

Degradation of DEP, P-nitroaniline and 4-nitrophenol by Photocatalysis and Associated with Fenton Method

【作者】 杨丹

【导师】 黄卫红;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 光催化技术与其他高级氧化技术的联合在环境领域的应用研究是近些年来的热点。光催化技术由于存在反应时间长,光催化降解效率低等问题,目前该技术在实际工程中应用较少;Fenton技术在水处理污染时具有快速、设备简单、无二次污染的特点,但由于其氧化降解不够充分、氧化剂用量较大、成本高等缺点,该技术在实际工程中也较少单独使用。本文采用零价铁类Fenton试剂、普通Fenton试剂氧化体系与光催化技术耦联对难降解有机废水进行了处理,主要进行了以下研究:(1)光催化零价铁类Fenton体系对邻苯二甲酸二乙酯的处理研究。考察了主要影响因素:pH、双氧水量、铁粉量、催化剂量、紫外灯功率、温度和邻苯二甲酸二乙酯初始浓度等因素对邻苯二甲酸二乙酯降解效果的影响;通过GC/MS技术对其降解机理进行了初步探讨。结果表明:在目标物溶液pH为中性时,光催化零价铁类Fenton技术联合处理1h后,邻苯二甲酸二乙酯的降解率可达到86%以上;铁粉和TiO2重复利用3次后,仍有80%以上的降解率;苯环结构被破坏。(2)光催化零价铁类Fenton体系对对硝基苯胺的处理研究。考察了主要影响因素:pH、双氧水量、铁粉量、紫外灯功率、催化剂Ti02用量、温度、甲醇、对硝基苯胺初始浓度等因素对对硝基苯胺降解效果的影响;通过GC/MS技术对其在酸性条件下的降解机理进行了研究。结果表明:pH对降解效果影响较大,中性或者碱性条件下,对硝基苯胺几乎不能降解;调节反应液pH为4时,光催化零价铁类Fenton试剂对对硝基苯胺的氧化降解率14min可达80%以上;铁粉和Ti02重复利用3次后,仍有60%以上的降解率。(3)光催化Fenton体系对对硝基苯酚的处理研究。考察了主要影响因素:pH、双氧水量、Fe2+量、催化剂量和对硝基苯酚初始浓度等对对硝基苯酚降解效果的影响;通过GC/MS技术对其降解机理进行了研究,降解过程中主要产物有对苯二酚、4-硝基儿茶酚、对苯醌等。

【Abstract】 The application of photo catalysis coupling with many other advanced oxidation processes attract many environmentalist’ interesting in wastewater treatment in recent years. Because of its long reaction time, low efficiency and some other problems, the studies are still focused on the lab’s field and the real application is just start. With the advantages of high speed of reaction, easy process and without second pollution of Fenton techniques, it’s applying a lot but not alone because of its insufficiency degradation, high dose of oxidant and high cost.In this dissertation, Fenton system and like-Fenton system using zero valent metallic iron facilitated by photo catalysis had been developed for the degradation of bio-refractory organic contaminations in wastewater.(1) The degradation of DEP in a synergetic system of photo catalysis coupled with like-Fenton reagent was studied. The influences of operation conditions on the degradation of DEP was investigated, such as pH value, the concentration of DEP, the additional amount of Fe0 and H2O2 catalytic agent,temperature and the UV radiation power. Structures of intermediate products and final products were detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The results showed that the degradation rate reached 86% after treated for 1 hour with photo catalysis/Fenton technique, Moreover,80% of DEP were still degraded after reused the iron and TiO2 for 3 times, and the phenyl was decomposed to the bio-degradable substances.(2) The degradation of p-nitroaniline using zero iron metal of Fenton process facilitated by photo catalysis was studied. The influences of UV irradiation, pH value, the concentration of p-nitroaniline, the additional amount of Fe0 and TiO2, H2O2 and temperature, CH3OH were investigated. GC/MS was applied to study the degradation pathways. The results showed that pH play an important role in the degradation. P-nitroaniline can not be reacted under the basic condition. The results showed that the degradation rate reached 80% after treated for 14min with photo catalysis/Fenton technique. Moreover,80% of p-nitroaniline were still degraded after reused the iron and TiO2 for 3 times.(3) The degradation of 4-nitrophenol using Fenton process assisted by photo catalysis was studied. The influences of different impact factors such as pH value, the concentration of 4-nitrophenol, the additional amount of TiO2 and H2O2 were studied in detail. Further more, hydroquinone,4-nitrocatechol, p-Benzoquinone and other intermediate products were found by GC/MS and a probable degradation mechanism was proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期