

Study on Price Formation and Supervision Mechanism of Public Letting Housing

【作者】 王朝健

【导师】 张仕廉;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 公共租赁住房是我国住房保障体系的主要组成部分,对保障“夹心层”人群住房利益具有重要作用。继1998年住房体制改革以来,经济适用房、廉租房等保障性住房政策相继实施,缓解了不少中、低收入人群的住房困难,并逐步建立起“高端有市场、中端有供应、低端有保障”的住房供应体系。虽然廉租房、经济适用房以及住房公积金等保障性政策切实缓解了部分群众的住房困难。但是,从目前的实施效果来看,其制度运行存在诸多弊病,如定价不合理、准入机制不健全、缺乏法律规范,其中定价机制模糊化、随意化、缺乏科学合理的定价模型与标准是关系到保障功能能否真正实现的关键。2010年建设部发文《关于加快发展公共租赁住房的指导意见》,公共租赁住房正式纳入住房保障体系,随后各地相继实施公共租赁住房,但当前各城市的实施细则中关于其定价标准并未规范化。租金高低与保障对象的经济支付能力直接关联,若租金制定得过高则有可能使保障政策失效。为切实保障住房利益,定价机制应当:依据明确、价格计算公平合理、动态调整及时、监管到位等。针对价格制定的科学合理性在住房保障政策中的重要作用,本文分析探索了公共租赁住房价格形成与监管机制。本文从准公共产品属性的价格特征角度出发,探讨其价格形成机制,包括静态和动态两方面。静态价格形成机制即从价格特征的角度,考虑保障对象的平均收入、一定区域内同质商品房租赁市场的区位差异、建设及运营维护成本等因素的综合定价模型。模型以价格特征分析为出发点,从社会保障性、半开放的市场属性、成本“可回收”性等角度测算静态租金,以指标检验系统为“中枢”,定性、定量地综合各因素。动态价格形成机制,即基于其价格的动态性特征,构建影响租金的因子系统,包括供给需求子系统、成本子系统、房地产市场子系统、住房政策子系统,并基于系统的思想,探讨了子系统对公共租赁住房价格动态特性的作用机理,定性地分析了动态价格调整的信号机制。价格监管机制,即在公共租赁住房运行过程中,为防止其价格过高、哄抬交易租金、产生外部不经济效益等不规则价格运行现象的发生,本文从监管主体、法律措施、政策措施、管理措施等角度探索了其价格监管机制,以切实保证价格形成机制得以有效运行。本文以重庆市“民心佳园”公共租赁住房为例,验证了文中构建的价格形成机制的可行性与合理性。

【Abstract】 Public letting housing is one of the important components of housing security system .It plays an important role in the security for housing interests of sandwich class group. There is so much difficult ,since affordable housing and low-cost housing have eased a lot. It is gradually establishing housing supply system, covering a large number of group from low to high .Although the housing system has alleviated some of problems effectively ,including low-cost housing and affordable housing and housing fund policy , however the implementation is not ideal ,from the current point of view. There is so much drawback, such as unreasonable pricing, imperfect accessing mechanism, lack of regulation. There are some key issues of fuzzy pricing, lack of scientific and rational pricing model. It was issued a document "on guidance of accelerating the development of Public letting housing" ,by Ministry of Construction in 2010.after that, Public letting housing was included in the housing security system,and then the implementation of Public letting housing had been around, but lack of pricing standard details. There is some directly relationship between rent and Burden ability. The security policy is likely to fail, if the rent was too high. In order to protect housing interests, it should be clear and reasonable, timely and dynamically and so on. This paper analyzes the formation of Public letting housing price and oversight mechanism.It proposes that Public letting housing have character of quasi-public product, based on its supply and demand analysis.This paper sets for price formation mechanism, including static and dynamic, from the point view of quasi-public goods character. The static Price formation mechanism is a comprehensive pricing model, which consideres the average income of object , real estate rental market differences in location within an certain homogeneity and construction and operation and maintenance cost and other factors, .The pricing model is overall, which is from the origin of character of social security, semi-open market properties , and recyclable cost. Then it estimates the static rent. It proposes an index inspection system,that can synthesizes most factors,by qualitative and quantitative way. The dynamic price formation mechanism is based on dynamic character. It builds rent factors affecting system, including supply and demand, cost, the real estate market, and housing policy subsystem. It explores the price monitoring mechanism. It is very important to ensure the normalization of price , as an important supplement to the price formation mechanism .The ideal of price monitoring mechanism was to prevent driving up and down the rent, and other external non-occurrence of irregular. This paper proposed some effective mechanism,considering supervisor,legal measure, policy measure, management measure and so on.It tests and verifies the feasibility and reasonableness of price formation mechanism, for example of "ming xing jia yuan" in Chongqing, from the perspective of empirical analysis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期