

【作者】 赖德繁

【导师】 许金顶;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本文经过梳理民国至今侨房政策的演变,主要探讨1979年以来侨房政策的制定背景及其执行的状况。侨房政策主要涉及华侨华人、归侨及侨眷(新中国成立后政府对华侨华人、归侨及侨眷的身份做了四次不同界定,侨房政策是一个民国至今长时段的历史遗留问题,为了不因政府对“侨”身份的不同界定而影响对中国侨房政策的制定与执行地探讨,在本文中对历史上具有“侨”身份的人员统称侨系群体),政策的制定及执行效果在很大程度上影响了他们的生存发展空间。保护侨系群体权益本属于国家履行社会管理职能的义务,但在现实操作中,政府往往把社会系统中本属履行社会管理职能义务的侨务事业和政府统治职能交织在一起,导致政府管理执行边界模糊不清。此点在历代政府对侨系群体的房产权益的管理上表现最为典型。1979年以来,中国各级政府为了保护侨系群体房产,先后出台了诸多执行腾退侨房的文件,但因具体的制定及执行机构对侨房政策认识有所偏离,对侨系群体的身份认同又存在误差,导致政策执行效能低下。基于以上原由,笔者选取具有典型特征的中国厦门市侨房政策执行为研究对象,用文献分析与田野调查结合的方法,以厦门市侨房政策执行与近现代社会变迁为切入点,试图通过对中国侨房政策制定与执行的源起、流变、和当前执行状况的梳理,从历史社会学、法律和科学社会主义的理论背景探寻落实侨房政策的困境,指明今后侨务政策制定与执行同法制贯通调适的路径,解决侨乡特有的社会问题,从而高效为侨服务,促进侨乡社会和谐。

【Abstract】 This paper has been carding people resolutely Policy of the Republic of China, overseas Chinese houses since 1979, focuses on policy formulation and implementation status of the background. Policy on overseas Chinese houses mainly overseas in the past have overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese and relatives of overseas Chinese (After the founding of New China, the government of the overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese and relatives of overseas Chinese to do four different identity defined policy on overseas Chinese houses is a long time since the Republic of historical issues, not because of the Government to "overseas Chinese" as defined in and affect different Chinese people resolutely policy formulation and implementation explored in this paper on the history with the "overseas Chinese" identity of the persons referred to groups overseas department) , policy formulation and implementation of the results to a large extent affects their survival and development space. Protection of rights and interests of overseas Chinese groups in the state Department of Social Administration obligations, but in actual operation, the Government is often the social system in the management functions are to fulfill their social obligations to the overseas Chinese business and government rule functions are intertwined, leading to the implementation of government administration boundaries unclear. This system in the ancient government groups overseas property rights of the most typical performance management. Since 1979, governments at all levels to protect the overseas Chinese community property system, has introduced a lot of people resolutely implement vacate the paper, but the specific formulation and implementation of agency policy on overseas Chinese houses have deviated from the knowledge of the identity of overseas Chinese groups department There is some recognition errors, resulting in poor policy implementation performance.Based on the above why, I select the typical characteristics of the implementation of policies on overseas Chinese houses, Xiamen, China as the research object, with a combination of literature review and field survey methods, the implementation of policies on overseas Chinese houses in Xiamen City and Modern Social Change as a focal point, tried on Chinese people resolutely policy formulation and implementation of the origins, evolution, and current status of implementation in order, from historical sociology, law and science to explore the theoretical background of the implementation of socialist policies on overseas Chinese houses the plight of the specified future policy formulation and implementation with the Overseas Chinese Affairsadjust the path through the legal system to address specific social problems overseas Chinese, so high the Overseas Chinese, the promotion of overseas Chinese social harmony.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期
  • 【分类号】F293.3;D634
  • 【下载频次】160