

The Function of the Black Press in the Development of African American’s Ethnic Identity

【作者】 童蔚

【导师】 邵志择;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 多元文化主义的兴起和新移民的大量涌入,使得当今美国面临着国家认同的危机,各种族间矛盾不断,其中尤以黑白矛盾最为突出。黑白之间的种族问题由来已久。为了打破种族歧视和种族隔离,争取公民权和社会平等,美国黑人进行了长期不懈的斗争。从内战时期到民权运动时代,黑人的斗争历程同时也是他们种族意识觉醒和种族认同确立的过程。在这一过程中,黑人报刊发挥了极为重要的作用。在整个黑人抗争史的不同阶段,黑人所处的社会环境、认同和诉求以及黑人报刊的情况既有共性,又有每个阶段各自的特征。本文试图对这三者以及它们之间的关系进行研究,从报刊社论政策、关注的焦点、宗旨与口号、认同情感的强弱、自我称谓的变化等几方面重点研究黑人报刊在黑人斗争不同阶段的不同反应,以及它们在形成黑人种族认同过程中所起的作用。对黑人报刊的重点研究基于这样一种假设:作为斗争的工具,黑人报刊在每个阶段的变化正是对美国黑人种族意识从萌芽、发展,到最终确立种族认同的变化过程的反映。随着民权运动的衰落以及黑人生活条件、社会地位的提高,美国的黑人报刊似乎不太重要甚至显得有些过时了。但是21世纪的美国社会仍然存在种族歧视和不公平现象,对黑人来说战争并没有结束。因此黑人报刊在调整方向和重点后,继续从事未竟的事业。

【Abstract】 It has been suggested that there is a crisis of national identity in the Unite States, which is challenged by the forces of globalization, multi-culturalism and migration. The conflicts among races are fierce, especially between the white and the black.The contradictions between the white and the black have been long since slavery period. In order to break down the racial segregation and discrimination, to strive for equality and civil rights, African Americans underwent an enduring and tough fight. From Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement, the history of black protest movement is also a process of development of African American’s ethnic identity and black consciousness, during which the black press played an important role.A great many changes have occurred in the black setting, black protest movement, and the black press during these periods. This article is a study of the changes in these three phenomena and their interrelationships with particular attention to the responses of black press to the black protest movement and the function of the black press in the establishment of African American’s ethnic identity, referring to the policies of editorials, focuses, slogans, sentiment, racial labels and so on.The stress on the black press is based on the assumption that the changes of the black press are just a reflection of the process, during which African American’s ethnic identity is established.Along with the end of Civil Rights Movement and the improvement of African Americans’ conditions, it seems that the black press is less important and even outdated.Entering 21st century, as long as racial discrimination still exists in the United States, the black press continue pleading causes and serving the black community by exposing and fighting social illness, resisting separatism within black community,.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】G219.712
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】258