

Studies on the Contract of Export and Credit Insurance

【作者】 江丽娜

【导师】 左海聪;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 作为WTO框架允许的出口鼓励措施,出口信用保险已成为当今世界各国贸易和金融体系普遍支持的对象。在我国,出口信用保险是国家为了推动出口贸易,保障出口企业的收汇安全而制定的一项由国家财政提供保险准备金的非赢利性的政策性保险业务,在出口贸易中扮演了十分重要的角色。出口信用保险合同作为保险合同的一种,既具有与普通财产保险合同类似的共性问题,如合同的要素、合同的成立、生效、变更、履行和终止问题、诚实信用、保险利益、损失赔偿等问题,又有着自身特有的规律和特点。本文按照出口信用保险合同的内在逻辑联系,分八章对出口信用保险合同有关问题进行了系统论述。第一章对出口信用保险进行概述。第一节通过对保险学说的比较研究引入出口信用保险的概念,并对出口信用保险的内涵和外延及信用风险的成因及制度价值进行了分析。第二节着重阐述了出口信用保险的产生与发展。将出口信用保险的发展阶段概括为三个阶段,即高速发展阶段、调整阶段以及稳定发展阶段。介绍了约束出口信用保险的国际规范OECD“君子协定”及伯尔尼协会的产生的历史背景。第二章分析了出口信用保险的本质属性。着重分析了出口信用保险的法律属性和经济属性。第一节从出口信用保险合同的概念、法律性质和标的等方面对其法律属性进行了分析,指出出口信用保险法律关系的性质是商事法律关系。出口信用保险是一方同意补偿另一方损失的一种合同安排,是出口信用保险的投保人(被保险人)向保险人支付保险费,换取保险人承担出口信用风险、赔偿信用利益损失和提供其他信用管理服务的双务、有偿合同。明确界定出口信用保险的标的应为出口信用利益,也即出口收汇所对应之应收账款利益;出口信用保险合同的标的为买方或开证行的给付行为。第二节从经济属性的历史沿革、“信用”内涵、“信用”与现代市场经济的辩证关系等方面对其经济属性进行了深入分析。指出出口信用保险的经济属性为:出口信用保险是分散危险、消化损失的一种经济制度,是分摊出口信用风险事故损失的一种财务安排。第三节分析归纳了出口信用保险的理论基础:“市场失灵理论”、“政策工具理论”以及“出口补贴合理化理论”。提出出口信用保险是世界经济与国际贸易发展到一定阶段的必然产物。第四节对国际出口信用保险经营模式进行比较研究。国际出口信用保险经营模式主要为:政府直接办理模式、政府成立全资子公司办理模式、政府控股的有限责任公司模式、政府委托私人办理模式,并分析了国际出口信用保险经营模式的共性和新发展。共性为:以政府支持为保障,政府对出口信用机构的支持体现为“实付制”、“承诺制”及“再保制”;以长期收支平衡为目标,财政风险有限可控;依据专门法规开展经营。近年来国际出口信用机构经营模式的新发展趋势概括如下:经济全球化使出口信用机构失去了垄断地位;短期出口信用保险主体普遍私有化;出口信用保险服务趋于多元化;新兴市场快速成长对国际出口信用机构经营面对双重压力;金融产品创新和私营机构的出现对国际出口信用机构的生存空间形成挤压等。第三章研究出口信用保险的合同要素问题。第一节讨论出口信用保险合同的主体:保险人、投保人(被保险人)以及其他关系人。第二节分析了出口信用保险合同的客体,即出口信用保险利益,主要包括应收账款债权、与债权人履行义务相关的费用等。指出出口信用保险利益特征为风险利益、共享利益、可分散的利益。第三节分析了出口信用保险合同的内容,重点探讨了投保人、被保险人的义务,即支付保险费义务、告知义务、危险增加之通知义务、谨慎防范风险的义务、风险事故发生后之减损义务以及保险人的义务,即出口信用风险承担义务、说明义务、通知义务。本节还对出口信用保险的保单条款进行了分析。第四章探讨出口信用保险合同的成立、生效、变更、履行与终止。重点分析了出口信用保险合同不同于商业保险合同的独特的订立程序等。第一节利用保险学的原理对出口信用保险合同成立的要素进行分析,并厘清学界的争议问题,指出,保险合同订立不以签发保险单和支付保险费为要件。第二节讨论了出口信用保险合同的生效及保险责任开始的相关问题。与一般保险合同相比,出口信用保险合同的特殊生效要件是确定被保险人特定的买方信用限额。并讨论了出口信用保险合同的生效时间、无效的原因及法律后果以及出口信用保险责任开始的相关问题。第三节讨论了出口信用保险合同因信用风险发生变化、买方信用限额的闲置、所有权保留制度、被保险人过早行使还款期限延展权引起的合同变更的情形。第四节探讨了出口信用保险合同独特的履行与终止问题,具体程序包括:被保险人通报可能损失及提出索赔申请、保险人定损核赔及支付赔款、欠款追讨、追回款分配和追讨费用分摊。保险人赔偿被保险人相应损失后,合同即行终止第五章对出口信用保险的诚实信用问题进行了分析。第一节分析了诚实信用原则的内涵、理论依据及在保险领域中的应用,指出最大诚信原则是保险法的基本原则。第二节重点对告知、保证与说明义务进行分析。分析了告知义务、保证与说明义务的内容及违反该义务的法律后果等。第三节对弃权和禁止反言进行分析。探讨了弃权和禁止反言的构成要件和违反该义务的法律后果。第六章对出口信用保险的保险利益问题进行了深入分析。保险利益原则是保险秩序的基石,也是保险法的基本原则之一。其中,第一节对保险利益的三大学说:一般性保险利益学说、技术性保险利益学说和经济性保险利益学说分别进行了阐述。第二节分析了保险利益的构成要件:适法性、经济性和确定性。第三节对保险利益对人的效力和对时间的效力分别论述。指出出口信用保险的保险利益的时间效力也是存在于损失发生的时点。第四节对保险利益实现的功能进行探讨,指出保险利益具有区分保险与赌博行为,限制赔偿程度、防止不当得利及防范道德风险的功能。第七章重点对出口信用保险合同的损失赔偿问题进行了分析。第一、二、三节分别对损失补偿原则、近因原则、代位求偿原则进行了探讨。其中,重点分析损失补偿原则的功能、近因原则的应用规则、代位求偿原则的法律性质、构成要件、代位求偿权的行使名义及方式以及分析了代位求偿权与债权让与的联系与区别。第八章研究了出口信用保险的特殊问题。风险共担原则、责任限额原则和赔款等待期原则是出口信用保险的特殊适用原则。第一节探讨了风险共担原则的相关问题。指出风险共担原则是基于出口信用保险合同的特殊性而适用的原则。第二节探讨了责任限额原则的相关问题,第三节探讨赔款等待期原则的相关问题等。

【Abstract】 Being an export stimulus strategy permitted by WTO rules, export and credit insurance has been generally supported by trade and financial systems of almost all the countries in the world. Export and credit insurance is a kind of political insurance which was established to expedite exporting and to guarantee the accounts receivable of the exporters. It plays and very important role in export. On one hand, the contract of export and credit insurance shares some common characteristics of property insurance contracts such as its constituents, establishment, validity, conversion, execution and termination; on the other hand, it also has some special characteristics and its own rules. The dissertation is composed of 8 chapters which explicates the export and credit insurance contract problems according to their underlying logic relationship.Chapter 1 tries to give a general description of export and credit insurance. Section 1 makes some analysis of the definition of export and credit insurance through comparison with current theories. It also explicates the internal and external attributes of export and credit insurance. Section 2 provides a general introduction to the establishment and development of export and credit insurance. The developing periods are divided into three phases:the rapid-developing phase, adjustment phase and steady-developing phase. Section 2 also introduces the Agreement on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits issued by OECD and the history of Bernie Union.Chapter 2 explicates the legal and economic essence of export and credit insurance contract. As far as the legal essence is concerned, export and credit is a contractual arrangement that the insurance company agrees to compensate the insured for loss due to credit risks on condition that the insured pay the premium. The economic essence means that it is a financial arrangement which can disperse credit risks and provide compensation to loss due resulted by credit risks. Section 3 provides the foundation theory as "out of control of the market", "policy tools" and "export subsidy reasonable". Export and credit insurance is established on the above theories. Section 4 investigates the management models all over the world and describes some new trends of export and credit insurance, such as the export and credit agencies losing the monopolistic advantages, etc.In chapter 3, the author discusses the contractual problems. Section 1 analyzes the principal participants such as the insurer, the insured and other parties to the export and credit contract. Section 2 tries to figure out what is the objectives of the export and credit insurance contract. It comes to a conclusion that the objectives of export and credit contract is insurable interest, which covers accounts receivable and the expenses related to the insured’s contractual obligation. The export and credit insurable interest is a kind of risk interest, shared interest and dispersible interest. Section 3 explicates the rights and obligations of the contract parts.In chapter 4, the author discusses the establishment, validity, conversion, execution and termination of export and credit contract. It also introduces its special performance procedure. Section 1 analyzes the constituents of contracts and tries to figure out the conclusions as follows:the policy issued by the insurer and premium paid by the insured are not the preconditions for validity of export and insurance contract. In Section 2, the author thinks that the credit quota is the special validity prerequisite in export and credit insurance. This section also discusses the validity and invalidity time, the legal consequence of invalidity, the problems related to the commencement of insurance responsibility of export and credit insurance contract. Section 3 discusses the conversion of export and credit insurance contract when objective conditions changes. The objective conditions can be concluded as follows:1, Conversion of export and credit insurance contract caused by variation of credit risk; 2, Conversion of export and credit insurance contract caused by the credit quota; 3, Conversion of export and credit insurance contract caused by retention of title; 4, Conversion of export and credit insurance contract caused by the insured’s behavior by which he exert the right of postponing the payment deadline ahead of time. Section 4 discusses the execution and termination problems in export and credit insurance contract. The export and credit insurance contract will be terminated after the insurer provides compensation to the insured for the indemnity.Chapter 5 analyzes the principle of utmost good faith. Section 1 explicates that the principle of utmost good faith is the basic principle of export and credit insurance contract. Section 2 analyzes the obligations of the insured’s disclosure and warranty, the insurer’s explanation. It also analyzes the legal consequence of breaking the above obligations rules. Section 3 discussed the obligations of waiver, estoppels and the legal consequence of breaking the obligations rules of waiver and estoppels.Chapter 6 discusses the principle of export and credit insurance insurable interest. Section 1 illustrates three popular theories of insurable interest such as the general theory, the technical theory and the economic theory. Section 2 analyzes the constituents of insurable interest such as:legality, economy and certainty. Section 3 discusses the time validity and object validity. The section indicates that the validity time of insurable interest is the time of indemnity. Section 4 tries probe into the function of insurable interest. It puts forward that insurable interest can be tell from gambling through its special attributes. The insurable interest will help to limit the compensation, to prevent to illegal profit and moral risks.Chapter 7 discusses the problems of loss and compensation. Section 1,2,3 analyzes principle of loss and compensation, principle of proximity and principle of subrogation respectively. The section discussed about the function of the principle of loss and compensation, the practicing rule of proximity cause and the legal essence of subrogation.Chapter 8 analyzes the special principles of export and credit insurance such as principle of risk bearing, principle of credit quota and principle of loss reservation. Section 1 explains the relative problems of risk bearing. The principle of risk bearing is a special principle of export and credit insurance established on the specialty of export and credit insurance contract. Section 2 and 3 discusses the principle of credit quota and loss reservation separately.

【关键词】 出口信用保险合同
【Key words】 export and creditinsurancecontract
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期