

Research on the Perception Mechanism of Safety Signs in Safety Management

【作者】 卞军

【导师】 马庆国;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 工业工程是管理科学与工程领域中的重要分支,而安全生产更是工业工程管理研究中的热点问题。进入21世纪以来,中国工业化加速,但安全生产问题亦日益严重,各类安全事故对生命财产与社会和谐造成了巨大的危害。安全标志是安全管理工作中的重要手段,被广泛地应用于社会生产与生活中。但通过实地调研和相关事故案例分析可以发现,目前安全标志在设计和使用上均存在较为严重的问题,致使其警示效果大打折扣,特别是部分安全标志的注意效果不佳与可读性较差,更让一线工人难以感知,从而成为事故致因,为很多生产安全事故与劳资纠纷埋下了隐患。因此,对现有安全标志的设计与应用等问题进行分析和研讨具有重要的研究价值。安全标志的设计与应用研究由来已久,但其成果大多基于问卷研究和行为实验,缺少来自脑认知与电生理层面的理论研究。安全标志的设计应符合人们的大脑认知与主观体验,才能更为有效地发挥其警示作用——这正是神经工业工程理论中安全生产领域的研究重点。回顾前人成果,有三方面的关键问题尚待解决:(1)人们对不同类型安全标志的危险感知评分是否存在差异?(2)人们是如何对安全标志进行神经感知与自动加工的?(3)安全标志的设计要素是否会对人们的神经感知与自动加工过程产生影响,其原因何在?本研究聚焦于以上三个关键问题,以安全标志及其设计要素的神经感知与自动加工过程为研究目标,以“总分式”逻辑框架,设计并完成了四项系列研究。研究一采用问卷访谈与ERP(事件相关电位)神经科学实验相结合的方式,研究了人们对不同类型安全标志的危险感知评分是否存在差异,以及自动加工过程中的神经感知差异。研究一作为本文系列研究的实验基础和初步工作,为后面三项子研究的研究方法和实验设计进行了探索性的尝试,也为后面章节的讨论与总结奠定了基础。研究二在研究一的基础上,对安全标志图画内容要素进行了研究。该研究参考了研究一的实验范式,对实验刺激材料进行严格控制,研究了人们对不同效价安全标志图画内容的自动加工过程和感知差异,从而考察该要素对安全标志设计的影响及其成因。研究三参考研究一的实验范式,研究了人们对安全标志背景颇色的神经感知与自动加工过程,分析讨论了颜色属性的差异对人们感知上的影响,并从神经科学层面解释了该影响的形成原因。研究四采取相同的实验范式研究了人们对安全标志边框外形的神经感知与自动加工过程,探讨了人们对不同形状安全标志的注意偏向和感知分类,并结合已有研究成果对“边框作用”的争议问题进行了探讨,给出了来自神经科学研究视角的新解释。通过对以上实验结果进行分析讨论与成果整合,本文得到以下五点重要结论:(1)人们对不同类型安全标志的危险感知评分存在显著差异。其中:警告类安全标志的危险评分最高,禁止类次之,指令类和提示类标志危险评分最低。(2)人们对不同类型安全标志的神经感知与自动加工过程存在显著差异。其中:警告类安全标志的危险感知最强,禁止类安全标志次之,指令类安全标志的危险感知最差。这种差异主要体现在P2、N2和N4三个显著的ERP成分指标的波幅与潜伏期的变化上,并大体形成自动加工过程中的两个主要阶段:自动注意加工阶段与自动感知评估阶段。(3)人们对不同效价水平的安全标志图画内容十分敏感,并显著影响到对真假安全标志的神经感知与自动加工过程。这种影响与两者在额区的P2、N2、P3和SNW成分的波幅差异有关,表明负性图画会比中性图画更易被快速感知和分离,并获取更多的认知资源去唤起人们长期记忆和相关负性经历,从而产生更高的危险感知。(4)人们对不同背景颜色安全标志的神经感知与自动加工存在显著差异。在自动加工过程中,安全标志的背景颜色会对人们的感知加工过程产生一定的辅助和促进作用,但对安全标志危险感知评估的影响并不显著。其中,人们敏感于有颜色和无颜色的差别,且在早期的视觉加工阶段中,黄色比蓝色在大脑的唤醒程度与注意分类方面的优势非常显著,这些差异主要在大脑颞枕区的PI与NI成分和额区的N2成分上有所体现(波幅与潜伏期)。(5)人们对不同边框形状的安全标志的神经感知与自动加工存在显著差异。与颜色要素的作用相类似,在任务无关的实验情境中,安全标志的边框形状只能对人们的感知加工过程产生一定的辅助和促进作用,但对安全标志危险感知的影响较为有限。其中,在早期的视觉加工阶段中人们敏感于有边框和无边框的差别,且三角形比圆形在大脑的注意分类效果更好,这些差别主要体现在大脑颞枕区的P1、N1和P2成分在波幅与潜伏期上的差异。本文将认知神经科学实验方法引入到安全标志类别及其设计属性的研究中,其理论贡献和创新点主要体现在以下四个方面:(1)首次研究了人们对不同类别安全标志的危险感知差异及其自动加工过程。前人研究主要集中在安全标志的设计属性及其组合研究,且以警告类安全标志为主,并未涉及不同类别安全标志的差异研究。本文研究一则针对国家标准规定的四类常用安全标志,通过问卷调研和神经科学实验相结合的方式,分别研究了人们对不同类别安全标志的危险感知评分(四类)和大脑对不同类别安全标志的感知差异及自动加工过程(三类),不仅补充了安全标志领域的理论研究,还为其提供了来自电生理层面的研究依据。(2)从神经科学视角来研究安全标志各设计属性的影响。已有研究中对于安全标志设计属性及其组合的文章众多,但除安全词汇外,鲜有来自脑认知方面的研究证据。本文研究二、研究三和研究四分别对安全标志三大设计属性开展了ERP实验研究,为前人的研究结论提供了新的实验发现和分析结果,从研究视角和实验方法上推进了安全标志设计属性的研究,深化了人们对安全标志设计属性的自动加工与感知差异,也为未来设计属性及其组合的深入研究提供了示范。(3)为已有安全标志信息处理的理论模型提供了新的补充。危险信息处理两阶段(HPTS)模型曾在脑认知层面揭示了人们对警示词语的危险评级过程。研究一则利用隐性实验范式研究了人们对安全标志图片的神经感知与自动加工过程,发现了新的自动注意阶段和自动评估阶段,为该模型提供了新的研究补充。(4)为本领域的相关研究争论提供了新发现。前人研究中,对于背景颜色和边框形状两个设计属性在安全标志警示效果中的作用存在一定的学术分歧。部分学者认为这两个属性提升了警示效果,另一部分学者则认为其作用十分有限。本文研究三和研究四从神经科学视角对该争论进行了新探索。实验发现存自动加工过程中,背景颜色和边框形状对人们早期的大脑唤醒和注意分类方面具有显著的促进作用,但后期对整体解读与危险感知的影响并不显著。本文从新视角为前人的研究争论提供了新发现,也为该争论的深入研究提供了研究方法的新思路。本文将认知神经科学方法引入到安全标志领域的研究中,为安全标志的设计与使用提供崭新的研究发现和理论补充,并基于研究结论提出了相应的管理启示和实际应用建议,使其更符合人们的认知特点与危险感知评估,从而更好地发挥安全标志在安全管理工作中的警示效果与指导作用,降低安全事故所带来的危害。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening-up, China’s industry is undergoing unprecedented great changes. But many production accidents occur along with the changes, and become a major restraining factor in the industrialization process. Safety sign is an important tool in safety management, and widely used in the social production and daily life. But the field investigation and case studies reveal that currently there are serious problems in the design and usage of safety signs, resulting in the impairment of warning effect. With poor attention effect and readability, the signs are hard to be comprehended by front-line workers, which bury hidden trouble of production accidents and labor disputes. Therefore, it is of great value to research on the existing problems such as the design and application of safety signs.The research and application of safety signs have a long history. Most researches are based on surveys and the behavioral experiments, but seldom on brain cognition and electrophysiological perspective. Safety sign design should conform to the cognitive processing and subjective experiences so as to play a better role as warning, which is precisely the research focus of Safety Production in Neuro-Industrial Engineering (Neuro-IE). Regarding previous studies, three key issues remain to be solved in order to deepen our understanding of the attention and awareness of safety signs:(1)"Is there any difference on the risk perception of various safety signs?"(2)"How do people perceive and process safety sign automatically?"(3)" Can the three components of a safety sign (i.e. picture content, background color and frame shape) affect neural perception and automatic processing? Why?" The current study focuses on these three key problems with the primary target on the neural perception and automatic processing of safety signs and completes four studies that are in relation with each other. In research I, a combination of questionnaires, interviews and the KRP (Iwcnt Related Potential) experiment are combined to study whether the hazard perception ratings has significant differences among the four types of safety signs, and whether the cognitive distinction exist in the automatic processing. Research I is a preliminary work for the latter researches, as it is not only an exploratory attempt of the research methods and experimental design, but also a base of the discussion and conclusion in following chapters.Research2studies the pictorial contents of safety signs. This research consults the first experiment’s paradigm, takes strict control over the stimuli materials, and investigates people’s automatic processing and brain cognition of different types of pictorial contents (e.g. warning signs and fake signs) by liRPs to explore the effects of pictorial contents on the design of safety signs.Based on the existing behavioral studies. Research3studies the neural perception and automatic processing of the safety sign’s background color (yellow, blue and white), which adopts a similar paradigm of Research I, and examines the way the color attributes affected people’s perception.Research4studies the perception and automatic processing of safety signs’ frame shape by the same experimental paradigm as Research3. It investigates people’s attention bias and categorization towards different frame shapes, and provides a new explanation with neuroscience perspective for the long-standing disputes over the effect of frame shapes.The current paper draws the following conclusions after the aforementioned scries of studies:(1) The hazard perception ratings have significant differences among the types of safely signs. The score of the warning sign is the highest, and then the prohibition sign, the direction sign and the instruction sign are the lowest.(2)Thc neural perception and automatic processing of different types of safety signs are significantly different. The warning signs own the best effect of risk perception, which is followed by the prohibition signs, and then the direction signs. It could be illustrated by the varied amplitudes and latencies of three ERP components (P2, N2and N4). Two stages of automatic processing are detected:the automatic attention stage and the automatic evaluation stage.(3)The subjects are very sensitive to the content of safety signs with different valences, which significantly affects the neural perceptions and automatic processing of the true and fake safety signs. It could be explained by the distinction of P2, N2, P3and SNW amplitude in the frontal area, suggesting that negative pictures are perceived and discriminated more easily and faster than neutral ones, and retrieved more cognitive resources to evoke long-term memory and associated negative experience, and finally resulted in higher level of hazard perception.(4)Significant differences exist regarding people’s neural perception and automatic processing of different background colors of safety signs. In the non-attention condition, background color of safety signs affects people’s perception processing, but is not significant to hazard evaluation of safety signs. People are sensitive to whether there is color or no color, and when there is color, yellow is advantageous over blue in the aspect of arousal and attention classification at the early perception stage. These differences are primarily reflected by the amplitudes and latencies of PI and1M1in the temporal occipital region and N2in the frontal region.(5) The attributes of frame shapes have significant influence on the neural perception and automatic processing of safety signs. Similar to the effect of color, the shape of safety sign can only facilitate the perception process, but it’s not a key factor to influence the evaluation of the hazard. Therefore, people are sensitive to whether a border exists or not during the initial stage of visual processing, and when a border exist, the shape of triangle obtains better attention than that of circle, which is mainly reflected by the differences of amplitudes and latencies of PI, N1and P2in temporal occipital region.As an exploratory study that introduces cognitive neuroscience research methodology into the study of safety signs and its designing factors, the main innovations and theoretic contributions are presented as follows:(1) The effect of different types of safety signs is studied for the first time. Previous researches are mainly focused on the design attributes and the combinations of them, and most of the studies aimed at warning signs. However, they do not look into the other types of safety signs. The current study takes four types of popular safety signs stipulated by the national standard into consideration, and investigates people’s hazard ratings of different types of safety signs by questionnaires and the neural differences by RRP experiments. The results not only extend the scope of safety sign researches, but also provide electrophysiological evidences for previous studies.(2) The influences of the design attributes of safety signs are studied from the perspective of neuroscience. Although there have been lots of work studying the design attributes and the combinations of them, few of studies retrieve evidences from the human brain. The latter three researches in this paper study the three main attributes, i.e. the pictorial contents, the color, and the frame shapes of safety signs by HRP experiments respectively, and identify the differences both in neurocognition and automatic processing. They provide new evidences for existing theories and promote the design of safety signs. By deepening the understanding of attribute design of safety signs, the present study also provides important reference for future studies on the integration of the attributes.(3) New complements for existing theoretical model are provided. The Hazard Potential Two Stage (I I PI’S) model reveals the evaluation process of the warning words by explicit rating task. Research I adopts an implicit paradigm to indicate the automatic processing and neural cognition towards safety sign pictures. Complementing the IIPTS model, new automatic stages are detected (i.e. the auto-attention stage and auto-evaluation stage).(4) New findings for the disputes of color and shape attributes’effects. Previous studies do not reach a common conclusion on the effects of the two attributes. Some researchers maintain that these two attributes enhance the warning effect, but others hold that the effects are very limited. Research3and Research4in the current study obtain new findings from neuroscience perspective. It shows that, under the passive attention condition, the background color and the frame shape have significantly positive effects on the arousal and attention classification in human brain, but not on the overall interpretation and the hazard perception at the late stage. This study provides new evidences for previous studies from a new perspective, and also provides an interdisciplinary paradigm for further studies on the disputes.This paper introduces cognitive neuroscience approach to safety signs study, the discovery of which provides theoretical guidance to the design and application of safety signs, with the aim of rendering them in line with people’s intrinsic cognition and risk assessment. We expect to enhance the role of warning and guidance in the safety management practice, and thus reduce the potential harm caused by accidents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期