

The Research on Underground Space Exploitation and Utilization Centering on Subway Station

【作者】 吴月霞

【导师】 王璇; 束昱;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 隧道及地下建筑工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市经济和科学技术的不断发展,地铁车站作为地铁与城市外部空间联系的节点,承担着多种纷繁芜杂的功能,成为人们出行、换乘以及购物等活动的重要场所。为了使地铁交通能够在城市综合交通体系中充分发挥作用,不仅要与其它交通系统间保持密切的联系,而且还要使功能复杂的地铁车站与周边建筑和城市基础设施有机和谐地结合,使人们快速便捷和舒适地搭乘地铁到达目的地。目前,世界各大城市以地铁车站为核心的地下空间开发利用已形成或即将形成“滚球式”发展模式,它必将带来轨道交通与商业的互动发展。本论文以广州市地铁车站地区地下空间综合开发利用的研究为主线,借鉴国外城市地铁车站地下空间综合开发利用经验,结合我国现阶段发展特征以及轨道交通站点发展趋向,对地铁车站周边(以地铁车站为核心的周边500米范围)地区地下空间综合开发利用的三大问题(分类理论、技术措施、投融资模式)进行研究。其中:1、地铁车站分类理论主要对前人提出的分类方法做系统归纳分析研究,通过对各种分类理论特点的剖析,提出适宜广州市的地铁车站分类理论。2、地铁车站地区地下空间综合开发利用的技术措施主要研究一系列适宜地铁车站域地下空间开发利用的技术措施,针对广州市不同类型地铁车站拟提出相适应的技术措施。3、以地铁车站为核心的地下空间综合开发利用投融资模式通过对基础设施项目投融资理论的分析,研究适宜地铁车站开发建设的投融资模式,最后提出广州市不同类型地铁车站地下空间开发建设投融资建议。通过上述研究,提出了地铁车站的分类理论、车站地区地下空间综合开发利用的技术措施和投融资模式,以期对广州市地铁车站地区地下空间综合开发利用的发展模式提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 As the city economy and science technical continue to develop. For making full use of the subway transportation in the city comprehensive transportation system, Not only dose it keep close contact with other transportation system, but also still combines with the function complicated subway station well, in order that people can arrive to anyplace they want to go. As the link node of subway and the city exterior space, the subway station undertakes numerous and complicated miscellaneous functions, and becoming an important place where people can make a trip, changing and shopping etc.For the present, peripheral underground space exploitation and utilization of the city subway station has been or will be "rolling ball" pattern in the world. This pattern will drive track run and commercial development. In view of some successful cases of underground space exploitation and utilization, in line with China’s present stage feature and the developmental trend of rail transportation, This paper is mainly based on railway stations in Guangzhou, the research carried on the periphery (take it as peripheral 500 meters scope of subway station) comprehensive exploitation of the subway station. It includes three aspects: Categorization theory, technical measures, investment mode:The categorization theory for railway station is aimed to summarize and analyze other scholars’ categorization methods, which leads us to further investigation and eduction of the proper categorization for Guangzhou railway station.The study of technical measures of underground space development and utilization in railway station areas, which is aimed to investigate practical technical measures for the construction of railway station areas, will provide us with useful suggestions when it comes to the proposition for the construction of diverse stations in Guangzhou.The investment and financing mode of underground space centering on railway station analyzes the infrastructural investment, further explores the suitable investment and financing mode for railway station development and construction, so that raises the investment and financing proposition for the underground space exploitation and utilization of diverse railway stations in Guangzhou.This paper puts forward basic ideas and thoughts of underground space exploitation and utilization centering on subway station, it is hoped that the research in this paper would be useful for the practice and further research in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】U231.4
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】2371