

Study on Control Methods for Pitching Movement of Missile

【作者】 顾林

【导师】 马广富;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作为当前最为重要的精确制导武器,导弹已经成为现代战场的主角,是各国军事力量发展的重要方向。日益增加的射程及命中精度需求和越来越复杂的系统结构使得传统的控制方法往往不能有效完成导弹的控制任务,研究并设计兼具快速性和鲁棒性的新型导弹控制器成为当前的研究热点。导弹复杂的运动模型及大量的不确定因素的存在,是控制器设计的主要难点。本文主要针对短周期运动小扰动情况对导弹模型进行了线性化处理,得到了便于控制器设计的导弹纵向通道线性系统模型。并基于该模型研究了传统的PD控制在导弹纵向通道控制中的应用,建立了对应系统模型的性能指标与控制参数的关系,通过数学仿真结果表明传统PD控制器并不能发挥较好作用。考虑系统的强非线性和不确定性,通过适当构造切换滑模面和到达律,使用饱和函数法进行消抖处理,设计了可用于实际工程的导弹纵向通道的滑模变结构控制器。并通过两个定理给出了控制器参数的选取规则,仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。考虑实际作战任务对调节时间的要求,设计了时间最优和模糊控制相结合的控制律。其中前者可发挥执行机构最大能力,在最短时间内将状态向平衡点逼近,但时间最优控制基于精确的对象数学模型,所以在平衡点邻域切换到鲁棒性较强的模糊控制器,两者通过适当构造指标函数进行切换。为了易于工程实际应用,在时间最优控制器的设计中,使用简单的非线性函数代替时间最优轨线,从而得到次时间最优控制器。同时,通过合理设计各变量隶属函数和模糊规则,根据模糊控制的作用区域选定了各量化因子,得到了相应的导弹纵向通道模糊控制器。数学仿真表明,两者结合能够有效发挥各自优点,达到快速精确的控制效果。

【Abstract】 As the current most important precision-guided weapons, missiles play a leading role in modern battlefield, thus become an important direction for the development of national military power. The increasing range and accuracy requirements and complex system architecture makes the traditional control methods unable to effectively complete the missile control tasks, many efforts have been put to the design of new missile controller to meet both speed and robustness of the current missile.Since the missile has complex motion model and a varity of uncertain factors, the main difficulty is the controller design. In this paper, to obtain a simple linear system model for controller design, linearization is performed for the short-periodic motion of small perturbations of the missile model. The application of traditional PD control in the missile pitching movement is investigated, in which the relationship between control parameters and the performance indicators of system model is established. Finally, the the performance of PD controller is validated through mathematical simulation, which shows that it can not play a satisfying perfoamance.For the problem of strong nonlinear and uncertainty of the system, a practial sliding mode controller for missile pitching movement is devised through appropriately design of the sliding surface and switching law. The saturation function is applied to eliminate chattering and ensure the quality of control system. Besides, two theorems are presented for the controller parameters selection. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the method.Consider the regulating time requirements in actual combat missions, a new algorithm which combines time optimal control and fuzzy control theory is proposed. The former can export the maximal capacity of the atuators, so that the state can be drived to the equilibrium point in a minimum time. However, the time optimal control is based on accurate mathematical model of the object, hence the system need to switch to fuzzy controllers in equilibrium neighborhood for its strong robustness. For practical engineering applications considerations, a simple non-linear function of time optimal trajectory is adopted instead of the real time optimal one, hence obtained the sub-time optimal controller. Meanwhile, based on rational design of each variable membership function and fuzzy rules, a fuzzy controller for missile pitching movement is introduced. Mathematical simulation results show that the combination them can take good use of all their respective advantages, thus a fast and accurate control effect is achieved.

  • 【分类号】TJ765
  • 【被引频次】1
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