报业虽然同样面临信息化的挑战,但因为本身市场化发展不充分、产业格局不平衡、受众媒介素养不高等问题,与美国报业相比面临更为艰巨的挑战。最后,借鉴美国报业应对挑战方面的举措,结合中国的特殊国情对中国报业发展提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 The U.S. newspaper industry has been influencing the global development of newspapers and media in modern history. However, in the information age, the traditional media tycoon was challenged, giving rise to a waning and shrinking industry. Thereby major U.S. newspapers use every conceivable way to cope with the big challenge, and the effect was quite fruitful. China can learn from the transitions of the U.S. newspaper industry.The thesis contains six chapters. It starts with a review on the historical development and milestones of information age, while targeting the study on the first decade of the 21st century. With the development of the internet technology, the environment in information age has differed greatly from that of the 1990s. Thus simmering problems existing in the U.S. newspaper industry finally bring about crisis. In the information age, the mode of transmission has become more interactive. The dividing line between the transmitter and the audiences has become more and more vague. Information consumption shows the characteristics of fragmentation and audience-oriented. Newspapers, among other media, start to merge with mobile facilities, thus, E-newspapers and Mobile phone newspapers come into being.In Chapter three and Chapter four, while elaborating on the challenges that the U.S. newspaper industry has suffered in recent years, such as declining circulation, decreasing readers and falling profit, the thesis points out the causes of the difficulty were not only coming by outside new media, but also aroused from within, including underlying problems like stereotyped profit mode and over-commercialization as well. In coping with these challenges, the U.S. newspaper industry has taken all around measures including founding digital editorial department, transforming traditional mode of covering and editing; while attracting the middle and old aged readers, newspaper in education programs were launched aiming at the young and youth groups; the industry weighed less on advertisement income, trying hard to expand the pay-reading mode; establishing interdependent newspaper industry by integrating the newspaper industry chains.Chapter five and Chapter six provide a foothold for the value of the research. Based on the study of challenges and corresponding measures towards the U.S. newspaper in information age, the thesis tries to compare and contrast the U.S. newspaper industry and the China counterpart. China newspaper industry is shouldering more pressure than the U.S. due to the underdevelopment of the newspaper market, imbalance of the industry, and unsophisticatedness of employees as well as the audiences. To sum up, the thesis contributes a series of constructive suggestions to the development of Chinese newspaper industry, using the successful responding measures of the U.S. for reference, while being very faithful to China’s reality.

【关键词】 美国报业信息时代中国报业
【Key words】 Information AgeAmerican Newspaper IndustryChina
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期