

Research on Laws of Underground Pressure in Fully-mechanized Face of Nanliang Mine

【作者】 李军

【导师】 张恩强;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 南梁煤矿地处神府侏罗纪煤田地方开采区的边界地带,属于浅埋煤层。该矿过去长期采用房柱式采煤方法,劳动强度大,资源采出率低,安全难以保证,因此从2009年开始采用综合机械化采煤。浅埋煤层矿井综采面矿压显现在矿井开采初期尤其突出,严重影响工作面的安全生产,因此有必要对南梁矿20115综采面矿压规律进行研究。本文在进行大量现场矿压观测的基础上,利用已有的相似材料模拟实验结果,运用理论分析等方法,对南梁矿20115综采面矿压规律进行了研究。20115综采面现场观测、相似模拟和理论计算得出老顶初次来压步距分别为50m、40.2m和47.8m,综合分析为50m;周期来压步距分别平均为10.9m、11.3m和13.8m,综合分析平均为11m;现场观测和相似模拟的老顶来压平均增载系数分别为1.35和1.13,支架运行平稳;现场观测数据计算、相似模拟和理论计算的支架工作阻力分别为5373.5kN、5219kN和5918kN,结果基本一致,现场支架安全阀开启率只有5%左右,说明ZZ6800/14/27型四柱支撑掩护式液压支架能够有效控制顶板,矿压显现不强烈;相似材料模拟显示覆岩未出现下沉带,垮落带与裂隙带的界限不明显,即没有形成一般赋存条件的“三带”;下位岩层遵循自下而上的下沉规律,上位岩层下沉具有突发性。顺槽超前支护20m能够满足护巷要求,工作面之间20m护巷煤柱可以满足要求。研究结果对南梁煤矿20115综采面的安全生产具有指导意义。

【Abstract】 Nanliang coal mine is on the edge of the local mining district of the Jurassic oalfield ,it is a shallow seam.For a long time , this mine uses room and pillar mining method,this method is labor intensive and the extraction rate is low,also, the security is difficult to be gu- anteed.For this reason,fully mechanised mining method was used in 2009. shallow seam fully mechanised mining mine coal seams intermixed with crushed into the mining early, that will seriously affect the safety of the face, so it was necessary to the Nanliang 20115 fully mechanised mining face the pressure to study laws.On the basis of a great deal of field pressure observation , with the results of the similar armaterial simulation experiment and theoretical analysis ,this article gives a research and analysis of mine ground pressure law of Nanliang coal mine’s 20115 fully mechanized face.The main roof’s initial pressure pace of 20115 fully mechanized face is 50m and the periodic pressure pace is about 11m on the base of practical observations(50m、10.9m)、Resemble simulation(40.2m、11.3m) and theoretical analyse(47.8m、13.8m);the relationed data is 1.35(of practical observations) and 1.13(of resemble simulation); support resistance is 5373.5kN(of practical observations)、5219kN(of resemble simulation)and 5918kN(theoretical analyse),the result is identical fundamentally; The mine ground pressure behavior is not violent ,The proportion support resistance exceed the rated working resistance is only about 5%,the overburden rock didn’t appear the integral breaking of the whole overlying strata,four-column hydraulic shield support of type ZZ6800/14/27 can effe ctively control the roof; The results of the similar material simulation experiment shows that:6000kN of support resistance is enough to balance the pressure of overlying rock and effectivly control the roof;Subsidence zone of overlying rock does not appear; The boundary between caving zone and fracture zone is not obvious, it didn’t form the "three zones" in common condition; Su bsidence law of the lower strata follow the bottom-up rule while of the upper strata is unexpected . 20m’ length of gateroad’s leading support is enough to meet the requirements of roadway protecting ; 20m’ width of chain pillar between two faces is enough.The result of study have direction meaning for the minging of 20115 work face of Nanliang coal seam.
