

The Study on Henanfu-the Western Capital of Northern Song Dynasty

【作者】 张祥云

【导师】 程民生;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 洛阳,在北宋初建的特殊社会历史条件下,凭借其古都之地、文化名城、较为完整的城建设施和较强经济实力等条件,再一次成为国之陪都——西京河南府。西京洛阳在北宋时期享有较高的政治地位,尤其在北宋初年,往往与东京开封相提并论,甚至在宋太祖时期几乎取代东京而成为首都。尽管宋太宗以后,洛阳再也无法与首都开封相抗衡,但赵宋皇陵规模、数量的逐步扩大,增重了其陵寝陪都的色彩,也使其第一陪都的地位得以保持。宋真宗以后,帝王不再巡幸西京,其实际政治地位呈明显下降趋势,但“西京”称号始终存在,并被南宋政权所沿袭。城阙宫殿作为陪都的重要标志,其重要性不言而喻。北宋中央政府不仅大规模营修西京大内宫殿建筑,且吸收、借鉴其建筑工艺用于首都东京宫殿建设。尤其是宋仁宗时期,西京水南外城的大规模营修,使西京城郭规模远超隋唐,体现出鲜明的时代特色和高超的建筑水平。但是,部分城门的封堵及定鼎门大街的显著变窄,反映了西京城市人口规模和城市建制规格的降低。北宋中后期西京外郭城逐步颓塌残缺,直至丧失殆尽,标志着西京的日渐衰落。适应现实政治的需要,西京形成了富有时代特点的政治制度,即继续保留西京留守司、御史台等中央分司机构和职官制度,以体现西京的陪都特征。西京留守司长官——西京留守任不专人,而由河南府长官兼任,则形成了由河南府知府兼留守为领导的政治体制,体现了陪都西京以河南府政为主体,兼顾陪都职能的政治格局。根据时政需要,西京行政组织也有相应的调整变革,表现出较大的灵活性。适应政治、军事和经济发展的需要,西京地区的水、陆交通状况较之前代有了较大恢复、改善和发展,保持了交通枢纽地位,为陪都西京的经济发展、人员物资交流作出了积极贡献。受自然条件限制和财经政策影响,西京经济发展呈现出地区、部门间的不平衡性:一是农业薄弱、林业强势、手工业和商业等较为繁荣;二是城市城镇经济发展较好、广大农村较为落后。山多地少、生产力不足和水旱灾害频仍等不利因素,造成西京农业经济整体比较薄弱。但草木植被丰富,一定程度上弥补了该地区农业生产的不足,并给当地农户和政府提供了丰富的木材,成为当地经济收入的一大来源。花木的生产与销售,已成为一项异军突起的产业经济,并带动旅游业发展,对繁荣当地经济有积极作用。但北宋中前期山林过度砍伐,严重破坏了西京当地生态环境。区域政治中心和交通枢纽地位,使西京的商业得到较好发展,成为仅次于京师开封的北方商业中心。洛阳夜市及临街为市现象的普遍出现,是商品经济生活中的新气象,反映了商品经济的发展和社会进步,极大方便了群众生活。依托技术和人才优势,西京的纺织、矿冶、酿酒、陶瓷制造、伐木烧炭、采石雕刻、食品制造等等官私手工业也获得了很大发展,花色多样、质量上乘的产品,不仅受到当地消费者喜爱,还作为贡品走进皇宫大内。尤其是,砖瓦烧制业中煤炭的使用,对促进冶铸、砖瓦烧制的规模化,提高人们生活水平起到巨大推动作用。“制其钱谷”的国家财经政策及本地农业生产整体薄弱、赋役负担过重等因素,造成了不容忽视的河南府财政空虚现象,严重影响了其自身建设和政治、经济地位。至少在宋真宗时期,河南府已经由中央直辖变为京西路或京西北路的一部分,逐步成为地区性中心城市。同时,河南府所辖县级单位也逐步减少,反映了西京河南府由京邑大府到一般地方城市的自我适应过程。北宋中后期经济剥削程度的强化,不仅加重了普通百姓的负担,也从整体上加快了西京衰退的步伐。作为陪都和皇陵所在地,西京河南府积极参与宋皇陵、神御殿的建设、管理,并通过强化治安管理、尽力维护陪都社会安定。监司、西京各级治安责任部门及西京驻军治安作用的充分发挥,基本实现了治安稳定,没有出现大的社会动荡,为该地区发展提供了治安保障。但巨大的社会贫富差距及奴役压迫的存在,是导致其治安状况不良的根本原因。西京施政过宽,民吏习于散漫、豪滑无赖,旁门左道势力强大,以及防范措施不到位,德音、特赦等恤刑措施过于频繁等因素,也对其社会治安产生了一定影响。重视文教、强化神道设教活动,是西京重视思想文化建设,发挥和实现其陪都职能的又一重要体现。无论官学还是私学,都取得了巨大成就,开创了洛阳文化史上又一个辉煌时代。注重自身道德修养,坚持以儒家礼法教条作为持家、做人、行事、为官的准绳和好尚,成为一种风尚追求;尊师重教、尊贤尚齿、乐易闲适是西京社会风尚的一大特色,成为引领全国道德风尚建设的主阵地之一。社会风俗的多样性、复杂性、传统性和时代性等特点,深刻体现了西京社会发展的不平衡性。在政府支持的政策背景下,西京僧道寺院逐步得到恢复和发展,佛、道、儒三教融合趋势明显,对现实社会政治、文化、教育等方面产生了深远影响。

【Abstract】 Luoyang, as an ancient capital and a famous cultural city, by virtue of its superior geographical environment and good urban infrastructure, as well as the strong economic strength, became the Co-Capital of Northern Song Dynasty .The political status of Luoyang was occupied in a lofty position throughout Northern Song Dynasty, especially in the early time. The first emperor of Song Dynasty, Taizu even planed to move the capital to Henanfu. Nevertheless, after his death, Luoyang would not equate with Kaifeng any long. In the meantime, the scale of imperial tombs project was growing larger and larger. As a result, the function of this city added the worshipping of ancestors. The political status of the first Co-Capital remained still. After Emperor Zhenzong, there were no emperors visited Luoyang. Therefore, the status of Henanfu, whether by politics or economy, declined markedly. However, the title of Western Capital had existed in Northern Song Dynasty and was inherited by Southern Song Dynasty.The Song government attached great importance to the palace of Luoyang, which was the visible symbolof Co-Capital. The local authorities carried out palace construction on a large scale. What is more, the building technique of the palaces in Luoyang was a salutary lesson for the palaces in Kaifeng. Under the reign of Emperor Renzong, the large-scale construction of the outer city made this city grander than that in Sui and Tang Dynasties. The excellent architectural technology level of this construction suggested the distinctive characteristics of the times. Some of the city-gates were plugged. The Dingdingmen Street became narrow distinctly. These phenomena reflected the reduction of its population and city standard. Since the middle of Northern Song Dynasty, the outer city lapsed into ruin gradually. This kind of phenomenon represented that the Western Capital of Song Dynasty had fallen by degrees.The political system of Henanfu differed from other cities. To be specific, there were Western Capital Liushousi and Liusiyushitai. These government agencies were under the jurisdiction of the central government directly. The senior officer of Western Capital Liushousi, was also the governor of Henanfu. The central government, according to the circumstances, made some necessary adjustments to maintain the political status as Co-Capital . The water and land transportation of this area, compared with the previous generation, had been greatly improved to meet the needs of political and commercial development, maintained the important position of the transport hub, indicated the social and technological progress. Well-developed transportation made great contribution to the development of economy as well as the exchange of personnel and material in this region.Due to its natural conditions and the government policies, the economy of Luoyang presented an uneven development between different area and departments. First and foremost,the agriculture was in a backward state while the forestry was in the opposite, the commerce and handicraft industry were prosperous. Secondary, the urban economy was more prosperity than rural economy. Thirdly, there were other disadvantages that bring about this consequence,for instance,little flat land and more mountains, poor productivity,frequent floods and droughts. The rich vegetation, however, compensated the poor agricultural condition to some extents. The forest offered large quantities of wood, which became a major source of income in the local economy. The fruit farming of this area was at the top in the northern regions, while the gardening was the best throughout the country. The production and sale of the flowers and trees, had become a rising industry that promoted the development of tourism and the prosperity of local economy. Unfortunately, the forest met with overcutting .This action made the industry not only unattainable after the reign of Emperor Shenzong, but also damaged the local ecological environment seriously.The business of Luoyang made great development because of its political and geographic advantage. A large amount of businessmen,both at home and abroad, with their quality products, gathered in this city. Therefore, Luoyang became the second international business center while the first was Kaifeng . The new phenomena of night market and roadside business were widespread across the whole city and improved the livelihood of the citizens. The official and private handicrafts, such as textile, metallurgy, logging, wine industry, ceramic industry, quarrying industry, food industry, received great development and progress. These products were warmly welcomed by local customers and became tributes dedicated to the emperor. The usage of coal, particularly in brick industry, which expanded the production scale and enhanced people’s standard of living, was a revolutionary change in fuel history.The financial emptiness of Luoyang, caused by the central fiscal policy, local poor agricultural condition and heavy taxation, affected the self-construction, decreased in political and economic status. As early as the Zhenzong’s period, Luoyang, which was once under the jurisdiction of the central government directly, switched over to be subordinate to Jingxilu or Jingxibeilu, In other words, luoyang transformed into a regional city gradually. In the meantime, the subsidiary countries also reduced. To make matters worse, the harsh economic exploitation laid a heavy yoke on the ordinary people and accelerated the progress of decline as the Western Capital.As Co-Capital and Imperial Tombs site, the security management was one of the complicated and difficult tasks for the government staff in Luoyang. The authorities implemented a series of effective measures to ensure the safety of this area, such as strengthening the responsibility of public security department, displaying the role of military deterrence. However, there were still some disadvantages. Huge social inequality was the root cause of disorder situation.There were also other causes, for example, the lenient policy, the powerful local despotic force and rascals, the officialdom lax etc.It was an important embodiment to realize the function as Co-Capital by paying great attention to cultural education, Buddhism, Taoism and other religious activities in this area. Culture and social consciousness were highly valued. The school, either public or private, had made great development. This was another golden age for education in the city’s history. Paying attention to moral training, adhering to the Confucian rites as the guiding principles on housekeeping, acting and governing, become a fashion pursuit. Respecting for the elderly, the sages, the teachers, was the theme of society. This city was the base of national moral construction. Under the government’s policy support, the temples restored and developed gradually. The Confucianism, as well as Buddhism and Taoism, they merged quickly and produced far-reaching effects on politics, culture and education.

【关键词】 北宋洛阳西京河南府
【Key words】 Northern Song DynastyLuoyangthe Western CapitalHenanfu
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】K244;K29
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1312