

【作者】 洪晓丽

【导师】 杨泽波;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国哲学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 孔子对仁只是因人而宜、随机指点,从没有做过概念性的说明。历史上对孔子的仁众说纷纭,但总是在仁的外围打转,对理解仁的内部本质却没有太大突破。直到近年来才有部分学者试图深入到内部来理解仁,例如,徐复观先生认为仁是一种多层次多方面的自觉精神状态。余英时先生从构成的角度把仁理解为以各种方式组合在一起的理性和感性的混合物。杨泽波先生则进一步提出了“伦理心境说”,明确指出孔子的仁是社会生活和理性思维在个人内心的结晶,是人在伦理道德领域里特有的心理境况和心理境界。这一思想对深入理解孔子的仁无疑是一个大突破。本文认为,伦理心境虽然切中了理解孔子之仁的关键,使仁成为有着具体内容的、可分析的结构,但杨先生只是点出了对仁的构成进行分析的可能性,并没有进一步展开。本文承接“伦理心境说”的分析思路,紧紧围绕仁的构成机制和构成特点两个方面进行说明,力图揭示孔子之仁是一个不断构成的动态过程,具有“即构成即作用”以及“构成内容不断更新”的特点,而且仁的形成过程要受到社会生活、理性思维、情感积淀等内容的影响。这个过程同时也是仁作为道德本体形成的过程。仁一旦形成,在实践中就会发挥一种相对稳定的导向性作用,它的构成和特点的研究对当代道德研究有着重要的理论意义。

【Abstract】 Confucius never gives Benevolence a notional definition who always explains it optionally. There are so many different controversies about Benevolence in all ages, but these explanations only describe it superficially, which can hardly touch the essence of it. Excitingly, some scholars have had comprehend the essence of Benevolence. For instance, Xu Fu-guan regards benevolence as a self-conscious psychosis, and Yu ying-shi regards it as an existence which is confounded by reason and perception. Yang ze-bo concludes a new concept namely ethical-mentality so as to clarify the essence of Benevolence. The ethical-mentality equals to benevolence which is an inherent part of human beings composed by social life and rational mentality. It is a specific attitude kept by people when they solve moral problems in certain circumstance and it is also a big breakthrough to comprehend and define Confucian benevolence.The author also confirms the ethical-mentality as a sticking point to re-apprehend Benevolence. Because it makes Benevolence can be analyzed as a content part in which there are affluent components. However, Professor Yang zeo-bo didn’t explain how Benevolence to be formed as an ethical-mentality which is also the main point that this essay needs to discuss. This thesis aims to discuss the course of Benevolence’s configuration which is influenced by social life, rational mentality and sensibility. Benevolence can behave people’s moral practice, and also can renew its configurable components during its forming process. In short, regarded as Onto-morality, Benevolence is the ethical-mentality of human being which can lead the direction of people’s moral practice steadily and continually, and which is theoretically significant to the morality research in modern times.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2227