

Strategy and Countermeasures of Development for Forestry Ecological Restoration Programs in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 孙景波

【导师】 赵雨森;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 林业生态工程的实施,为我国生态环境改善、经济社会发展做出了巨大的贡献。当前中国生态建设进入“治理与破坏相持的关键阶段”,全面实施以生态建设为主的林业发展战略,构建林业生态和产业体系,不断满足社会对林业工程多样化需求,是历史赋予林业的使命。林业生态建设不仅关系到我国林业跨越式发展战略的实现,更关系到我国的生态安全、人与自然的和谐相处和经济社会的可持续发展。黑龙江省是全国林业生态建设大省,自1978年国家开始建设“三北”防护林体系以来,黑龙江省就十分重视林业生态工程建设工作。新时期如何进一步改善黑龙江省的生态状况,搞好林业生态工程建设,是黑龙江省而临的重要挑战,因此,研究黑龙江省林业生态工程建设的策略与对策,对提高林业生态工程建设的质量和效果,具有重要的理论和现实意义。本研究以林业生态工程为研究对象,采用了全面调查与比较研究相结合、定性和定量分析相结合、实证分析与系统研究相结合、座谈研讨与现状分析相结合研究的方法。最终得出结论:黑龙江省未来林业生态工程建设发展特点将体现在:(1)可持续发展理论将成为林业生态工程建设的指导原则;(2)林业生态工程建设的目标方针将更加明确;(3)林业生态工程建设的原则将更加丰富;(4)科教在林业生态工程建设中的角色将得到强化;(5)重点林业生态工程建设将受到进一步重视;(6)与林业生态工程相关的法规建设将得到加强;(7)快速城市化过程中城市森林生态工程建设将得到加强;(8)野生动植物保护与自然保护区工程建设速度将加快;(9)湿地保护与恢复工程建设力度将加强;(10)重点水源区林业生态建设将获得重视;(11)森林公园建设力度将加大。黑龙江省林业生态工程建设基本原则为:(1)坚持可持续发展与生态效益优先的原则;(2)坚持生态体系建设与产业体系建设协调发展的原则;(3)坚持总体推进与分步实施、重点突破相结合的原则;(4)坚持区域合作与突出特色相结合的原则;(5)坚持政府主导与市场机制相结合的原则;(6)坚持人才培养与大胆使用相结合的原则;(7)坚持常规技术与高新技术相结合的原则;(8)坚持自主创新与引进、消化、吸收相结合的原则。黑龙江省林业生态工程建设战略重点是:(1)天然林资源保护工程;(2)退耕还林(草)工程;(3)三北防护林体系建设四期和五期工程;(4)野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程;(5)湿地保护与恢复工程;(6)森林经营工程;(7)生态公益林建设工程;(8)城乡绿化美化一体化工程。黑龙江省林业生态工程建设的主要任务:(1)为建立布局科学、结构合理、生态完备、功能完善、效益显著的林业生态网络体系和国土生态安全体系提供保障;(2)为实现林业和经济、社会持续、稳定、协调、健康发展,推进生态文明建设提供保证;(3)为促进涵盖范围广、产业链条长的生态主导型产业体系的形成,推进林业产业化进程提供支撑;(4)为推进林业全行业技术升级,促进传统林业向现代林业转变,实现林业跨越式发展提供贮备;(5)为拓宽广大农民群众和林区人民增收致富途径,加快社会主义新农村建设提供服务。黑龙江省林业生态工程建设的总体布局与重点建设区域具体包括:(1)西部松嫩平原地区(位于黑龙江省西南部);(2)东部三江平原区(位于黑龙江省东部);(3)北部大、小兴安岭区(位于黑龙江省北部);(4)南部长白山区(位于黑龙江省东南部);(5)中部丘陵漫岗区(位于黑龙江省中部);(6)城乡绿化美化一体化工程布局。提出了黑龙江省林业生态工程建设的对策与建议:(1)提高认识,明确责任,加强对林业生态工程建设的领导;(2)因地制宜,统筹安排,搞好并完善林业生态工程建设的总体规划及区域内部规划;(3)增加投入,加大对林业生态工程建设及其研究的支持力度;(4)加速培养和引进专业人才,努力打造一支林业生态工程建设的高水平科技人才队伍;(5)加快科技体制创新,建立新型林业科技创新机制,为林业生态工程建设提供强大科技动力;(6)加大研究与推广力度,不断为林业生态工程建设提供新良种、新技术、新成果;(7)加强林业生态工程建设科技示范基地和林木种苗与良种繁育基地建设,提高示范辐射效应;(8)建立健全服务体系,为林业生态工程建设提供全方位服务;(9)加强国际交流与合作,不断提高林业生态工程建设质量和水平;(10)建立森林生态效益长效补偿机制,实现森林生态效益补偿社会化;(11)制订和完善政策、措施和法规,加强宣传力度,为林业生态工程建设营造良好的环境;(12)推进林权制度和管理体制改革,激活林业生态工程建设的内在动力;(13)抓好林业生态工程建设的配套工程,巩固和扩大林业生态工程建设成果。

【Abstract】 The enforcement of Chinese forestry ecological restoration programs has made huge contribution to the socioeconomic development and ecological environment improvement of the country. At presesnt, Chinese ecological constuction is under the condition of "the equilibrium between ecological destruction and reparation". China has launched an ecology-centered strategy to constructing the system of forestry ecological and industry for the social demand of diversified foestry function. Forestry ecological restoration programs is not only concerned the realization of the forestry leap-forward strategic sectoral target of government, but also the ecological safety, sustainable harmonious development between nature and man of our country. Heilongjiang province is one main province of China forestry ecological restoration, and take forestry ecological restoration programs seriously from the three-north shelterbelt protection forest project that was initiated in 1978 marked the entry of large-scale construction period of Chinese forestry ecological restoration programs. In new era, it is important challenage for Heilongjiang province of how to improve the ecological condition and how to implement the construciton of forestry ecological restoration programs. Thus, It has very important theoretieal and practical meaning to study strategy and countmeasures for enhancement of the qualitity and effect of construction of forestry ecological restoration programs. Taking Forestry Ecological Engineering as the research object, the study employs the menas of integratnig comprehensive investigation with comparative study, qunatitative analysis with qualiattive analysis, and systematic analysis with demonsrtative analysis, Panel Discussion and present condition analysis. Through a systematic and comprehensive study, the fllowing basic conclusions are drawn:Heilongjian provincial forestry ecological restoration programs development will focus on:(1) following sustainable forest management principle; (2) clearly identifying Projects’ goals, objectives and strategies;(3) diversifying basic principle contents;(4) enhancing the role of science and education; (5) indefatigably managing major key Projects;(6) enhancing Projects related legislations;(7)promoting urban forestry program along with fastened urbanization.(8)increasing wildlife protection areas and natural reserves;(9)enhancing wetlands protection and related restoration projects;(10)emphasising key water resources area’s watershed management; andO(11)expanding provincial parks.Heilongjiang provincial forestry ecological restoration programs development principles are:(1) maintaining sustainable development and ecosystem services in a higher priority;(2). balancing forest ecosystem development with forest industry development, to seek simultaneous growth; (3) carrying on overall Projects advancement, but step by step implementation with focus on resolving major issues;(4) encouraging regional cooperation but with its own focus;(5) uniting government guidance with market regulations;(6) continuing new professionals training and putting them in important positions;(7) merging conventional skills with high leading edge technologies;(8) promoting self-innovation, also introducing, understanding, and utilizing existing technologies.Heilongjian provincial forestry ecological restoration programs strategies focus are:(1)Natural resources conservation program;(2) Affrestation and reforestation program (conversion from agriculture lands back to forests, or from grassland to forests);(3) Sanbei (northeast, northwest, and central north regions) protection forest projects (phase IV and V);(4) Wildlife protection and natural reserves;(5) Forest management;(6) Ecosystem service forests; and (7) Town and country greening projectHeilongjian provincial forestry ecological restoration programs tasks are:(1) Providing support for establishing scientific layout、reasonable framework、perfect function、notable benefit forestry ecological net system and safety land ecological system;(2)providing support for realizing forestry、economic and society developing steady sustaining healthy in phase;(3) providing suppor for accelerating forest industry progress;(4) promoting technology upgrade、transfer of traditional forestry to morden forestry, improving forest sector professional standards; and(5)exploring new economic benefits for those who lived in and around the Projects areas/regions, providing service for quickening construction of new socialistic village.Heilongjiang provincial forestry ecological restoration programs overall design and key project regions are:(1) Western Songnen flat plain regions (located south-west of the province);(2)Eastern Sanjiang flat plains region (located east of the province); (3)Northern Dahulian and?? (I forgot how to spell Xiaosing an ling) mountains region (north of the province); (4) Southern Changbai mountain region; (5) Central plateaus; and (6) Town and countries greening project areas/regions.Heilongjiang provincial forestry ecological restoration programs solutions and suggestions:(1) Improve forest ecosystem knowledge, identify responsibilities, and enforce project management; (2) Perfectly complete overall project general design and detailed regional level implementation design according to regional variation and priority levels; (3) Increase financial investments, to enhance projects infrastructure and research support levels;(4) Speed up forest professionals training and recruiting, to create a recognizable research and project management team; (5) Accelerate science and technology system mechanism renovation, establish new type forestry science and technology innovation mechanism, to provide science and technology momentum in forest ecosystem projects; (6) Enhance forestry research and its extension, to continuously provide new seeds, new skills, and research founding for the Projects advancement; (7) Improve forest ecosystem science and technology model stations including seedling, seeds, and genetic breeding, to increase model stations social effects; (8) Fully establish projects service system, to ensure projects implementation; (9) Increase international cooperation and scholar exchange, to continuously improve project’s quality, science and management; (10) Establish forest ecosystem service allowance system, in which forest ecosystem compensated from society who benefited from the forest ecosystem; (11) Formulate, develop, and publicize forest policies, measurements, and legislations, to create a good projects development environment; (12) Support forest property and management mechanism reformation, to reenergize forest ecosystem projects’ internal momentum;(13) Encourage accessory projects related to major forestry ecological restoration programs, to enhance and expand forestry ecological restoration programs’ achievements.
