

The Design and Implementation for Small-Medium Enterprise’s Growth Evaluation System of Shandong Province Base on MVC

【作者】 张金锁

【导师】 王瑞金;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 山东省中小企业成长性评价系统(SDGEP系统)的用户包括山东省中小企业办公室、中小企业、地市审核单位、融资服务机构等,主要作用是信息化代替原有的繁杂手工评价方式,为政府制定中小企业成长性促进政策提供科学可靠的依据,为中小企业了解自身成长性提供一定的标准,提供一个联系各级中小办、中小企业、银行、投融资服务机构的平台。SDGEP系统采用MVC设计模式,将整个软件分为视图层、控制层、数据模型层,视图层和控制层的分离使程序员集中精力于业务逻辑,界面程序员集中精力于表现形式上,同时也降低了耦合性,允许更改视图层代码而不用重新编译模型和控制器代码,使得WEB应用更易于维护和修改,低耦合性,很容易改变应用程序的数据层和业务规则。对于应用层的一些复杂业务处理,系统应用不同的设计模式来解决,在实现功能的同时,使系统有更高的可维护性和可拓展性。系统采用.NET平台和VS 2005开发工具进行系统编程,用MS server2000来进行数据库开发。论文介绍了MVC、设计模式的主要观点和思想,讨论了在.NET环境下MVC模式的具体实现,同时说明了在SDGEP系统应用层中的地市审核模块和突变级数算法实现中运用设计模式的原因,优点并给出了具体实现。在系统设计和实现的章节,用相应的图表描述了系统的需求、业务流程并对系统的主要界面实现进行了展示,然后通过整体结构设计、功能结构设计和数据库设计得到了平台开发的物理模型。山东省中小企业成长性评价系统的开发很好地达到了平台各用户的功能需求和性能需求,完成了平台开发目标,平台具有界面友好、操作方便,维护和扩展方便等优点。

【Abstract】 The users of Small-Medium Enterprise’s Growth Evaluation System of Shandong province(SDGEP) include the office of small-medium enterprise, regional audit unit, investment, financial services agency, enterprises and so on. The major function is that using information technology instead of using the original manual complex methods, SDGEP providing scientific, reliable basis for government formulating policies, provide a certain standard for small-medium enterprises to check their own growth, giving the platform that connecting the office of small-medium enterprises, small and medium enterprises, banking, investment and financing services agency.SDGEP system uses the MVC mode, divides the entire software into three layer: the view layer, the control layer, the data model layer. The separation of the view layer and the control layer enable the programmers to concentrate their mind on business process and the interface designer to concentrate their mind on the form of expression, which reduces coupling, allowing changes code without re-compilation view model and controller code, makes the WEB applications more easily maintained and modified. It’s easy to change the data layer and process rule. SDGEP uses different design patterns to solve problem in complex business processes of the application layer with higher maintainability and scalability. We take.NET platform and VS 2005 as programming tools, and MS server 2000 database system as database engine.We introduce main point of the MVC mode, design patterns, and discussed how to realize the MVC mode under the.NET environment. The reason and the application of design mode in the regional audit module and calculation module are also discussed. In the system design and implementation chart we describe the system requirements, business process, system design and display interface, through structural design, functional design and database structure design, we get the physical model.With friendly interface, easy operation, easy maintenance and expansion capability, SDGEP meet all the performance requirements and function requirements.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】116