

Correcting of Allocated Land-use Right

【作者】 卫芷言

【导师】 高富平;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 民商法, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 土地依照所有权的归属与利用关系可以分为“公有公用”、“公有私用”、“私有公用”与“私有私用”四种型态,而在中国,土地的所有权属于国有,由国家及农村集体作为土地所有权的权利主体,通过国家拨发特定范围的地段,创设土地使用权的制度供各种主体利用。在1970年代晚期以前,中国是属于计划经济及私产公用的经济制度,所有产业的拥有者均为国家,所有产业的运作均非以创造私有的财富为目的,所有生产、消费与供给需求关系都不是以市场上的主体基于自由的意愿,通过价格机能对各种物品供需的调节而完成,而是以实现国家所有、社会公有以及国家全面控制并决定关于经济活动中一切基本秩序为目的。这种经济体制使所有产业、事业都是以公共性质而存在的,是为社会大众全体而服务的,这类集体主义式的经济样貌,造成每一件活动都是以公共的性质出现,所有的土地利用关系亦为如此,这类的土地所有权归属与利用关系便属于“公有公用”形态。这样的土地利用关系是无偿的,且因为该地上活动并没有自行结束的问题,所以也是没有特定期限的,而所有土地只能基于政府的决定替换使用主体,无从由使用权人自行转让,这便是当时土地的“三无”特征。70年代晚期改革开放以后,国家开始开放外国资本进入国内进行产业的投资,各种在当时国家所缺乏的技术与资金均得自外国进入,同时,经济活动中出现许多以获取私人利益,可以由私人保有营利财产的产业,且国有企业员工亦得因增加产量而得到利润,生产、消费与供给需求关系开始由市场上的主体基于自由意愿,通过价格机能对各种物品供需的调节而完成。但是,过去以无偿方式供应的土地使用权,无法对开始出现私目的或可营利的地上活动及用地关系继续无偿使用,向土地使用者收取一定的费用,便成为当时发展上的重要转折。最终出现了一种由国家新创设的“出让土地使用权”,其所具有的有偿、有期限及可以移转交易特性,使它成为符合自由市场规则的一种土地使用权利。不过,早期经国家划拨的用地权利,仍然存在于国家各地,且因为其无偿使用的特征,权利人以其作为进行各种产业活动及商业交易的要素及主要标的时,可以享有以极低成本获取极高利润的机会,这现象造成出让土地使用权向划拨土地使用权流转,使本质上具有公共目的及一定公益性特色的公用土地渐渐以不正确、不规范的方式变成可以交易、供作商业利用的土地使用权。其结果就是,两种原初性质与目的显然不同,代价不同的土地使用权,却在经济意义上有着同样的效益,产生严重的制度混淆与错乱,并造成许多因土地产权变更而导致的腐败问题。在两类土地无法建立良好的区别隔离制度之前,土地使用权的性质与特征,究竟应该是有偿还是无偿的准则,应该自其地上利用该土地的关系来决定。本文考察所有划拨土地使用权的利用状况及相应的法律条文,发现其应该分为四类使用的类型,分别是政府机关及军事用地、道路交通基础设施用地、非营利性公共事业用地,以及国有或公有企业,及以获取利益为基本存在原因的第四类用地。由于该四类型土地使用权利分散杂乱,本文亦依其在性质、特征、法律上的概念及利用关系的原理,将其归纳为三类基本上有相近特征、相同或近似的法律原理的三种路径,并以这三种路径评估所有使划拨土地使用权变更为出让土地使用权的所有流转方式规范是否妥适合宜,不致违反相关的理论与法律上的规则。此三种路径分别是关于公务及公用、公共利益的事务,其所使用的土地应该维持无偿、无期限及无流转交易可能的三无特征用地;而以支付一定费用取得国家提供的劳物或物品,其交易不存在累绩财富的性质,具有公益性的事业用地,则需视该公共事业是否有市场上私部门的供应者出现,而决定其事业在公或私方面的性质,从而分别决定其用地权利究属系于公用或私用关系。最后,关于国有企业的一切土地使用权,则应该以得以进行市场交易性质的土地使用权关系为主,并应该对用地负担成本,得以交易或处分该土地权利,以提供该国有企业应有的市场商业价值及灵活性。

【Abstract】 The ownership and usage for land could cross-tabbed to four types aspublic-owned and public usage, public-owned and privative usage, privatively-ownedand public usage, privatively-owned and privatively usage. Whereas lands in chinaare all belong to state, that is the state-owned land institution. Which still divided intwo categories by the ownership, the state-owned land in city and the collectively(agricultural village)-owned land in the countryside.Before reform and opening policy in late1970’s, all industries and economicactivities are planed economy. State government made plans to cover almost alldomain of economic activities, the results are every kind of commodity, everymanufacturing and consuming, support and demand in free market where the pricemechanism will condition automatically, are all vanished, It is the reason by adoptingthe communist ideology that all properties belong to society and be used by common.Thus, private economic institution ended, all lands usage and activities above arepurely for public. So as state will zone land for some specific affair and arranged it toan authority or bureaucratic part, Just because the reason for every thing is public, theland used for the specific aim as well, it wouldn’t charge any cost, and would last aslong as authority’s decree, also non-tradable. Such land usage right derivate from state-owned land in china is called “allocated land-use right”. Which was the onlytype of land usage right in planed economy time.After reform and opening policy in late1970’s, china changed most of the planedeconomy system into free market. National enterprise began to earn much more thanwhat the bureaucratic mandated, employees wouldn’t be paid with no difference, mostof them tried to work hard to make more by their premium from additionalachievement. With large difference from past, these reward could belong to private,whatever to person or other entity. Besides, for the reason to attract foreign capita andtechnology that the country needed, government started to allocated land to somechina-foreign joint-enterprise as investment. It changed the situation for free land costpolicy in planed economy time. Therefore, china took a new strategy for the usage ofland. It contained the characters of tradable, mortgaged, rentable, commercial use, tothe extent of what the western country has processed for hundred years. This kind of anew land usage right is called “assigned land-use right“. However, the late allocatedland-use right was still there, it quickly aroused some contradiction between these twokinds of land-use rights. Every unit who used the allocated one, tried their best totransferred the land to commercial aim or other progressive utilities because the costof allocated land-right is zero. This twisted way of land-use right undermined thepublic feature and charity characteristic, and unequally for any unit to pay leaserentals. It still resulted some local government corruption on the process of landleasing or allocating.This thesis deals with whole features and characteristics, functions and purposesof the allocated land-use right, analysis and research the real and stereo type ofallocated one. It had induced four types of allocated land right, the usage of CCPoffice and government and troops, basic construction in city, public utilities, andnational enterprise. It also generalized three ways to correct the usage of allocated land, the first is for public and government use, it will not be charged any cost, anduntradeable, couldn’t mortgage. The second way to allocated land is for highlycommercialized usage like enterprise and company, partnership and other entity. Thefinal one is more complicated for depending on the way of what extent the publicutility will evolve.

  • 【分类号】D922.3;D923.2
  • 【被引频次】4
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