

The Rebuild of Fire Robot Based on Partlele Swarm Optimization

【作者】 闫珍雷

【导师】 侯媛彬;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 机器人技术作为20世纪人类最伟大的发明之一,自60年代初问世以来,经历40余年的发展已取得长足的进步。消防机器人属于特种机器人范畴,它作为特种消防设备可以替代消防队员接近火灾现场实施有效的灭火救援作业,对减少国家财产损失和灭火救援人员的伤亡具有重要的作用。作为某种特定功能的灭火机器人应该具备以下某项或几项行走和自卫功能:爬坡、登梯及障碍物跨越功能,耐温和抗热辐射功能,防雨功能,防爆、隔爆功能,防化学腐蚀功能,防电磁干扰功能,遥控功能等。本课题以西安科技大学学科群的灭火机器人为平台,对灭火机器人进行硬件和软件的改造升级,以ATmega128作为控制芯片,数传电台和PT2262/PT2272为无线传输模块,实现了无线通讯和自动寻找火源的功能,使灭火机器人在人员安全保障和快速寻找火源方面进行了升级改造。硬件方面,运用ATmega128单片机为主核心控制芯片,设计了复位电路,JTAG下载电路,晶振电路等外围控制电路,还包括PT2262/PT2272无线传输芯片的外围电路,使无线通信模块实现数据解码、功率放大和信号无线传输等功能。在自动寻找火源方面,本设计采用火焰传感器,通过对火焰发出红外线的采集,对采集到的红外线进行数据分析,分为3个等级,实现火焰传感器对不同火情的采集和处理,通过无线模块返回不同的火灾数据,不同的指示灯和声音报警提示消防人员当时火灾的严重情况。软件方面,以ICCAVR为开发环境,C语言为编程语言,对无线通信进行优化升级,完成对火焰传感器采集数据的识别分类,实现火焰数据的无线采集分析。ICCAVR是一种符合ANSI标准的C语言开发微控制器MCU程序的一个工具。在此开发环境下,实现了对两线串行接口的TWI寄存器、通用同步和异步串行接收器和转发器的USART寄存器、模数转换器的ADC寄存器的优化设置,采用软硬件结合实现了无线通信与自动寻找火源的功能。此外,通过粒子群算法对气体压力和体积之间的相应关系的分析,提出了一种灭火机器人寻找火源的新方法,通过与最小二乘算法的比较,该方法具有较高精度,对参数要求较低的优点,为火灾的勘察寻找到了一种全新的方法。

【Abstract】 Robotics is one of the greatest inventions of mankind in the 20th century. It was come outat 1960s, and developed rapidly. A fire robot is one of the special robot species, which wasused as special fire equipment. The fire robot can replace the firefighters to fight fire andrescue something nearing the fire scene. As a fire robot, with special features, it should havewalking functions such as climbing, ladder and spanning barrier; and it should also haveself-defense functions i.e., heat-resistant and anti-thermal radiation functions, anti-rain,explosion-proof, anti-chemical corrosion, anti-electromagnetic interference etc. Moreover, theremote control function is also included.Both of the hardware and the software of the fire robot were rebuilt and upgraded, whichis based on the fire robot which was provided by the discipline groups.The wirelesscommunication and automatically finding the fire source were achieved by using ATmega128as control CMOS chip, data radio and PT2262/PT2272 as wireless transmission module. Then,the performance of fire robot for personnel security and finding fire source rapidly was rebuiltand upgraded.For the hardware, using ATmega128 singlechip as the main core control chip, theexternal control circuit viz. reset circuit,JTAG download circuit and crystal oscillator circuitwere designed. The external control circuit of PT2262/PT2272 wireless transmission chip wasas well as designed, which made the wireless transmission module have data decoding, poweramplifier and wireless signal transmission etc. functions. For automatically finding the firesource, a flame sensor was used to collect and analyze the infrared ray radiated by the flame,which realize the collection and process of different fire data. Finally, the different fire datawas transported by wireless module indicating the fireman the situation of fire disaster bydifferent indicator light and voice. For the software, using ICCAVR as development environment, C language asprogramming language, the wireless communication was upgraded to identify and classify thecollected data of fire sensor realizing collection and analysis of fire data. ICCAVR is a tool todevelop MCU program by using C language which was according to ANSI standard. Underthe development environment of ICCAVR, the TWI register, USART register and ADCregister were optimization settled to realize the combination of wireless communication andautomatically finding fire source hard-soft ware.Moreover,the new method of finding the fire source was established by the relationshipbetween the gas pressure and volume was established by studying Particle SwarmOptimization(PSO). Compared with least squares algorithm, the PSO, which had advantagesof higher accuracy and minor parameters requirements, provided a bran-new method for firereconnaissance.
