

Research on the Famous Minister LiuJian of Ming Dynasty

【作者】 翟爱玲

【导师】 李小林;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 明王朝是在元末农民起义基础上,由农民出身而深受封建地主阶级思想影响的朱元璋创建的一个延承封建宗法社会关系和君主专制政治统治的封建王朝。经过明前期诸帝调整生产关系,缓和社会矛盾,恢复和发展经济,以及强化君主专制,确立程朱理学在意识形态中的主导地位等等政策和措施的实行,不仅重建和稳定了封建社会的基本秩序,并且大大推进了封建社会在各个方面的深入发展,形成明前期的盛世局面。然而,自明英宗正统时期开始直到正德年间,封建社会固有的各种矛盾日益激化。豪强地主强占土地,农民流离失所,起义频起。统治阶级内部争权夺利的斗争也日趋激烈。尤其是皇权控制下,以司礼监与内阁为代表的内廷宦官势力与外朝文官集团之间权力地位的争夺与转换,直接影响着朝政的治乱兴衰,从而形成这一时期明王朝动荡纷乱的政治局面。期间虽曾有过被后人誉为“弘治中兴”的短暂稳定,却最终难以挽阻封建统治危机不断深化的趋势。明代名臣刘健就生活在这个由前期盛世向后期衰败转变过程中的,被称为“动荡衰微”的明代前中期。宣德八年(公元1433),刘健出生于河南府洛阳县西南部一个普通的地主家庭。当时的洛阳刘氏家族和当地其他许多家族一样在长期农耕经济方式和儒家伦理思想文化影响下,形成了勤俭朴质、直道行事,恭行孝义、和睦乡邻,重视读书求学、尊崇正统儒教的风尚。这种氛围对刘健个性的形成产生着深刻的影响。和当时许多士子一样,刘健自幼便在洛阳那种充满理学风尚的文化氛围里,在学术与科举相结合的求学过程中接受了儒家那种人格精神和思想意识的培养。在刘健早期的社会交往中,如阎禹锡、白良辅那样的洛中理学名士,或如毕享、许进那样以理学为学习内容的科举士子,甚至如赵锡、李祥那样在日常生活中体现儒家礼教风范的人物,都曾对刘健个性成长产生了深刻的影响,更强化了他以理学为宗、注重践履的政治意识和思想品格。明英宗天顺四年(公元1460),刘健中进士,改庶吉士,入翰林。自此开始了其长达46年的仕政历程。在第一阶段16年的翰林生涯中,刘健只是作为一名普通的史官,主要从事编撰典籍、侍从讲读、主考乡试,以及其它书记类事务。成化十二年(公元1476),他升右谕德,次年转左庶子,9年后升任少詹事。这期间虽然仍从事修书、讲读,主考等“不关政本”的事务,但作为东宫属官,却使他得以与皇太子朱祐樘,即未来的明孝宗之间建立了非同一般的关系,这为他后来在孝宗时期政治上施展抱负奠定了基础。成化二十三年(1487)十一月,孝宗即位不久即擢刘健为礼部右侍郎兼翰林学士,入内阁参预机务,从此终孝宗之世。刘健在内阁以其独有的严谨认真、果敢善断、不偏不倚的为政风格,发挥着劝谏启沃、辅养君德,论思建言、赞画政务的作用。在辅成“弘治中兴”中写下其政治生涯中浓墨重彩的一页。孝宗驾崩后,刘健以顾命元臣的身份,与同官李东阳、谢迁等在武宗初政时期,以新皇即位诏书为纲领,实行了一系列宽恤民力、安抚流民、清查皇庄、抑制兼并、裁汰冗滥、节省开支,以及其它清理弊政的政策与措施,从而使朝政一度呈现“新政”气象。但由于武宗宠信内侍宦官,日事游逸娱乐,不仅使“新政”举步惟艰,且使刘健等人的地位岌岌可危,其职权作用的发挥受到严重影响和限制。在率领文官集团反对宦官势力失败的情形下,刘健被迫致仕,结束了他的仕政历程。但在宦官擅权乱政的形势下,他仍被榜为“奸党”之首,削爵夺敕。直到明世宗即位后,才完全恢复他原有的政治地位和待遇。刘健历事明英宗、宪宗、孝宗、武宗、世宗五朝。他与孝宗间长期的师生之谊、致政意识的一致性,以及个性的互补等因素,形成君臣间较为融洽和谐的关系。这奠定了辅成“弘治中兴”的重要基础和条件。但他谨守儒学传统,执着于致政追求的风格却与自幼好逸乐,无视礼教规范和传统君德的武宗之间极易产生矛盾与冲突。正是这种矛盾和冲突最终导致了刘健等文官集团与宦官势力斗争中的失败,并由此宣告了刘健政治生涯的结束。刘健与其他朝臣间的关系在不同时期因其政治地位和交往方式的不同而有所差别,但无论是在天顺、成化年间受朝中重臣如李贤、彭时等人的器重,或是在弘治、正德年间与徐溥、李东阳、谢迁等阁臣的融洽,抑或是与王恕、马文升、刘大夏、韩文、白昂、闵硅、.戴珊等部院诸卿之间的协调,以及在后期为政中受到许多后辈官员政治上的支持等等,都在相当程度上有赖于其致政意识中的共性基础。当然,因年资、经历的差别,以及同年、乡故的特殊关系,刘健也确与某些朝臣之间具有亲疏不同的私人关系,如与张元祯、祁顺、郑纪间的知交,与丘浚、程敏政、吴宽、李梦阳、何景明等人间的某种隔阂,与焦芳之间的仇隙等等。这些在实际上都对刘健的政治活动产生或多或少,或深或浅的影响。但总的来看,刘健谨守规矩的风格限制了他在朝廷人事方面过多施加个人的影响。而他疏于识人之偏向,也并未造成对朝政事务较大的影响。刘健存世的著述并不丰富,但从中仍可看出其“以道事君”、追求致政的政治意识,以及崇儒兴学、注重实政实务,摒弃佛道异教的思想倾向。这种思想意识与他在文作上崇义理、信礼教,重实务,轻虚饰的风尚是相通相应的。刘健著述的体裁以奏疏及实政碑记类为主,也时常有诗文之作。而这些诗文作品大都与其政务活动相关,单纯应酬性、消闲性诗文在刘健著述中极为少见。刘健的著述在语言风格上所表现的刚正气势,也与他端谨严正的个性与为政风格是一致的。明清时期官方和民间对刘健的认识,虽因朝代不同或官、私立场角度差别而在一些具体评述中呈现不同特色和风格,但就其政治功绩、人品、个性,及为人处事作风、识见、文才等多方面,大多给予了正面肯定和赞扬。但是,随着近代以来社会变革和人们政治观念的深刻变化,刘健作为历史名臣的形象逐渐隐没于人们的视野之外,只剩下民间传说中还演绎着以前的片断史迹。至于当代,在“大众史学”与戏说历史以及史学领域,对刘健的关注正日益增加,并由此引发着对其进行全面的认识和研究。通过对刘健个性、思想意识、政治作为及其影响的多角度、多层次考察与分析可以得出结论:刘健的确无愧于封建社会一代名臣的政治形象。他“以道事君,不可则止”的气节、执着于儒家政治理想的追求、以及践履封建礼教的道德品格和风尚,至今也有令人敬佩之处。然而,正因为他秉承着儒家君臣意识又自觉地接受封建专制主义政治的制约和规范,从而注定了他的政治理想不仅不能最终实现,甚至连他个人的命运也受到严重的影响和制约。他政治生涯兴败起落的巨大反差,正是封建君主专制政治背景下政治人物命运的典型写照。可见,人的个性的全面解放必有赖于社会的全面进步,尤其是社会政治的不断进步。这便是研究刘健对当今社会政治建设的一种启示。

【Abstract】 Based on the peasant uprising in the later stage of Yuan dynasty, Ming dynasty was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang, a peasant with the deep influence of the feudal landlord class ideology. This dynasty succeeded to the feudal family social relations and the political rule of the autocratic monarchy of feudal dynasty. After the early emperors’implementing some policies and measures, including adjusting the relation of production, mitigating social conflicts, developing social economy, strengthening the autocratic monarchy, and establishing the dominant position of cheng and zhu’s nee-Confucianism in the ideological field. All these not only reconstructed and stabilized the basic order of the feudal society, but also greatly promoted the feudal society’s further development in all aspects, and gave rise to the prosperous in early Ming dynasty. However, from the Zhengtong period to zhengde period, the feudal society inherent contradictions was becoming more and more acute. Tyrannical landlords were having seized land. Farmers were becoming destitute and homeless. People had frequently uprising. Within the ruling class, the struggle for right and interest was becoming increasingly fierce. Under the control of imperial power, the fighting for right power and status between the civil service group and the eunuch group, which were represented respectively by cabinet agency and sili servant administration, having given a direct impact on the political situation, and had led to the troublous political situation in this period. Although during this period there was something a short-term governmental stable which was named "Hongzhi resurgence," but it wasn’t able to resist the stronger trend of feudal rule crisis.The famous minister in Ming dynasty, Liu Jian, lived in the just prophase known as "unrest and declination", in which the Ming dynasty had being transformed from thrive in the early stage to the decline in the later stage.In the eighth year of the reign of Xuande emperor(AD1433), Liu Jian was born in an ordinary landlord family in southwest Luoyang county. With the deep influence of the long-term farming economy and the Confucian ideology and culture, the Liu’s family in Luoyang, as well as many other families in this region, had formed their live style:thrifty and simple, upright and honest, concord with the neighbors, Caring for the family members, paying attention to reading and study, complying with orthodox Confucian culture, etc. This kind of atmosphere had a profound effect to the formation of Liu Jian’s personality. As other young learners, Liu Jian who was in Luoyang where was full of Neo-Confucianism culture atmosphere had combined the imperial examination with the academic studying, and then his personality and spirit were trained with Confucianism. Among Liu Jian’s early social relations, some people like Yan Yuxi and Bai Liangfu who were named as Confucians in Luoyang, or like Bi Heng and Xu Jing who were Neo-Confucianism learners, even like Zhao Xi and Li Xiang who lived up to the Confucian moral style characters, had gave a important effect to Liu Jian’s development, and consolidated his Confucian political ideology, made him pay more attention on the Confucianism’s practice.In the fourth year of Tianshun years of the reign of Yingzong emperor (AD1460), Liu Jian passed the highest imperial examination and became a Hanlin Shuji Shi. Then his political profession began and it reached to46years. In the first16years, just as an ordinary official historian, Liu Jian was mainly engaged in compiling books, assisting to the emperor’s read and study, presiding over the provincial imperial examination, and other secretary affairs. In1476, the twelfth year of Chenghua years, he was promoted to be You Yude, In next year he became Zuo Shuzi and then was promoted to Shao Zhanshi at nine years later. During this time, he had to do the same things like before and all these things were "none of government affairs", but as an East Palace official, it provided he a chance to made a unusual relationship with Zhu Youtang, the crown prince, as well as the future. emperor. This experience offered he the better foundation to realize his political ambitions in the period of the reign of Xiao Zong emperor. In November of the last year of Chenghua period, the Xiao Zong emperor who just enthroned promoted Liu Jian to the assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites, the Hanlin Academician, and the. assistant administrator as a cabinet minister. From this time to the end of Hongzhi period, as a cabinet minister and with his unique political manner which was showed rigorous, earnest, resolute, independent and so on, Liu Jian had play an important role in assisting the "Hongzhi Resuscitating" with remonstrating and enlightening the emperor’s moral character, providing advice and reference, and assisting to handle the affairs of state. This had made the glorious of his political career.After the Xiao Zong emperor’s died, Liu Jian went with other cabinet ministers like Li Dongyang, Xie Qiang. As the entrusted great ministers, they had put a lot of policies and measures into effect like giving relief to people, placating the refugees, checking up the imperial country estate, restricting landowners’merger, reducing redundant officials, restraining the superfluous, and other policies and measures to clean the maladministration. These measures’carrying out based on the program which was wrote in the new emperor’s enthronement edict. Thereby the affairs of state once enjoyed "New Deal" weather. However, Wu Zong emperor trusted and depended on the eunuch to handle affairs and did entertainment as day’s things. So it not only made the "New Deal" difficulty, but also put Liu Jian into the awkward or even in jeopardy. Liu Jian couldn’t play his functions and powers as a grand secretary. With the failure of the civil group opposed against the eunuch power that Liu Jian had led and participated in, he was obliged to resign and ended his political profession. But in the condition of the eunuch dominated the state affairs, Liu Jian couldn’t avoid being list as the head of the "evil Party" and being cut away his official ranking and titular honors. Until Shi Zong emperor ascended the throne, Liu Jian’s original political status and treatment was completely restored.Liu Jian had passes through the period of the reign by Ying Zong emperor, Xian Zong emperor, Xiao Zong emperor, Wu Zong emperor and Shi Zong emperor of Ming dynasty. There was a harmonious relationship between him and Xiao Zong emperor based on their long-term teacher-and-student friendship, something the same political aspiration and the relative complementary of their personality. This had laid the important basis and conditions to assist the "Hongzhi Resuscitating". But his keeping the tradition of Confucianism, clinging to the political pursuit had bring about the contradiction and confliction with Wu Zong emperor’s being keen on libertinism and ignoring the rules of the traditional monarch’s character. It is the contradiction and conflict that eventually led to the failure of Liu Jian and the civil group when they were opposed against the eunuch power, and thus ended Liu Jian’s official career. The relationship between Liu Jian and other ministers of the imperial court were diverse in the different period with the unlike communicative ways based their dissimilar official status and personality. But whether was regarded highly by the great ministers as Li Xian, Peng Shi in Tianshun and ChengHua years, or was harmonious with the other ministers in the cabinet like Xu Pu, Li Dongyang and Xie Qian in HongZhi and ZhengDe years, or was cohere with the headers of other departments such as Wang Shu, Ma Wensheng, Liu Daxia, Han Wen, Bai Ang, Min Gui, Dai Shan,etc. or even was strongly supported by many young officials in government during the later phase of his official profession, all these in a considerable degree depended on the common political consciousness. Of course, because of the difference of seniority, experience, or the township and the same year Jin shi, Liu Jian indeed had the different relationship with those courtiers. Zhang Yuanzhen, Qi Shun and Zheng Ji were his intimate friends; Qiu Jun, Cheng Minzheng, Wu Kuan and Li Mengyang maybe have something estrangement or misunderstanding with him; but Jiao Fang feuded against him. In fact, this interpersonal relation had more or less impact to Liu Jian’s political practice. But Liu Jian’s demeanor generally limited his influence on the organization personnel, and his slip in knowing person also had less effect to the affairs of state.Liu Jian’s writings were not very rich, from which we still can see his political consciousness of "assisting emperor by following principle" and the pursuit of benevolent government, as well as his idea trait of worshiping Confucianism, paying more attention to the political practice, reject of Buddhism and Taoism, etc. This kind of ideology was corresponding to his writing style like advocating and trusting in doctrine, attaches importance to the actual practice and looking down on the tinsel. The article genres of Liu Jian’s works mainly were the memorials to the throne and the inscriptional records. But sometimes he also wrote poetries and verses, and these works often were related with government affairs. He seldom wrote poetry or verse for the reason of pure entertainment or passed time idly. The language style of the strong momentum, in Liu Jian’s works also was consistent with his governing style.Since the different standpoint and the disparity of dynasty, during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the realization of Liu Jian from official, the nongovernmental and the folk were distinction in evaluating style. As for Liu Jian’s political merit, knowledge and talent, personality, the style of doing things and other aspects, the commentaries had mostly given the positive affirmation and praise. However, with the profound changes of society and the huge change of people’s political ideas in modern times, Liu Jian’s figure as a famous official in history have faded out of people’s sight. There is only the romance story in a legend based on some of his historic experience. But the attention on Liu Jian in the "public history" and playful interpretation of history, and historiography field are increasing. Then a comprehensive awareness and research of Liu Jian will come true before long.In various angles, the inspecting and studying of Liu Jian’s personality, ideology, political doing and the influence of these, may safely draw the conclusion:Liu Jian is indeed worthy of the famous minister of feudal society. The moral courage of "serves the prince according to the right, and retires when it can not do so", the ideologism of pursuing to the Confucian political ideals, the style of fulfilling the feudal moral, all these are also admirable in this times. But his obedience to the monarch-and-subject awareness of Confucian and consciously submitting to the restriction and criterion of feudal autocracy are the just reasons of the failure to carry out his political ideal and it even determines his lot. The huge contrast of ups and downs of Liu Jian’s official profession is the typical portrayal of politicians in the feudal monarchy political environment. So the liberation of Man will depend on the all-round improvement of the society, especially the progress of the political. This is the revelation for Today’s political construction from the research of Liu Jian.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期