

The Research for Mutiple Pavilions of Cultural Architecturein the Medium-sized Cities

【作者】 姜秋实

【导师】 梅洪元;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑学设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国中小城市的发展,文化设施大量的建设对应了我国当前文化产业的发展阶段和建筑实践特定的时空环境。随着社会的变迁,文化建筑已经经历了深刻的演变,自身的功能日趋复合化,建筑的社会性与城市性日益加强,成为多功能、多内涵的社会活动中心。多馆复合成为中小城市文化设施建设中大量出现的一种类型,多馆复合不仅仅是简单的功能叠加,更多的是各功能系统在新的空间环境下如何高效性地运作。因此如何适应中小城市发展需求的多馆复合设计成为本论文的研究重点。论文以中小城市文化建筑多馆复合产生的动因为出发点,进一步论述了影响多馆复合的主要因素,总结了多馆作为一个整体系统的组织方式,从而推导出关于多馆复合空间架构、形象塑造两方面的建筑设计研究。在空间架构部分,分别从多馆核心空间、馆际公共空间、辅助空间三个空间组成部分入手,论述了多馆核心空间的容量配比、多义系统化和空间的连续性组织,是多馆核心空间的优化组合的设计策略;馆际公共空间从多馆典型空间的节点形式、多馆功能聚合转换的中介、多馆内部交通流线的整合来阐述多馆公共空间集约共享的本质特点;多馆辅助空间通过对辅助空间类型的分类,总结了办公管理辅助空间、专属技术辅助空间、商业娱乐辅助空间的配置特点。论文在多馆复合形象塑造问题上也做了一定深度和广度的探讨,从多馆整体形象的深层内涵、表现方式、营造方式三个方面把握形象的整体性和统一性,进而提出了具体设计手法的运用,以期能够为中小城市在多馆复合形象塑造上提出切实可用的指导方法。论文除了对多馆复合设计手法的研究之外,还关注多馆复合的社会层面意义,作为土地和资金有限的中小城市,采用因地制宜、功能集约、空间共享的设计手段,也是对“大而全”的建筑设计趋向的反思。我国中小城市的特征,为探索多馆复合的创新设计留下很大空间。探讨中小城市实践中文化建筑多馆复合的设计策略,对当代多样的城市环境和公共生活具有积极的借鉴作用和现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of medium-sized cities in China, a large number of construction of cultural facilities that corresponds to the current stage of development of cultural industries and architectural practice specific spatio-temporal environment. As society changes, cultural buildings has undergone profound evolution, the capabilities of the itself has become increasingly complex, the building of the social and urban, become increasingly multifunctional, multiple connotations of the social activities of the Centre. Many Museum compound into medium-sized cities in the construction of cultural facilities influx of one type, multiple museum complex is more than a simple function of superposition, more by various functional system in a new space environment how to operate the high-efficiency. So how to adapt to the needs of medium-sized cities more Museum composite design become the focus of this paper.Thesis to medium-sized cities cultural buildings more Museum compound produced the starting point, further discusses the impact of the main factors influencing the museum complex, summarizes the number of Museum as a whole system is organized, to deduce the composite multiple Museum image creation of spatial structure, two aspects of the architectural design of the study. In the space frames section respectively from a variety of Museum core space, as this kind of public space, auxiliary space by starting with the three spatial component, discusses a number of core capacity of the Space Museum with polysemy than, systematization and continuity of space as a number of organizational, core Space Museum optimum combination of design strategy; as this kind of common public space from a variety of collection of the Museum entrance space, kernel space, more aggregate transformation to an extension of the urban space to more intensive shared public space Museum of nature; many Museum-aided by the secondary space space type of analysis, summarizes the exclusive technical back-up space in a stand-alone configuration and similar management assistance space and reset. Papers in a multiple-museum complex image-building issues also done a certain depth and breadth of, cultural property, urban properties, three aspects of regional property holding the image integrity and unity, which in turn has raised bodily from the roof to the application of specific design, with a view to medium-sized cities in a multiple-image-museum complex on practically available guidance methods.In addition to a number of papers at the library of composite design techniques, are also concerned with many museum complex social dimension significance, as the land and capital limited medium-sized cities, the adoption of local conditions, features, intensive, space design means, but also to the whole”“large architectural design trend. The characteristics of the medium-sized cities in China, to explore more creative design of the museum complex left a large space. Discussion on the medium-sized cities in the practice of multiple museum complex cultural architecture design strategies, on the contemporary urban environment and a variety of public life have a positive effect and practical significance.

  • 【分类号】TU242
  • 【被引频次】8
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