

【作者】 郭栋

【导师】 孙承;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 外交学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 海洋和海洋政策一直是国际间重要的议题。1982年联合国海洋法公约的签署生效,使得全球约1/3海域脱离公海性质,成为各国的专属经济区,大洋的各项权利竞争更加白热化,也促使各国在海洋制度上纷纷进行重大变革,以应对海洋发展的新时代。我国是海洋大国,有18000千米的海岸线,300万平方千米的海洋国土。在周边各国力量角逐日趋激烈的形势下,我国的海洋安全形势虽然处于相对和平的态势,但不确定的因素仍然存在,黄海形势稳中有忧,东海形势突破与挑战并存,南海形势复杂多变。在黄海和东海,与日、韩之间存在大陆架划分和岛屿争端;在南海,南沙群岛争端解决没有实质性进展,安全问题尤为突出,中国“岛礁被侵占、海域被瓜分、资源被掠夺”的状况没有改观。中国维护海洋权益的形势严峻,任重道远。我国长久以来,都以大陆国家的理念来规划国家海洋制度的发展,虽然在国土资源部下成立了国家海洋局。但对于海洋事务欠缺完整的政策规划及管理,目前仍分散至十多个部局。我国是一个具有丰富海洋资源,且其生存发展日益依赖海洋、安全威胁亦可能来自海洋的国家,海洋与我们相互依存的关系非常密切。为使我国未来海洋事务发展能符合我国国情和适应各国重视海洋管理的趋势,历年来,政府在海洋事务方面,除积极地依据海洋法公约的精神,在海洋事务不同领域积极作为外,在健全海洋事务管理组织体系方面,也一直是我国海洋发展之重点工作。2009年3月底,我国外交部增设边界与海洋事务司,以期有效应对与周边邻国陆地与海洋边界纠纷。藉此次增设涉海部门之际,推动整合海洋事务相关机关成立海洋事务政策机关,不仅可以展现政府面对全球化大潮朝向海洋发展的决心,对于我国海洋事务的推动和海洋权益的维护,也具有重大的意义。本文正是基于以上考虑,对比分析了与中国海洋利益密切相关的日本以及我国台湾地区海洋事务政策机构的发展背景,比较了两者发展的内外因素,机构位阶,组织特性,组织模式和海洋政策的制定过程,以期在比较中寻求经验,为建立和完善进一步维护我国海洋权益的海洋事务政策机构提出政策建议和参考意见。希望能达到抛砖引玉效果,引起社会各界对此议题的重视。

【Abstract】 Oceans and Oceans Policy are always important international topics. The enforcement of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982,lead to the one third of the sea area separated from the high seas , became the exclusive economic zone, and the competition in maritime rights heat up .To advance with the new age of the ocean development, the revolution of the ocean system has been made.China has eighteen thousand kilometers coastline, and three million square kilometers ocean area. The situation in China ocean is stable overall, however, some fluid situation fraught with uncertainty. No progress has been made in South China Sea Security problems . Lots of work should be done for that.The mainland concept has been our develop doctrine for a long time. Although established national ocean bureau, the lack of management of the ocean affairs can not be ignored. The sufficient supplyment of our oceans resources makes us can not live without them. In order to develop our future ocean affairs in an appropriate manner, the government participate in ocean affairs positively by the spirit of UNCL. In order to set disputes with neighboring countries,border office and ocean office have been added to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since March 2009.By the opportunity of ocean department establishment ,the government not only show their determination of globalization, but also protect our maritime right.Judging from what we mentioned above , by the comparison with the systems of Japan and Taiwan ocean affairs , internal and external causes, rank and character of organization, and the ocean policies promulgation, we pave the way for our ocean affairs policy improvement .Hope this thesis can attract more attention on this topic.

  • 【分类号】D993.5
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