

Research on the Economic Ethical Thoughts in the Book on Salt and Iron

【作者】 李兴

【导师】 王泽应;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 经济伦理思想的形成和出现比经济伦理学学科的创立要早很多。在我国先秦以及西方的古希腊已经有了后世所谓的经济伦理思想。发展具有中国特色的当代经济伦理学,需要总结和发掘古代的经济伦理思想。在中国古代经济伦理思想的发展历史上,汉代的《盐铁论》是一部具有承前启后、继往开来意义的十分重要的著作。对《盐铁论》经济伦理思想予以系统的整理和深入的研究,无疑有助于我们拓展中国经济伦理思想的研究空间和领域,深化对中国经济伦理思想范畴和问题的研究层次,建构具有中国特色的当代经济伦理学学科。《盐铁论》实际上是西汉盐铁会议上贤良、文学与大夫、御史发言的整理。盐铁会议是中国古代历史上第一次规模较大的关于国家大政方针的辩论会。由于盐乃人人所必需,而又不是人人所能自己生产,必须求之于市场的日常必须品,故盐的生产和销售很早就是一种获利优厚的商业经营。盐以外最必需的就是铁,因为铁是制造一切生产工具和兵器的原料。所以盐铁经营权成为盐铁会议所有争论的核心内容。《盐铁论》既充分展示了当时上层社会两种不同的治国思路,也相当集中地体现了当时两种对立的经济发展观。在理解何为治国之本问题上,贤良、文学基本上持道德决定论的观点,而大夫、御史则基本上持经济决定论的观点;在对待如何发展经济的问题上,贤良、文学持崇本抑末、以农贬商的观点,大夫、御史则持以末易本、以商通有的主张;在对待国家财富的管理和分配问题上,贤良、文学持无政府主义的立场,而大夫、御史则持权威主义的立场,等。盐铁会议既是经济政策之争,更是经济伦理思想之争。它不仅反映了西汉经济思想争鸣的实际情况,折射出中国汉代经济思想的哲学基础,而且为汉代经济思想提供了价值标准和方法论,奠定了汉代经济伦理思想的理论基础。《盐铁论》记述和表达经济伦理观的对立和争论,本质上是当时社会经济矛盾及其客观要求的反映。当时的西汉王朝既要抵御外敌的侵扰,又要平抑诸侯的野心,还要满足自身的消费,可谓是面临着内外多重压力。而当时的经济状况和财政收入均不容乐观,通过盐铁官营以增加收入便成为必然的选择,由此引起的争论也是必然的。盐铁会议上,两派围绕着要否罢盐铁官营问题,形成了一系列不同的观点和主张。用今天的经济伦理学观点言之,即经济的集权与分权、自由竞争与垄断经营以及功利论与道义论等问题。这正是国家经济治理中棘手且充满挑战意味的难题,也是经济伦理学所不容回避的重大理论和现实课题。《盐铁论》的两种经济伦理观,继承并发展了春秋战国时期诸子的经济伦理思想。相对来说,贤良、文学派更多地继承了儒家的经济伦理学说,但也继承了一些道家的经济伦理思想。而大夫、御史派则较多地继承了墨家和法家特别是法家的经济伦理思想。《盐铁论》所记述和表达的两种治国理念、两种经济伦理观,既汇集春秋战国儒、法诸家争鸣之大成,又开启了后汉历代儒学内部经济伦理争论的先河。本文立足于中国社会主义经济伦理学发展的大势,坚持以发展着的中国马克思主义为指导,本着尊重历史和“古为今用”的研究方针,对《盐铁论》经济伦理思想作了系统深入的研究,以为发掘传统经济伦理思想资源,建设有中国特色社会主义先进文化服务。本文以马克思主义世界观、历史观和伦理观为基本视角,以唯物辩证法和逻辑与历史相统一的方法、及价值分析方法为基本的研究方法,着眼于传统经济伦理思想变迁的实质与特点,采取史论结合的方法来研究《盐铁论》的主要经济伦理问题,并对争辩双方的思想进行唯物辩证的考察分析,力图作出比较科学的评价总结。本文共分为七章:第一章,介绍考察盐铁会议的历史背景,分析盐铁会议的主要目的,并对《盐铁论》其书及争辩双方的的阶级、文化背景作出必要的介绍说明。第二章分析指出《盐铁论》的人性观,并不是对先秦人性论的简单复述,而是有选择的利用,有目的的发展;大夫、御史与贤良、文学人性之争主要是关于人的本性是什么,人的本性是否可变。大夫、御史不但承认人性恶,而且理直气壮地认为人性恶并非是坏事;贤良、文学反对人性自私论的观点,认为自私的人与禽兽无异。大夫、御史认为人性不可改变,教育是无用的;贤良、文学则认为人性可以改变,贪官是后天形成的。第三章分析指出贯穿于盐铁会议始终的一个关乎全局的思想基调是双方的义利之争:贤良、文学的义利观具有重义轻利的特征;大夫、御史重利,主张自利,利国,利民的统一,其中自利是核心。大夫、御史与贤良、文学的义利之争实际是双方人性之争的必然延伸。第四章分析指出大夫、御史与贤良、文学的本末之争的焦点,不是要不要“本业”或“末业”,而是由谁来经营“末业”——前者力主官营的合理性,后者则指出官营的种种弊端。其实质不是对农业、商业的产业地位问题的争论,而是其义利之争的延续。第五章分析指出富国与富民之争是《盐铁论》贫富之争的实质。大夫、御史与贤良、文学关于富国与富民之争的实质并不是要不要富国与要不要富民,而是富国与富民谁应被优先确保的问题。关于贫富的原因之争是《盐铁论》贫富之争的核心。大夫、御史认为民贫富的根本原因有三:其一在于民自身的勤劳与节俭程度,其二在于民之劳动能力高低,其三在于是否有致富之术。贤良、文学则针锋相对地指出民之贫穷的根本原因就是官祸。关于贫富的态度之争是《盐铁论》贫富之争的重点。大夫、御史与贤良、文学对贫富的态度之争实际上涉及了所谓的义荣(辱)与势荣(辱)的关系问题。第六章分析指出盐铁会议上大夫、御史与贤良、文学关于奢、俭之争是西汉奢侈之风泛滥的反映;其实质是争论双方经济伦理思想的深化。在奢与俭问题上,贤良、文学主张“反奢崇俭”,大夫、御史等主张“节奢刺俭”。第七章是对《盐铁论》经济伦理思想总结与评价。指出《盐铁论》不但是对汉武帝一生功过是非,也是对西汉王朝建立后一百二十多年历史的总结,对中国的2000多年的经济伦理思想产生了深刻的影响,对现代经济伦理学的发展,经济实践的发展也不乏启示意义。《盐铁论》是世界上讨论国家政权与市场体系之间关系的早期最丰富的文献,是中国社会两千年以来各朝各代制订经济政策频频参考借鉴的“资源大典”,也是中国经济伦理思想史上功利论与道义论最富有现实价值的目标与路径之争,留给后人不尽的思考和启示。从某种程度上说,汉代的盐铁会议具有寻找和创设民族核心价值体系的意义,对我们今天建构社会主义核心价值体系亦具有某种启迪和借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 The economic ethical thoughts appear more early than the formation of economic ethics as a subject.There appeared the so-called economic thoughts of the later generation in pre-Qin of China as well as in ancient Greece of the west.To develop the Chinese characteristic contemporary economic ethics,it is needed to summarize and to grub the economic ethical thought in ancient times.In its historical development,the great book On Iron and Salt plays a quite important role.A systematic and deep research on the great book On Iron and Salt helps to expand space for economic ethical thoughts study,to further our research and to construct the subject of economic ethics.The book On Iron and Salt is practically the collation of a conference discussing iron and salt in West Han Dynasty.This conference is the first large-scale debate on national major policies in ancient Chinese history.Since salt is needed by every one,can’t be produced by oneself and can only be got from a market,the production and selling of it becomes the high-profit business from the very early age.Except for salt,iron is the most needed as it is the resource for making manufactures and weapons.Therefore the managerial authority over salt and iron becomes the core content of that conference.The book On Iron and Salt (《盐铁论》),the collation of the conference,not only fully manifests two different thoughts of administrating a country deriving from the upper society of that day,but focuses on two opposite views on economic development at that time.For instance,when it comes to the most important problem of what is the basis for administrating a country, loyally able men(贤良) and literature ones(文学)hold the view of "morality deciding everything" while senior and administrative officials(大夫御史) hold the view of "economy deciding everything".As far as how to develop economy is concerned,loyally able men and literature ones take the view of "devoting major efforts to developing agriculture instead of industry and commerce" while senior and administrative officials have the opinion of "intensively developing industry and commerce instead of agriculture".And as to how to manage and distribute the country’ s wealth,loyally able men and literature ones mainly stand by anarchism whereas senior and administrative officials mainly stand by authoritarianism,and so on.The Iron and Salt Conference(盐铁会议) is not only a great debate over economic policy,but also over economic ethical thoughts.It not only reflects the real contention about economic thoughts in the Western Han Dynasty and reveal the philosophical basis of the economic thoughts at that time,it also has provided standard of value and methodology for Han’s economic thoughts.Therefore,it lays forth a kind of rationale for these thoughts.The book On Iron and Salt,a record and expression of the debate over the view on economic ethics,is in fact a reflection of the social and economic contradictions and their objective request at that time, when the authorities of Western Han Dynasty faced double pressure from the outside and the inside.It must defend the foreign invasion outside, suppress the wild ambition of princes under the emperor,and satisfy the consumption inside.Therefore,it is a necessary choice to increase avenue by state-owned salt and iron since both the economic condition and financial avenue are not good enough.The two sides in the book On Salt and Iron formed a sort of different views and opinions about whether the state-owned salt and iron should be abandoned.This problem,from today’s economic point of view,is just a problem about whether the economy should be concentrated or separated,which is an eternal difficult problem in the national economic management and a subject which should not be neglected in economic ethics.The two kinds of economic ethical view in the book On Salt and Iron inherit and develop the economic ethical thoughts from the thinkers who lived during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring State.Compared with senior and administrative officials,loyally able men and literature ones inherit more Confucian’s doctrines,and also some Taoist doctrines.On the contrary,senior and administrative officials absorb more cream of legalists.These two kinds of ideas concentrate on the achievements from the debate of thinkers who lived during the Spring and Autumn period, but also holds the beginning of the debates of economic ethics inside Confucianism after the Han Dynasty.Based on the situation of the development of China’s socialist economic ethics,guided by the developing China’s Marxism,this thesis makes a systematic and deep research on the economic ethical thoughts in the book On Salt and Iron in order to grub the source of our traditional economic ethical thoughts and serve to construct Chinese characteristic advanced culture.From the point of view of Marxist world outlook, historical outlook and ethics,this thesis makes use of materialistic dialectics,the method of unifying logic and history,and takes value analysis method as its basic method.On the basis of traditional economic thoughts changes,under the guidance of the combination of history and comment,through the analysis of the two sides of the debates,the thesis tries to draw a theoretical conclusion.The thesis is divided into seven chapters.Chapter One introduces the historical background of the Iron and Salt Conference,analyzes the purpose of the conference,and introduces the class and culture background of two sides of the debate in the conference.Chapter Two examines that the view of humanity in the book is not a simple repetition of that of pre-Qin,but a development of it.What senior and administrative officials(大夫御史),loyally able men and literature ones(贤良、文学)debate is about what is humanity and whether humanity is changeable.Senior and administrative officials(大夫御史) believe that humanity is wicked and this wickedness is not bad,while loyally able men and literature ones(贤良、文学) oppose the selfishness of humanity and argue that if human is selfish,human is not different from beasts.The former side thinks that humanity is unchangeable and education is useless; the later side thinks that humanity is changeable and corrupt officials are acquired,not innate.Chapter Three after analysis points out that an overall basic thought in the conference is about righteousness and profit.Loyally able men and literature ones(贤良、文学) attach more importance to righteousness than to profit,while Senior and administrative officials(大夫御史) pay attention to profit.They hold the view of egoism,as well as benefit to the state and people.The controversy about righteousness and profit is a necessary result of their different point of view on humanity.Chapter Four points out that the focus of their dispute over root and branch(本末) is not over whether there should exist fundamental business(root,本业) or incidental business(branch,末业),but over who will run the incidental business(branch,末业).Senior and administrative officials(大夫御史) stand for the reasonability of state-operation,while loyally able men and literature ones(贤良、文学) set out all the disadvantages of state-operation.The nature of the dispute is not a dispute about the priority of agriculture and business,but extension of their different point of view on righteousness and profit.Chapter Five indicates that the nature of the dispute about property and poverty is the dispute about enriching the state or enriching people. What Senior and administrative officials(大夫御史) and loyally able men and literature ones(贤良、文学) argue is which should claim precedence over the other,not whether it is necessary to enrich the state or people. The dispute over reasons is the centre of the dispute of property and poverty in the book On Salt and Iron.Senior and administrative officials(大夫御史) believe that there are three reasons:firstly,whether people are industrious and to which degree they are frugal;secondly, level of the labor ability of people;thirdly,whether people have good skills to make a fortune.While loyally able men and literature ones(贤良、文学) give tit for tat,revealing that it is government officials that bring poverty and disaster upon people.The attitude about it is the main point of the dispute about property and poverty in the book On Salt and Iron.Their different attitudes actually touch upon a relation between so-called glory through righteousness(义荣) or glory through power(势荣).Chapter Six indicates that the dispute in the conference about extravagance and frugality between Senior and administrative officials(大夫御史) and loyally able men and literature ones(贤良、文学) is a reflection of the tendency towards extravagance in West Han Dynasty. The nature of this dispute is the intensification of their economic ethical thoughts.Loyally able men and literature ones(贤良、文学) hold the attitude of "against extravagance and for frugality"(反奢崇俭) while Senior and administrative officials(大夫御史) hold the attitude of "controlling extravagance and encouraging frugality"(节奢刺俭).Chapter Seven is a conclusion and evaluation of the economic ethical thoughts in the book On Salt and Iron.It further refers that the book On Salt and Iron is a conclusion not only about Emperor Hanwu’s right and wrong,but also about the history of more than 120 years after Western Han.This book exerts a profound influence on China’s economic ethical thoughts during a long period of more than 2000 years. It also produces some impression on modern economic ethics,even on economy itself.In the world the book On Salt and Iron is the richest literature in early days discussing the relation between state power and market system. In China during a long period more than 2000 years after its publication, this book is a rich resource frequently referred when every dynasty makes their economic policy.Its famous dispute about righteousness and profit is the most beneficial dispute,which leaves everlasting reflection and revelation to later generations.To some degree,the Iron and Salt Conference(盐铁会议) is meaningful to seek and create a core value system.It is also effective today for us to create a core socialist value system.

  • 【分类号】B82-053;F092.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1061
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