

The Literati of Tang Dynasty and the Law of Tang Dynasty

【作者】 何蕾

【导师】 陈尚君;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文在绪论中就当代学者对唐律的研究状况作了简要介绍。目前学界在对唐律的文本和法理研究上已经开拓得很深,对唐代文人的研究更是早已经达到了很高的成就。但是将文人和法律结合起来进行研究还是一个新领域,尚未得到开拓。因此,本文就此角度将唐代文人与唐代法律结合起来,试以几个专题为切入点,探讨唐代法律对文人的影响及文人对于法律的理解。第一章考察唐律在实施过程中对文人的影响。通过对文人由于触犯“法网”而遭制裁的事件进行分析,考察文人在与法律发生冲突时,法律对文人的执行情况以及由此对文人生活及命运所产生的影响,拨正人们对一些文人涉法事件的错误或偏颇看法。因案例较多,仅拣取三例分三节论述:李白晚年因“从磷”事件导致长流夜郎;王昌龄于安史之乱初起时弃官回乡被亳州刺史闾丘晓所杀;女诗人鱼玄机因笞婢致死而被京兆府处决。结合时代背景与《唐律疏议》对这三个案例进行分析,可知:李白遭流夜郎并非冤枉,王昌龄则是被心胸狭窄的闾丘晓所杀,鱼玄机罪非至死,她被处决,实是中晚唐法律实施混乱的结果。第二章以唐肃宗时期“迫受伪职”事件为着眼点,考察集体事件中文人命运与法律的关系。“迫受伪职”事件是唐代一个影响极大的群体性事件,涉及官员二百余人。肃宗在收复长安后对这些投降官员的处罚极为严厉,大批官员被杀或流放,处罚最轻者也被降职。两《唐书》、《资治通鉴》对此事件皆有记载,不少文人身陷其中,受此影响而沉沦半生。很长时间以来,人们多将此事件置于特定的时代背景中考察,忽略了唐代法律在这一事件中的作用。本文尝试换一种角度看待这一事件,即从唐代法律的视角出发,对这一事件作一番新的分析,并以王维、郑虔二人在此事件中所受的影响为考察重点。通过对此专题的分析,可知《唐律疏议》的根本大法地位在唐玄宗统治期间遭到了挑战,唐玄宗以其实际行动破坏了唐律的一些基本准则,继之而起的唐肃宗对于国家大典的不尊重甚于其父。朝廷对“迫受伪职”事件涉及官员的处罚即发生在这样的法律背景之下。第三章以柳宗元与白居易为例,考察著名文人的法制思想。唐代律法有很多超越时空、值得现代社会借鉴的理念,如注重礼法互补,注重法的人文关怀,主张为官者要清正廉洁,强调以民为本、明德慎刑、社会和谐、保持社会稳定、推动社会发展。重要文人对法律的理解和实践促进了法律制度的完善,是宝贵的本土法制思想资源。本章从重要文人的法制思想与司法实践比较入手,对唐代重要文人法制思想进行对比、分析、总结,探寻文人超越成法、超越前人、超越时代,不为陈腐僵化的儒化“礼法”所束缚、崇尚法制的内在本源。第四章以“试判”为介质,探索唐代法律在选官制度中的作用。“试判”是唐代选举程序中的一项重要内容,虽是沿袭隋制,但在发展过程中逐步完善,形成了一套独特的体系。有唐一代,进士考试最为人所重,后代研究者也多以此为研究基点,而以法律阐释、义理辨析为主要考核标准的“判”历来不为研究者所瞩目,研究者多是提及而已,或者是整理、交待“判”这一考试样式的制度形成、渊源起始等等,在很多方面未能够深入发掘。本章以法律为着眼点,以“判”文为研究对象,通过对现存“判”的研究来探索法律在唐代文官选拔体系中的作用,并附带对“判”文的文学性作一简单分析。通过对比研究可知:法律水准是评判“试判”优劣的一个重要标准,因此,作为一种介质,“试判”这种考试形式将文官和法律联系了起来。第五章以唐诗为范围,考察唐代法律在文学作品中的反映。唐诗对社会生活的反映面极广,从重大历史事件到市井细民的生活皆有表现,虽然拘于主情的传统和特质,叙述的成分常会不自觉地让位于抒情,但在题名乐府的作品中,叙事成分较多。在这些叙事作品中,尚可发现对社会、国家_-些基本制度的反映。法律,作为上层建筑的一部分,在这些诗歌中也有所表现。本章以《全唐诗》为文本范围,对其中所收的五万首诗逐一检视,找出对唐代法律现象、法律制度和司法案件有所反映的十数首诗,通过对这些诗进行整理、考辨和分析,根据所表达的主题内容对这些诗歌作分类研究。考察唐诗——这个唐代最有代表性的文学样式对唐代法律的反映情况。

【Abstract】 In the preface, the author have introduced the situation of the research on the law of Tang Dynasty, it has got a remarkable achievement nowadays. The research on the literati has got more outstanding achievement. But the research on integrating the two of them is a new area, it can hardly attract schorlars’attention. So the aim of this paper is to explore this new area.There are five chapters in the whole paper .ChapterⅠsays about the effect on the literati, when the law of Tang Dynasty be put into practice. The author try to find what kind of punishment could be cast to the poets whose behavior collided with the law, and explore which fates could be cast by these sentences. This section contain three cases: poet LiBai was exiled to YeLang as a prisoner by reason of the illegal action that "following LiLin"; poet WangChangLing was killed by LvQiuXiao who was the chief official in BoZhou, poetess YuXuanJi was executed for she had hit her handmaiden to death. The conclusion is that Libai was not treat unjustly: in WangChangLing’s case, LvQiuXiao was a murder, who killed WangChangLing because He hateWang ,WangChangLing is innocent: in the third case, YuXuanJi couldn’t be dealt with death penalty though she was guilty.ChapterⅡfocus on the event that "many officials of the Tang Dynasty were compelled to accept the official titles of the false regim by rebellious army", explore the relation between the fate of literati and the law in the collective event. More than two hundred officials were involved in this event. After return to ChangAn, Emperor SuZong punished these officials very severely, many officials were put to death, some were exiled to very far territory, and the most kind punishment was demotion. Two《Tang shu》,《Great historic writings of politicization》all has the record to this event. Many literati were down on their luck in the lifetime because this event, for instance, poet WangWei and artist ZhengQian were two examples, the former was demoted, the latter was exiled to TaiZhou which is below to Province ZheJiang. The conclusion is that the most important position of《The Interpretation of Tang Dynasty’s Law》has been shaked ,the influence has been weakened.The main content of chapterⅢis to explore the eminent poets’ thoughts on law, take LiuZongYuan and Baijuyi for example. The law of Tang Dynasty transcended time and space in many aspects which still have value in today. As officials, some important literati has their own thoughts of the law on theory and practical. These thougnts are treasure and important native source of legislation. The research of this section proceeded with comparison between the eminent poets’s thought sof legal system and practice, search after the inherent source of legal system which are not bound by stale and rigid rules of etiquette.ChapterⅣtake "the files of judgement which are written in the exam" as medium, probe into the effct which law on the selection of cadres in the intellectuals. In Tang Dynasty, "the writing of judgement’s files test " was a important content in the election procedure. Though follows the system of Sui Dynasty, it consummated gradually in the developing process, has formed set of unique systems. After Tang Dynasty, many researchers take the "Jinshi test" as their research’s basic point, do not think much of the "the writing of judgement’s files test". So this section took this form of test as the center of research, through the research, concluded that the factor of law was a important criterion in this test. "The writing of judgement’s files test" was a bond between the officials and the law.ChapterⅤtake the Tang poems as the scope review the reflection of The law in the poets. The Tang poems reflect the social life very boardly, from the significant historical event to the common people’s life, everything and everyone could be expressed in the Tang poems. So the task of this chapter is to observe the status in which the law be reflected in the Tang poems by way of classifying the poems into four groups.which expressed the law in the《All the Tang Poems》.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】921