

The Mechanism of Spatial Restructuring of the Metropolitan Space under Evolution of the Creative Industrial Districts

【作者】 马仁锋

【导师】 沈玉芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 1980年代以来,全球化与新经济成为全球发展最重要的趋势之一。在这其中,大都市的创意经济迅猛发展、城市空间结构与功能剧烈变动,创意产业区、大都市空间随即成为21世纪初期需要深入探讨的两个重要命题。在我国,由于经济和城市创新驱动、转型发展的国家战略需求,借鉴国外大都市创意产业与空间可持续发展过程积累的经验,吸收和梳理相关理论并结合中国大都市空间及创意产业发展的态势,论证和阐明创意产业区演化过程中的大都市空间重构机理,不但对经济社会创新发展的国民经济实践具有重要指导意义,而且也是学科前沿,需要加以研究探索。创意产业区是20世纪末以来大都市创意产业迅速崛起的载体与产物,其演化过程有四维内涵。创意产业区既需具备生产功能,又得满足从业者的生活、休憩与交流等以促进创意的生产;更为重要的是创意产业区演化既促成了大都市空间基本构成单元趋向多功能复合,又诱发了后工业大都市趋向创意空间以实现创意产业与大都市空间的协同与可持续发展。在一定意义上可以说创意产业发展—创意产业区演化—大都市空间重构既是经济空间动力学过程,也是新产业良性发展与城市空间结构重组升级的耦合和自组织过程。据此,本论文将创意产业区演化过程与大都市空间重构融为一体进行相应的理论探讨与实证分析,旨在促进经济地理、城市地理与规划的学科交融,同时又能为创意城市建设与新经济发展提出建设性意见。本论文研究内容共由四部分构成。其中,第一部分(第1、2、3章)为绪论、进展述评和研究逻辑架构。首先从研究动态出发分别对产业区演化、城市空间重构进行文献综述,其次从经济地理、城市地理与规划两个学科的理论融合角度进行产业空间组织与大都市空间重构关联理论分析,最后在总结两者的关联性基础上,提出研究视角、研究内容与研究的技术路线,同时构建了研究的总体框架。第二部分(第4章)是创意产业区演化时空过程及机理的实证与理论探究。首先基于伦敦西区、东京练马区、纽约SoHo区演化历程的实证和案例分析,揭示了创意产业区演化的时空律,然后从演化经济地理学视角解析了创意产业区演化的驱动力、路径与趋向。第三部分(第5、6、7、8章)是大都市空间重构机理的理论探索与实证研究。首先通过国外典型案例(伦敦、纽约、东京)的全面解析,论证和阐明创意产业区演化对大都市空间重构的关联因素与作用机理、大都市空间对创意产业区演化响应的模式与机理;然后以中国最大都市上海为研究地区,对上述结论进行论证研究和解析同时,阐明上海创意产业区发展重构大都市空间的作用、格局及问题;最后提出大都市空间重构管治方略。在这个过程中,将创意产业区演化和大都市空间重构进行了交互式分析,由此验证理论假设与分析框架的确切性。第四部分(第9章)为结论与展望。本论文的主要结论:(1)创意产业区演化的时空过程表现为:①创意产业区构成要索量与质变及集聚-扩散运动,整体则呈现有机体的生命周期过程与空间维的集聚-扩散运动复合等时空特性;②创意产业区演化过程基本遵循形成、发展两阶段规律,但形成阶段受创意人才和区域优势作用明显、发展阶段受产业模式与文化艺术持续繁荣等作用明显,而且演化过程受内、外力源差异形成自发型、政府主导型两类模式等。(2)创意产业区演化重构大都市空间的机理是:①创意产业区演化对大都市空间重构作用体现在个体创意产业区演化直接重构大都市某一个或几个街区的实体、经济与社会文化空间并形成不同发展阶段的创意空间,群体创意产业区演化促使城区空间转型与“创意城区”生长。且个体或群体创意产业区演化重构大都市空间生产出的创意空间在不同发育阶段有不同的空间秩序和多样化路径。创意产业区的依托载体类型及利用模式、内部空间构成、产业类型和从业人数等是创意产业区演化与大都市空间重构的主要关联因素;总体而言,创意产业区演化对大都市空间重构的作用机理是:各创意行为主体利用创意产业项目网络环境,根据各自的空间需求,通过都市空间实践对项目实施的推动过程,在创意驱动下的博弈过程。②大都市空间对创意产业区演化的响应机理是指大都市空间通过创意产业行为主体的空间实践,对创意产业区演化响应的空间选择、自我调整和调适过程;动态响应模式具有层进性和阶段性,具有创意阶层主导型、规划主导型两种基本模式;政府与创意企业在空间博弈与空间权力互馈中实现自我的空间认知调整,最终在空间实践中达成共识是大都市空间对创意产业区演化的响应机制。③作用和响应过程的产出为创意空间。④总体而言,创意产业区演化重构大都市空间的机理主要体现在创意空间生产,在本质上是多元行为主体在时代背景与自我多边互动中形成的行为网络综合约束下主体利用自身空间能力追求空间利益并达成项目空间实践共识生产创意空间的过程。它既是趋向创意城市的大都市空间重构的内在作用机理,又是塑造创意空间的过程;其动力源自行政力、市场力和社会力,而生产模式以政府主导与市场主导为主。(3)上海的研究表明:①创意产业区演化推动了大都市内城空间的转型升级与创意空间生长,加速了创意城市建设进程,优化了内城空间结构,以此推动城市功能转换和提升;②创意空间的生产状态是大都市空间重构格局特征的指示器,可采用创意企业或创意阶层密集地加以判识,本论文综合运用GeoDA软件和回归模型分析发现,上海大都市创意空间呈现以静安、卢湾为中心的“双核”空间格局。本论文的创新之处主要在于:第一,本论文系统评述产业区演化与城市空间重构研究成果,尝试构建了“创意产业区演化与大都市空间重构”研究逻辑框架,以此克服“过程—机理—格局”城市空间重构传统研究范式的弊病,将创意产业政策、创意城市战略和大都市空间重构融为一体加以研究和探索,具有较强的学科前沿性与理论创新性。第二,建构了大都市空间重构机理研究的“作用”与“响应”交互分析,阐释、论证与揭示了创意产业区演化对大都市空间重构的机理,具有较强的学科开拓性和学术创新性。第三,通过探讨和论证单体与群体创意产业区演化与大都市空间重构的关联性,沟通了创意产业区演化重构大都市空间的一般规律与创意城市实践,提出了创意城市形成、发展的新路径。

【Abstract】 With deepening up of the globalization process and rise of the new economies as well as great shift of urban and regional development mode since 1980s, the Creative Economy(CE) together with major Metropolitan Spaces(MS) has gone rapidly. Dou seguently, spatial organizations of Creative Industries(CIs) and the MS have become two important themes of many disciplines in recent years,specifically the late 20th century. In this interactive relations between spatial organizations of CIs and MS, particular the integrative mechanism of spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space under evolution of the creative industrial districts have been not was within academic circles both in China and around the outside world. The thesis through review of the relevant theories and using empirical analysis, explores mainly the mechanism of spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space under evolution of the creative industrial districts with to adopting a broad study framework based on economic and urban geographies as well as urban planning.Agglomerate spatial organization of the Creative industries is producted from metropolitan CE and Creative industrial districts(CIDs) could be described as "CIASO".The evolution of the creative industrial districts has fourdirection dimensional factors as life cycle, spatial motive effect, relationship between spatial division of industrial activities and urban function zonation, and landscape within the CIDs have the function in producing creative commodities, and sustainable growth through residence of creative class, relaxation, communion and learning CIDs’spaces in a creative era of the metropolises. In this new era, economic, spatial and social management structures of metropolitan spaces have been changed and renewed as the spatial structure of metropolises has been rebuilt, original model of the old cities has been restructured and function at structure of distribution has been challenged with the space of the metropolis been used more effective.In order to analysis spatial restructuring of metropolitan spaces based on Evolution of the creative industrial districts, the thesis includes four main parts:PartⅠincluding Chapter 1 to chapter 3, discusses introduction, literature review and research framework. Firstly, it analyses the importance of the study of the CIDs and MS in the globalization process and a creative era. Secondly, it reviews relevant theories in literature in forefront fields of economic and urban geography,with focuse on the theory of evolution of the creative industrial districts, urban restructuring. Finally, it describes the ideas and framework of the research. PartⅡincluding Chapter4 analyses and concludes of the theories of evolution of the creative industrial districts with focus on the law of spatio-temporal process of evolution of the creative industrial districts. Firstly. it constructs the analysis framework of the evolution of the creative industrial districts; secondly, briefly analyses the global CI and CIDs development, and chooses the West End Theater District in London, SoHo in New York, Animation Industrial District of Nerima in Tokyo as the international cases; and thirdly constructs the law of spatio-temporal process of the evolution of the creative industrial districts models of spatio-temporal process. spatio-temporal dynamics and evolvement direction in the end. Part III including Chapter5 to Chapter 8, is an empirical study and tentative research on the mechanism of spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space under evolution of the creative industrial districts. In this chapter 5 and 6 study specifically the interactive relationship between spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space and evolution of the creative industrial districts. Firstly, by studying the evolution of the creative industrial districts’effect on spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space,it mainly analyses the driving factors and its interactive mechanism; secondly, MS respondings to the evolution of the creative industrial districts and its effects. Chapter 7 integrates the "effect" and "response", finding that production of creative spaces(PoCS) of urban space is the interactive mechanism of the spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space under evolution of the creative industrial districts.And chapter 8 studies mainly the processes of inner city changes and CI development in Shanghai accredited by the municipal government based on combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Clarifing the process,interactive mechanism, and patterns, issues of Shanghai metropolitan space restructuring by evolution of the creative industrial districts’effects, proposed government count measures for the construction of creative Shanghai metropolis. And it mainly combines theoretical analysis and empirical studies all together to summarize the main arguments, theoretical accomplishments and the main results. The last part—PartⅣincluding Chapter9, is the overall summary.The main arguments of this thesis are:(1) through analyses on the characteristics of spatio-temporal process of evolution of the creative industrial districts with cases from "the West End in London, the SoHo in New York, and the Nerima-ku in Tokyo". It has been found out:①the formation of CIDs needs some foundations, such as industry advantage, urban space and dynamics;②the characteristics of temporal process of CIDs is "dependent→Aspirational→Emergent→Mature",the characteristics of spatial process of CIDs is "Abandoned industrial area→art industrial agglomeration→CID→creative community→creative space";but the characteristics of spatio-temporal process of internal elements in CIDs are non-linear increase tendency at temporal dimension, agglomerative→diffuse→networking at spatial dimension;③the evolution process has two spatial agglomeration models controlled by the creative class or local government, but which only exist in the emergence period of the CIDs.④the leading-driving factors of emergence, development of CIDs are different each;⑤the evolutionary dynamic of CIDs is compound of the multiple spatial scale production networks spatial overlay and corporate/industry life cycle, corporate network, but the trend of evolution of CIDs is conventional and diversified. (2)the mechanism of spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space under evolution of the creative industrial districts is actually the production results of creative space(PoCS) in which:①changing industrial spatial organization pattern of metropolis impulsed by upgrading of the industrial structure and its MS response promotes the interaction of the CIDs and MS.②The essence of spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space under evolution of the creative industrial districts is economical, cultural and infrastructure projects and their networks, and the driving factors of it are types of the carrier of CIDs and used patterns, the leading industries type creative classes,internal public space,spatial mismatch between housing and employment of creative class;③The MS through actors’spatial cognition and spatial practice adjusts spatial structure and function which can promote the creativity economy and its agglomerative space for sustainable development; the dynamic response of spatial pattern of the MS is gradual, with two types of actors’driving process, and the response mechanism is the local government and the creative enterprise feed mutually in spatial struggle and spatial governance to restructure the MS.④the essence of PoCS is behavioral agents use spatial ability and power to codetermine the spatial practice programme of each project and operative process in creative space construction, the PoCS is creativie space growth process,and also the core of the mechanism of spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space under evolution of the creative industrial districts; the production pattern of PoCS is self-organized by market and other organizations by government activities; the dynamics of PoCS is market, administrative,and social forces, especially the market force is a composition of creative enterprises, creative class and capital; the administrative force is composed by industrial policy, spatial planning and governance of creative industries and the city; the social force is composed by which stimulates CS construction, preference community and individual consumption of CS and production networks of creativity in the era of globalisation and localization at the same time. (3)by case study,it has been found:①the action of evolution of the CIDs in spatial restructuring of Shanghai is along with the transition of the oversea economy, society and space in the inner city of the municipality, growing up of the creative space, accelerating construction process, optimizing spatial structure and promoting and upgrading the urban functions in a global urban networks scale;②Validates of the PoCS is the core of the mechanism of spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space under evolution of the creative industrial districts, however, it was been found that the production of creative spaces development degree is an indicator of the spatial pattern of spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space, and production of creative spaces can be identified by conglomerate of creative enterprise and employee of creative industries. Constructed by means of regression analysis (stepwise linear regression) via SPSS 15.0,GIS spatial analysis via ArcGIS 9.0 and GeoDA 0.9.5.i, identified the growth pattern of creative space in Shanghai is a double center expansion pattern,with the two centers of Jingan and Luwan;③the PoCS of Shanghai is unsustainable, therefore,it must be accelerated in terms of the transition of metropolitan governance from either the industrial policy or metropolitan strategy as to prompte creative urban spatial practiseThe main innovative points of this thesis include:①based on the research paradigm of the restructuring mechanism of metropolitan space and recent progress of economic and urban geography and planning, this thesis constructs a new research framework on spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space, which is an agent- environment - mechanism of the PoCS based on interaction and adjustment between the function & effect of the evolution of the creative industrial districts on spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space and responses of the spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space to evolution of the creative industrial districts.②it finds out also that the "effect" and "response" are two single perspectives of the spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space with the mechanism of change of the MS and CIDs under the evolution of the creative industrial districts and spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space. which will be internalize by the production of creative space.③in this a mechanism linking spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space to evolutionary trend of the MS was been built up, and it is helpful for link further up the MS development to creative space;as well as the mechanism links spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space to the creative urban space in metropolitan areas as a path in construction creative urban space and the spatial restructuring of the metropolitan space based on relevance of evolution of the single or and agglomerate of CIDs and MS.

  • 【分类号】TU984.113
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