

Study on Depression Status and Its Related Factors in Soldiers at High Altitude Areas

【作者】 吴晓燕

【导师】 严进; 唐云翔;

【作者基本信息】 第二军医大学 , 应用心理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:了解高海拔地区军人抑郁水平、抑郁检出率及其分布特征,探讨抑郁情绪产生的相关心理社会因素,通过总结一般情况和社会心理因素对高海拔地区军人抑郁情绪的影响,为早期干预提供科学理论依据。方法:选用抑郁自评量表(Self-Rating Depression Scale,SDS)、主观应激量表( Perceived Stress Scale,PSS )和症状自评量表( Self-Reporting Inventory-90,SCL-90)对海拔4500米以上的2633名军人心理状况进行调查。结果:(1)高海拔地区军人的抑郁水平非常显著地高于全国常模(p<0.01),抑郁情绪检出率为32.1%,其中,无抑郁或极轻微抑郁的有1752人占样本量67.9%,轻度抑郁的有629人占样本量24.4%,中度抑郁的有195人占样本量的7.6%,重度抑郁的有6人,占样本量0.2%;(2)高海拔地区军人的抑郁水平与抑郁检出率在性别、是否是独生子女、近亲中无有精神病史和家庭组成模式上的差异不显著(p>0.05);不同年龄、军龄、生源地、家庭经济水平的高海拔地区军人抑郁水平与抑郁情绪检出率的差别具有非常显著性意义(p<0.01),抑郁水平与抑郁检出率随年龄和军龄的增加而升高,来自农村的军人的抑郁水平与抑郁检出率明显高于来自县镇和城市的,家庭经济条件好的军人的抑郁水平与抑郁检出率明显高于家庭经济条件一般的军人;被试文化程度、父母文化程度不同的高海拔地区军人抑抑郁水平与郁情绪检出率的差别具有显著性差异(p<0.05),抑郁水平和抑郁检出率随着文化程度的升高而降低。(3)高海拔地区军人抑郁情绪的发生随着主观应激的加重而升高,差异非常显著(p<0.01),SCL-90各症状因子得分越高抑郁水平与抑郁情绪检出率越高,差异非常显著(p<0.01)。结论:(1)在本次调查中,32.1%的高海拔军人存在抑郁情绪,但以轻度抑郁(24.4%)为主(占有抑郁情绪的73.7%)。(2)单因素分析显示抑郁情绪和抑郁水平与被试的年龄、军龄、被试的文化程度、父母文化程度、生源地、家庭经济条件、主观应激和SCL-90各症状因子有关。(3)多因素分析显示军龄、本人文化程度、家庭经济条件、个体主观应激状况、躯体化因子、抑郁因子和敌对因子是抑郁产生的影响因素。

【Abstract】 Objective: To investigate the detection rate and levels of depressive symptoms of soldiers at high altitude areas who with depression mood, and the affecting factors that cause depressive mood .To summarize the society, general situation of soldier with depressive symptoms; providing scientific theoretical foundations for preventing soldiers from catching depressive symptoms effectively.Methods:A total of 2623 soldiers were surveyed by using self-made questionnaire、the self-rating depression scale ,Perceived Stress Scale and Self-Reporting Inventory-90,those soldiers were living at high altitude areas whose altitude was higher than 4,500 meters。Results: (1)Among 2582 subjects, the detection rate of depressive symptoms is 32.1%,1817soldiers(70.4%)with no or very mild depression, 564soldiers (21.8%) with light depression ,195soldiers (7.6%) with medium depression group,6 soldiers 0.2%) with serious depression。(2)analysis of the general circumstance : the results of the single factor analysis manifest that there are no difference among soldiers at high altitude areas who with the different degree of depressed symptoms in the sex,only child ,the family type and family history of mental illnes(sp>0.05).There are significant difference among soldiers at high altitude areas who with the different degree of depressed symptoms in age, military age, living source, education, parents’cultural degree, family economic level(p<0.05).The detection rate of depression and depression levels are increased with age and military age, and they are decreased with the ascending of the subjects’education degree. The analysis of living source shows that the detection rate of depression of those who living in rural area is higher than those who living in urban area,(3) The occurrence of depression is increased with the aggravation of the perceived stress, the difference was significant (p <0.001). the more serious all factors of SCL-90 are, the higher the detection rate of symptoms of depression and the depression score are the difference is very significant (p <0.001).(4) The results of the single factor analysis manifest that the affecting factors of the occurrence of depressive mood is age, military age, education, parents’educational level , family economic level, living source, the level perceived of stress ,factors of SCL-90 (p <0.05).(5)The results of the multivariate factor analysis shows: influencing factor of the occurrence of depressive mood is military age , the subjects’education,, family economic level, the pressure of the subjects, somatization , depression and hostilityConclusion: (1) Among 2582 subjects,the detection rate of depressive symptoms is32.1%, but mild depression (21.8%) is dominated (73.7% share of depression.)(2) Depressive mood and depression levels are related to age, military age, the subjects’education, parents’education, living source and family economic level.(3) The affecting factors are military age, subjects’education, family economic conditions, stress, somatization, depression factor and hostility factor.
