

IPR International Protection and National IP Strategy

【作者】 柴海涛

【导师】 王传丽;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 知识产权国际保护制度是指以多边国际公约为基本形式,以政府间国际组织为协调机构,通过对各国国内知识产权法律进行协调并形成的相对统一的国际法律制度。世界知识产权组织和世界贸易组织是知识产权国际协调的两大阵营,它们通过制定和实施其各自管理的包括《巴黎公约》、《伯尔尼公约》、《专利合作条约》、《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》等重要知识产权国际条约在内的国际条约,促进知识产权保护的国际化和一体化。现有的知识产权国际条约涉及知识产权的各个领域,并随着知识产权制度的发展逐渐扩展其涉猎范围、影响力不断扩大。在创新产品之外,对传统知识和遗传资源等创新之“源”给予知识产权国际保护是知识产权国际保护制度的发展方向。知识产权已经成为国际经济贸易和企业竞争的一个焦点,并在经济社会发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。随着经济全球化和信息化的发展,知识产权的国际协调不仅在知识产权专业国际组织内展开,并且在国际贸易、国际投资等领域的多边规则制定过程中知识产权问题也开始成为广泛议题。美国、日本等发达国家以及一些发展中国家都将知识产权问题提升到国家战略的高度,提高知识产权的国内和国际保护水平,以此打造创新型国家,促进本国知识经济的发展。我国也顺应时代潮流,提出了制定国家知识产权战略的工作任务,并于2008年6月5日发布了《国家知识产权战略纲要》。我国提出实施知识产权战略适应知识产权保护和经济发展的国际环境,符合我国的经济和社会发展需要,是新时期、新形势下的战略抉择。本文第一章、第二章、第三章阐述了知识产权国际保护制度的历史发展、现状和最新发展。知识产权的国际协调,始于1883年、1886年分别签署的《保护工业产权巴黎公约》和《保护文学与艺术作品伯尔尼公约》,至今已有一百多年的历史。此后,随着专业性知识产权国际组织——世界知识产权组织的成立,知识产权问题被纳入到国际贸易制度体系,知识产权国际保护制度进一步发展。目前,知识产权国际协调以世界知识产权组织和世界贸易组织为主要阵营。世界知识产权组织管理着涉及知识产权保护各个方面的24个国际条约,不仅包括约束各成员国知识产权保护标准的实体性规范,还包括建立知识产权全球保护体系以及进行权利分类的程序性规范。《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS)是世界贸易组织一揽子协议的组成部分。TRIPS协定确立了高标准的知识产权保护体系,是最有影响力的知识产权国际条约。但是,TRIPS协定是在发达国家主导下制定的,在一些内容上忽略了发展中国家的利益需要,存在一定的利益失衡。目前的知识产权国际保护制度对于滥用传统知识和遗传资源的行为无能为力,损害了传统资源国的利益。为此,在对知识创新产品给予权利化保护之外,国际社会开始重视对知识产权创新之“源”——遗传资源和传统知识的保护。传统知识和遗传资源是知识创新的“源泉”,知识产权保护制度能够促进传统知识和遗传资源的保护和利用。WIPO和WTO/TRIPS都开始将研究制定保护传统知识和遗传资源的多边规则作为今后一个时期的重要工作内容。知识产权国际保护制度是国家知识产权战略的重要组成部分。本文第四章介绍了国家知识产权战略的制定背景及《国家知识产权战略纲要》的主要内容,并对《纲要》中有关知识产权国际保护制度的有关内容进行了分析,主要包括制定和修改符合国际保护标准和发展趋势的知识产权法律、建立健全与对外贸易有关的知识产权实施和管理制度、提高知识产权执法水平等。本文第五章对知识产权国际保护与经济发展的关系以及知识产权的属性这两个知识产权国际保护的基础问题进行了分析。我国作为制造业大国和发展中大国,加强知识产权国际保护对于发展对外经济贸易、促进本国经济发展十分重要。同时,在知识产权保护的国际协调中,应从国情出发,以平衡知识产权的私权属性与公共政策目标、平衡知识产权与人权的关系为理论基础。本文第六章对在我国实施国家知识产权战略过程中,对如何应对现有知识产权国际保护制度、推动国际知识产权保护的发展提出了建议。我国应当积极参与知识产权国际规则的制定和修改、有效利用知识产权国际保护制度中的权利限制规则、完善知识产权保护机制、建立健全知识产权信息检索体系和知识产权预警应急机制,改善知识产权保护的外部社会环境,积极实施、贯彻落实国家识产权战略。在全球化和信息化的国际环境下,加强知识产权国际保护不仅是中国加入若干重要的知识产权国际条约必须履行的国际义务,而且是国家战略设定的发展目标与经济建设需要。为此,全面分析知识产权国际保护制度、强化对其现状和发展趋势的认识,并以此为基础制定相应的对策,对积极实施与贯彻落实国家知识产权战略具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Intellectual property rights international protection therein is referring to a comparatively uniform legal system come into being by harmonizing related countries’ domestic intellectual property law,which is in the basal form of international convention,international intergovernmental organizations as coordinator.World Intellectual Property Organization and World Trade Organization are the two main international forum where IP issues are discussed on the international level.They manage to achieve the objective to make protection of IPR internationalization and integration, with the methods of constituting and executing intellectual property international treaties they respectively administer,including <Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property>,<Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works>,<Patent Cooperation Treaty>,<Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights>,and other important treaties.The present IP international conventions deal with every domain of intellectual property rights,and gradually enlarge their extension as the development of IPR legal system. Besides protection of creative productions,the newest consideration of IPR international protection system is to protect the "headspring" of creation-traditional knowledge and genetic resource.Intellectual property rights have become interest focus in competition among different countries and corporations,and played a more and more important role in social and economic development.As the evolution of economic globalization and informationization,not only special IPR international organization such as WIPO started the program to constitute international regulations to protect IPR globally,but also international trade organization such as WTO and in the domain of international investment, IPR issues were comprehensively discussed when constituting related multilateral-agreements.USA,Japan and other developed countries as well as some developing countries raised intellectual property issues up to national strategic emphasis,in order to increase the IPR national and international protection extent.According to current global environment, China also put forward the assignment to constitute national intellectual property strategy,and issued the <Outline of National Intellectual Property Rights>.Carrying out IP Strategy in China is a strategic choice in new times and new trend,consistent to the needs of social and economic development in our country.ChapterⅠ,ChapterⅡ,ChapterⅢ,set forth the history,actuality and lately development of intellectual property rights international protection system.International society launched out into constituting multilateral-regulations on IPR protection since <Paris Convention> was subscribed in 1883 and <Berne Convention> in 1886.Henceforth,IPR international protection system advanced rapidly along with World Intellectual Property Organization was founded in 1970 and World Trade Organization brought IP issues into international trade law framework.At the present time,IP issues were discussed on the international level in two main international forum:WIPO and WTO.WIPO administers 24 international treaties referring to every aspect of IP protection,including substantial regulations which establish IPR protection standard for all member states and procedure regulations to establish global IPR protection system and process rights classification.TRIPS contained in the WTO multilateral trade agreements.TRIPS is the most influential international convention as to IPR protection.TRIPS stipulates a high-standard IPR protection system.But the developed countries dominate the establishment and execution of TRIPS,results to neglect the developing countries’ interest.The present IPR international protection system is helpless to refrain abuse of traditional knowledge and genetic resource,that damages the countries’ economic interest which are in possession of traditional resource.Therefore,besides protection of knowledge creative productions, international society begins to pay attention to protect the "headspring" of creation-traditional knowledge and genetic resource.Intellectual property protection system could promote effective protection and utilization of traditional knowledge and genetic resource.WIPO and WTO/TRIPS commence to investigate how to constitute multilateral-regulations on traditional knowledge and genetic resource protection.Intellectual property rights international protection system is an important part in IP Strategy.ChapterⅣin this text introduces the background to constitute National IP Strategy and the primary content of < Outline of National Intellectual Property Rights >,and analyses the part relating to IPR international protection system therein,including IP law and regulation,IP enforcement and administration system,execution the law to protect IPR,and so on.ChapterⅤclarifies two basic problems about IP international protection:the relation between economic development and IP international protection and the attribute of IPR.As a manufacturing and developing country,China should reinforce the protection of IPR in favor of carrying on external trade and promoting economic development.On the other hand, IPR international protection system should establish on the base of balancing IPR’s attribute of private fight and its public policy object,as well as balancing the relationship between IPR and human rights.ChapterⅥputs forward some suggestion to deal with the present IPR international protection system and promote the development of IPR international protection system,when China puts National IP Strategy into practice.China should actively participate in constituting and amending IPR multilateral-regulations,effectively make use of present regulations on rights restriction,consummate domestic IPR protection system,and establish IPR information-searching system and early warning and emergency mechanism of IP.On the circumstance of globalization and informationization, reinforcing IPR international protection is not only complying with IP international treaties China has joined into,but also consisting with the needs of social and economic development in our country.Accordingly,it is necessary to comprehensively study on IPR international protection system,intensify the understanding of the system’s actuality and current, and set down relevant countermeasure according to such research,when executes National IP Strategy.

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