

Chinese Rare Earth Resources Rational Exploitation and Utilization of Economic Analysis

【作者】 邓强

【导师】 姜建华;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古财经学院 , 政治经济学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国稀土资源合理开发利用是中国可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。国内研究稀土资源问题的专家学者大多是从微观经济个体或宏观管理政策方面着手,注重分析价格、生产量及出口量等经济变量。运用经济学研究方法,从可持续发展的自然资源价值论的角度寻找解决稀土资源与环境问题的研究则不多见,还没有形成一个清晰的、完整的理论体系。本文在评述国内外自然资源价值理论的基础上,结合可持续发展理论和马克思的劳动价值论建立了可持续发展的自然资源价值论,重新界定自然资源价值体现的关系、价值决定和价值构成,构建可持续发展的自然资源价值构成模型,并结合该模型探讨可持续发展的自然资源价值补偿问题。通过中国稀土资源开发利用现状的分析,指出资源浪费、污染严重、产能过剩、低价竞销和技术创新不足是中国稀土资源开发利用中存在的主要问题,并从宏观管理政策和微观个体的市场结构两个角度运用产业组织理论和博弈论对这些问题进行剖析,提出中国国内稀土市场竞争性的卖方市场结构与国际寡占型的买方市场结构的不对称性是中国稀土资源不能合理开发利用的根本原因,国家宏观管理政策和制度约束的缺陷是中国稀土资源不能合理开发利用的重要方面。在市场经济中,政府和企业各自发挥职能的手段和途径截然不同,双方的作用又都必不可少,二者有效的衔接和无缝的镶嵌是中国稀土资源合理开发利用的关键环节。根据中国稀土资源开发利用现状,应以优化国家宏观管理政策为主,市场淘汰机制为辅的模式来推动国内稀土市场结构的演进。国家宏观管理政策的主要手段是以可持续发展的自然资源价值论为指导的资源税改革。资源税的改革就是要通过资源税参与资源价格的形成过程,使资源价格能充分全面地反映资源的全部成本,从而有利于资源的永续利用。运用改进的完全竞争模型分析了资源税改革对中国国内稀土市场结构的影响;从规模经济、范围经济和学习效应三方面说明了寡占型市场结构的效率,用改进的斯威齐模型论证了寡占型市场结构的技术创新能力。中国稀土资源合理开发利用的实现机制主要是通过以可持续发展的自然资源价值论为指导的资源税改革来推进中国国内稀土市场结构由竞争性向寡占型演进。

【Abstract】 Rational development and utilization of rare earth resources in China is an important part of the sustainable development strategy. At present, the study of rare earth resources of scholars from the micro-economic individual or macro-economic management policies, pains in the analysis of prices, production and exports and other economic variables. Using economic methods, the sustainable development of natural resources from the perspective of the value of finding solutions of rare earth resources and environment implementation mechanism is rare, far from forming a clear and complete theoretical system. This paper, after reviewing the theory of value based on natural resources, combined with sustainable development theory and Marx’s labor value theory to establish the value of sustainable development of natural resources, redefining the relationship reflected by the value of the natural resources, value decisions and value structure, construction the model of the sustainable development of natural resources value constitute, discusses the natural resource value compensation question of the sustainable development.Through the development and utilization of China’s rare earth resources analysis, pointed out that the waste of resources, pollution, excess capacity, low prices and lack of technical innovation is the main problems of the development and utilization of rare earth resources, and using industrial organization theory and game theory from the macro-management policies and micro-market structure analysis of these issues, raised the domestic rare earth market competitive seller’s market structure in China and international oligopolies asymmetry in the structure of a buyer’s market is the basic reasons that rare earth resources can not be rational development and utilization, the national macro management policies and institutional constraints of the defect is an important aspect of rare earth resources being not rational development and utilization.The functions of government and industry each play different means and ways, the role of the two sides are both essential, both effective convergence and seamless mosaic is the key to rational development and utilization of rare earth resources. According to the Chinese rare earth resources utilization, should be to optimize the national macro-management policy-based, supplemented by the market elimination mechanism to promote the evolution of the domestic rare earth market structure. Primary means of macro-management policies is the resource tax reform. The resource tax reform is to participate in the formation of resource prices, the price of resources to fully and comprehensively reflect the full costs of resources, thus facilitating the sustainable use of resources. Using the improved perfect competition model analysis the resource tax reform on the influence of China rare earth market structure; from economies of scale、scope economies and learning effects show the efficiency of oligopoly market structure, an improved Sweezy model to prove the Oligopoly market structure of technological innovation. Finally, China’s rare earth resources rational exploitation of the implementation mechanism is mainly the resources tax reforms to promote domestic rare earth market structure evolution of oligopolies.

  • 【分类号】F426;F124.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1042
  • 攻读期成果