

Research of Transforming from Local Independent System to China Geodetic Coordinate System2000

【作者】 耿晓燕

【导师】 孟鲁闽;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 测绘工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着空间测量技术的普及和精度的进一步提高,传统大地测量工作发生了质的变化,促使大地坐标系由参心坐标系向地心坐标系转化。2000国家大地坐标系的启用,为我国建立高精度坐标系统提供平台,同时也将逐渐淘汰落后的参心坐标系统,若干年后2000国家大地坐标系将全面取代现有国家参心坐标系。因此,完成现行国家大地坐标系、各地及相关行业建立的地方独立坐标系向2000国家大地坐标系转换成为启用与推广2000国家大地坐标系的一项重要工作。本论文的研究内容是建立地方独立坐标系与2000国家大地坐标系的转换关系,研究成果可为2000国家大地坐标系的启用与推广提供参考,为科研和生产提供及时、快速的技术服务。本论文从我国目前各行业或部门在不同历史时期建立的诸多地方独立坐标系入手,从地方独立坐标系的建立理论和方式等方面进行归纳、分析,总结出三种建立方式:第一种,选择任意中央经线,以国家坐标系采用的椭球面作为投影面,按高斯投影方法计算平面直角坐标建立的独立坐标系。第二种,选择任意中央经线,以抵偿高程面作为投影面,按高斯投影方法计算平面直角坐标建立的独立坐标系。第三种,采用坐标加常数或中心点坐标平移和旋转。在结合大地测量应用技术和已有成果资料的基础上,对不同类型的建立方式进行研究,提出了地方独立坐标系向2000国家大地坐标系转换的基本思路:根据独立坐标系的建立方式,选取合理的坐标转换模型,采用两个不同坐标系下的重合点,计算坐标转换参数,实现坐标转换,通过坐标转换精度对转换质量进行评价。并具体设计了两种技术路线:一种是,当独立坐标系与2000独立坐标系建立方法基本一致时,将原独立坐标转换到2000独立坐标,再经过转换得到2000国家大地坐标系坐标;另一种是,当原独立坐标系与2000独立坐标系建立方法不一致时,将借助参心坐标作为过渡,统一转换坐标的中央子午线,变换到2000独立坐标,通过进一步的转换,得到最后的2000国家大地坐标系。在论文中,以工程为实例,选取了几种具有代表性的地方独立坐标系的成果与资料,针对实例特点提出具体适宜的坐标转换方法,通过实例试算、分析,对提出的坐标转换方法进行验证。

【Abstract】 Traditional geodetic survey has changed greatly with popularization of spacial survey technology and further improvement of precision. Geodetic coordinate system has transformed from reference ellipsoid centric coordinate system(RECCS)to geocentric coordinate system because of the change. The application of China Geodetic Coordinate System2000(CGCS2000)offers platform for establishment of China geodetic coordinate system with high precision, and eliminates the backward RECCS gradually. It is an important job to transform China geodetic coordinate system in using or Local Independent System(LIS)to CGCS2000 .This paper has studied on the relationships of transforming from LIS to CGCS2000 which can service to further scientific research and surveying works.This paper has inducted and analyzed some modes of establishing LIS according to sorts of LIS which set up in different historic periods by different industries and departments. There are three methods of LIS:First, selected ellipsoid of nation coordinate system, calculated plane rectangular coordinate by Gauss Krueger projection. Second, selected ellipsoid of Projection datum plane with compensation effect, calculated plane rectangular coordinate by Gauss Krueger projection. Third, added constant or translated and rotated the centre coordinate.This paper researched and presented the idea of transforming from LIS to CGCS2000 according to the use of geodetic survey and data. The dissertation selected rational coordinate transformation model, used coincidence points between two different coordinate system, calculated coordinate transformation parameter, evaluated coordinate transformation quality through assessment of coordinate transformation precision. Two kinds of methods have been used to transforming from LIS to CGCS2000: First, When both the methods of establishment are consistent, LIS2000 are transformed form LIS , and then CGCS2000 is transformed form the LIS2000. Second, opposite to above the central meridian is transformed by using the reference ellipsoid centric coordinate as transitional tool, then LIS2000 are transformed from LIS, CGCS2000 are reached at last.The author has computed some representative achievements and data of LIS ,and some good coordinate transformation methods are given . At last the coordinate transformation methods which are given by this paper are proved to be right through experiments.

  • 【分类号】P228.4
  • 【被引频次】7
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