

【作者】 李炳南

【导师】 陈家麟;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 学校心理健康教育虽然书已取得了巨大成就,但其发展过程中的种种困境表明学校心理健康教育还没有能够建立起一种真正植根于我国国情、适应我国学校教育实际情况的本土化的理论体系。针对这一现状,我们提出了“班级心理健康教育”的概念,班级心理健康教育是以班级组织为基本单位,以班主任为主导,协同各方面的教育力量,旨在促进学生心理健康,提高学生心理素质的教育活动。班级心理健康教育把心理健康教育理论作为指导班主任开展工作的一种基本理念,将心理健康教育工作看作班主任工作的核心,试图使心理健康教育能够有机地与班主任工作相融合、能够渗透并弥散到班主任工作的一切环节和过程之中。班级心理健康教育具有团体性、渗透性和整体性三大特征,它的提出有助于推广学校心理健康教育工作,扩大其教育规模;有助于提升学校心理健康教育的目标;有助于形成与现代班级授课制相协调的学校心理健康教育组织管理系统。本论文主要讨论班级心理健康教育的目标、内容、原则、途径、方法和评价等基本问题。

【Abstract】 Although school mental health education has made great progress, many difficult positions in its development indicate that there is still no indigenized theoretical system based on our national conditions and the actual conditions of school education. Thus, we put forward the conception of Class Mental Health Education. It is a kind of educational activity which takes the class as the basic unit and the teacher in charge of class as the director, associating with all educational effects in order to promote students’ mental health and improve their mental quality. In class mental health education, the theory of mental health education is regarded as a basic idea to guide the class master’s work, and the practice of mental health education as the emphasis of the class master’s to integrate of the class master’s work, which attempts to integrate the idea of mental health education into the whole process of the class master’s work. The raising of its three characteristics of organization, permeation and integration helps to popularize school mental health education and extend its educational scope, to improve the aims of school mental health education, and to organizational administration system of school mental health education with current class teaching system .This thesis mainly discuss some basic problems of class mental health education, such as its purposes, contents, principles, approaches, methods, as well as its evaluation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G441
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】723