

Stability Analysis of Horizontal Directional Drilling Hole-wall and Application in Engineering

【作者】 樊琦

【导师】 谷拴成;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 钻孔技术广泛应用于地质勘察、钻探工程、油气开发、隧道超前探测、管棚支护、瓦斯抽放和非开挖铺设等工程领域。钻孔在钻进及使用过程中孔壁稳定性问题是钻孔工程技术人员最关注的问题之一。钻孔失稳会阻碍钻孔施工的正常进行,延长施工周期,增加工程成本。严重的孔内事故往往会造成严重的后果:一方面钻孔失稳将被迫报废钻孔和钻具,造成人力、物力和时间的极大浪费;另一方面钻孔失稳会导致无法获得地下蕴藏的真实地质资料,也会导致油气资源泄漏而造成资源浪费和环境污染。目前,绝大多数钻孔稳定性研究以钻探工程和油气开发工程中的竖直钻孔为研究对象,许多专家学者在竖直钻孔稳定性方面进行深入研究,得到大量有价值的研究成果。然而,随着水平定向钻进技术在隧道超前探测、瓦斯抽放和非开挖铺设等工程领域的应用日益增多,使水平钻孔稳定性问题成为当前亟待研究的课题。本文以水平定向钻孔稳定性问题为主要研究对象,主要完成以下研究工作:⑴根据弹性理论建立原始地应力和钻孔液压力共同作用下水平定向钻孔稳定性问题的力学模型;⑵分析钻孔液压力、钻孔埋深和侧压力系数对水平定向钻孔孔壁应力场的影响;⑶应用库仑准则和最大拉应力理论推导出不同侧压力系数下地层坍塌压力和地层破裂压力的计算公式;⑷由地层坍塌压力和地层破裂压力确定钻孔液压力范围,进一步提出最优钻孔液压力概念,研究最优钻孔液压力的确定方法并推导出计算公式;⑸将以上研究成果应用于明垭子特长隧道超前探测和乌兰煤矿瓦斯抽放工程中,通过计算分析确定最优钻孔液压力。本文的研究成果为水平定向钻进工程中选择钻孔液压力提供了科学的参考。

【Abstract】 Drilling technology is widely used in geological prospecting, drilling engineering, oil and gas exploration and development, tunnel advanced detection, pipe shed support, gas drainage, non excavation laying and other engineering fields. Drilling in the process of use and drilling hole-wall stability problem is drilling engineering and technical personnel of most concern. Hole-wall instability hinders the boring construction, and extend the boring construction period and increase the project cost. Serious hole accidents often causes serious consequences: On the one hand, drilling instability will be forced to scrap drilling and drilling tools, causing human, material and the waste of time, On the other hand, drilling instability will lead to cannot get the real geologic data of underground gas resources, also can cause leakage and resource waste and environmental pollution. At present, most drilling hole-wall stability study in the vertical drilling for research object. Many experts and scholars in the vertical drilling hole-wall stability, get a thorough study of the results have value. However, with the drilling technology in tunnel advanced detection, pipe shed support, gas drainage, trenchless laid and other engineering application fields are increasing. Horizontal directional drilling hole-wall stability problem has become urgent research topic.This article takes horizontal directional drilling hole-wall stability problems as the main research object. Complete the following main research work:⑴According to the theory of elasticity and establish a primitive geostress and drilling fluid pressure effect of horizontal directional drilling hole-wall stability problem of mechanics model.⑵Influence of horizontal directional drilling hole-wall stress distribution with drilling fluid pressure,drilling depth and lateral pressure coefficient was analyzed.⑶According to the Coulomb criterion and maximum normal stress theory derived the calculation formula of caving pressure and formation fracture pressure under different lateral pressure coefficient.⑷Drilling fluid pressure was to determine by the collapse pressure and fracture pressure. Put forward the concept about optimal drilling fluid pressure, and the calculation formula is deduced.⑸More research will be used during the advanced detection of the Mingyazi extra-long tunnel and Wulan coal gas drainage engineering, through calculation and analysis to determine the optimal drilling fluid pressure.This research project for the horizontal directional drilling holes in the fluid pressure selection provides a scientific reference.
