

Analysis on the Influence Factors of University Students Entrepreneurship in Liaoning Province

【作者】 郑志中

【导师】 张凤林;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 西方经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国毕业生数量每年增长,由2001年的115万人到2011年的643万人,年均增长超过45%。但是,我国为毕业大学生提供的工作岗位却并没有以同样的速度增加,社会上为大学生提供的工作岗位不超过80%。越来越多的毕业大学生找不到工作,这在高校学费日益昂贵的情况下造成了学历贬值的迹象,使农村学生产生“上学无用论”的观点,影响我国高等教育的正常发展。但是,在21世纪世界范围内高等教育的普及和就业形势的严峻化的大背景下,受过高层次教育的失业者数量越来越多,高校毕业生作为接受了高等教育、拥有各方面专业技能的人才群体,对于求职的态度不能仅仅依赖等、靠、要的思想。1999年联合国教科文组织发表的《21世纪的高等教育:展望与行动世界宣言》中明确指出:毕业生将不仅是求职者,而应首先成为工作岗位的创造者,高等学校要成为“创业者的熔炉”,“必须将创业技能和创业精神作为高等教育的基本目标”。由此我国开始产生鼓励大学生创业的浪潮。虽然我国高校和政府不乏鼓励创业的政策和措施,但是成效甚微。我国高校毕业生创业人数占毕业生总数不足百分之一,相对于欧美发达国家高校毕业生的10%—25%的高创业率,我国大学生创业仍有很大的差距及发展空间。辽宁省作为教育大省,自2008年以来,每年毕业生人数超过20万人,加之辽宁省国有经济比重偏大,毕业生就业问题异常严峻。自2003年开始,辽宁省开始制定各项政策,大力促进毕业生创业,以期能通过借助创业对就业的倍增效应来带动就业,缓解大学生就业难问题。然而,同我国总体结果一样,辽宁省大学生创业的人数相比毕业人数来说并没有显著增长。从2003年到2010年底,辽宁省累计创业人数6300余人,相对于累计毕业生119万人,大学生创业率不足0.53%,远低于我国总体水平。同时,在开发东北老工业基地的口号下,辽宁发展沿海经济带的战略规划又迫切需要有创新能力的人才加入。因此,为了吸引人才向辽宁省流入,分析以往各项政策的优缺点、寻找阻碍辽宁大学生创业积极性的因素、制定真正符合大学生创业所需要的政策,成为当务之急。虽然目前针对辽宁省大学生创业情况的研究越来越多,然而大部分研究是站在政府和高校的角度进行,目的是为了解决大学生就业难的问题,降低社会失业率。这些研究以及政府实施政策的目的性明确、功利性强,但是却没有得到大学毕业生的认可。同时,本文通过对几项辽宁省大学生创业调查的结果分析,发现在制定政策时,忽略了一个重要的群体——往届大学毕业生。因为调查中发现,虽然目前有创业想法的应届毕业生越来越多,但是其创业活动真正付诸实践是在毕业1—3年以后,而鼓励政策覆盖时间绝大部分只有1—2年,导致创业的大学生很少能享受到政策带来的优惠。因此,本文重点分析了政策失效的原因,并提出政策重点须向往届毕业生倾斜的观点。

【Abstract】 As the number of graduates in domestic growing from 1,150,000 in 200.1 to 6,430,000 in 2011 which average growth rate is over 45%, the jobs offered by society don’t increase as many as the number of the graduates which are less than 80%.The state that more and more graduates can’t find a job while the cost in school is increasing results to a sign in countryside that "Schooling is useless" which seriously influence the development of high-education in china. With the popularization of higher education in 21st century and the situation of obtaining employment is severely difficult, the number of high-graduated unemployed is growing. College graduates who have accepted higher education and have various professional skills shouldn’t wait for a job. In "Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century:Vision and Action" adopted by the World Conference on Higher Education in 1998, it pointed out that graduates should create the chance of job instead of just looking for a job. Since then, china lifted the boom of encouraging college graduates to establish a business.Although there are so many policies to stimulate entrepreneurship and Innovation, the effect doesn’t satisfied. Compared to 10%—25% in developed country, china’s rate of graduate entrepreneurs is less than one percent and have a great space to develop. As a large education province and state-owned business take up the majority of the economic, Liaoning has difficulty to deal with the problem of graduates getting a job, because there are more than 200,000 college students graduating from school since 2008. In order to solve the problem of employment, Liaoning province made great efforts to encourage graduates establishing new business but had nothing important effects. Compared with the number 1,190,000 of graduates, the number 6300 of entrepreneurs just make up less than 0.53%.But Liaoning province now are eager for person with kinds of abilities to achieve the strategy of develop coastal economic zone. So, it’s the most important thing for Liaoning to make policies which is corresponded to college graduates’ need to attract talents come in.Though there are more and more research aimed at Liaoning province graduates establishing new business, but most of them are standing on the point of government of high school and are designed to lower the unemployment. With the apparent utilitarian character, most of them are not accepted by graduates. At the same time through the analysis on several college students’ survey, I find all of the policies ignored a important group:the graduates from previous years. Since the survey results indicate that although many graduating students have the ideas of establishing their own business, the real activity put into practice is after 1 to 3 years from graduation. But all the stimulus only cover 1 to 2 years, which result to the person who seriously needs encourage can hardly gain the privileges. So I emphasis on the reasons that policy lose its efficacy and make a point that policy should lean to the graduates from previous years.

【关键词】 就业大学生创业创业政策创业教育
【Key words】 EmploymentEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship PolicyKAB
  • 【分类号】G647.38
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