

【作者】 肖刚

【导师】 王正卫;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 国民经济学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 多哈会议,中国成功加入WTO,至此圆满结束了长达15年的“入世”进程。面对“入世”后全新的开放型金融环境,要保持我国总体金融业的稳定,必须全面加强对银行业的监管。 回顾20世纪金融业的发展与监管制度的演变,我们发现这样一种规律,即金融业发展的不同时期都对应着监管制度的相应调整。金融业与监管之间经历了:自由竞争——放任管制——危机——严格管制——创新——放松管制——自由化的发展轨迹。 始于1997年的亚洲金融危机在对现今的自由化提出严重警示的同时,也进一步表明了各国应加强银行业监管的重要性和迫切性。新一轮监管体制的调整迫在眉睫。 我国成功抵御了亚洲金融危机,但银行业内在的制度性、经营性问题及各种深层次矛盾依然存在,如委托—代理机制不健全、行业垄断程度过高、内控制度缺乏、不良贷款率高企和经营效益不佳等。转轨经济条件下构建成型的银行业监管体制也由此暴露出诸多问题、包括监管目标不明确、监管信息不对称、“大区行”制度有效性不足、监管主体缺位以及人力资源堪忧,等等。面对内外部环境的变化与冲击,中国加入WTO后,应认真刨析监管体制的现存弊端,积极分析“入世”后,银行业监管体制、理念、方式及法律构架等面临的种种挑战,从自身银行业发展的实际状况出发,顺应当前金融全球化发展的潮流,构建一套高效可行并能与国际银行监管惯例相接轨的中国银行业监管体系。

【Abstract】 China has become a full member of World Trade Organization on 10 Nov. 2001 in Doha. The opening-up of the banking sector, as a major topic in the negotiation of china’s accession to WTO, has attracted increasingly close attention from all countries in the world. Facing a globalizing financial system, China should strengthen the supervision of the banking system so as to meet the financial risks.We still remember Asian financial crisis, for it was not only a financial crisis broken out in the East but had a great impact on the current supervision of banking system. From this crisis, we draw a lesson that China has a lot to do for the current baking and supervision system. Chinese banking is hampered by administrative interference, high level of bad debt, poor transparency, and improper lending policies. Also the supervision system has to be reconstructed.This thesis makes a study on the current supervision of Chinese banking sector, and then it put forward the ideal strategies. The key point is that we should build a practicable and efficient system of supervision that is suitable for the conditions of our country and in line with the international practices and standards.

【关键词】 WTO银行业监管对策
【Key words】 WTOsupervision of bankingstrategies
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【下载频次】114