

Research of Marketing Mode for Jilin Tobacco Industrial Co.,Ltd.

【作者】 尹剑锋

【导师】 沈颂东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 长久以来我国烟草行业实行卷烟国家专卖制度,卷烟专卖专营,产品计划生产,渠道非常单一,价格是计划的,促销是受限制的,营销的四要素都不能正常发挥。如果说卷烟市场有营销的话,顶多只是粗放式的营销。随着中国加入WTO,国内烟草面临的形势越来越严峻。1.问题的提出:中国烟草行业目前的营销模式无法适应今后的形势需要众所周知,WTO所有规则的前提,几乎都是将企业作为经济贸易主体而不受行政干预。虽然在加入世贸的谈判协议中,我国一直坚持保留国家烟草专卖制度。但随着关税不断下降,国外卷烟的价格优势将会更加明显,而随着国外卷烟的大量涌入,面对需求总量基本不变的中国市场,国内卷烟原有的市场份额将会被大大蚕食,因此目前烟草专卖全包全揽的管理方式无疑要变。中国烟草行业自从工商分开后,卷烟工业企业主要是负责卷烟生产;而商业企业主要是负责卷烟销售和市场管理。因此卷烟工业企业的观念好似古老的生产观念,只负责生产,营销交给卷烟商业企业去完成。虽然很多卷烟工业企业也都纷纷成立了营销部门,但目前的营销相较于国际烟草巨头还有很大的差距,只有不断提高营销水平,进行职业化、专业化营销才是生存之道。2.产生问题的原因:中国烟草营销现状分析受制度的保护,卷烟营销目前还只是粗放式营销,中国烟草行业营销链条包括工业企业内部的营销人员、烟草公司、市场经理、卷烟零售户、消费者。但目前的卷烟营销主要将工作做到烟草商业企业,对零售户和消费者缺乏关注和洞察。虽然有的工业企业对终端营销也日益重视,但还没有形成完整的营销链条。应该看到,如今的消费者更加重视优良的服务和体贴的关怀,失去消费者往往不是产品的质量问题,而是消费者对服务的不满,提供优良的服务,建立起消费者对企业的忠诚,就需要把消费者的价值观念贯穿于企业的整个经营过程中,企业的各个部门将被高度地整合起来,以消费者为中心开展工作;另一方面,消费者的需求、价值观念又会在与市场环境的互动中不断的改变着,而且这种变化的频率越来越高,要使企业适应这样的变化,那种传统的单向沟通的营销方式已经力不从心,需要新的双向沟通的营销方式取而代之,建立起消费者与企业间的长期稳定的互动关系。3.吉林烟草工业有限责任公司营销策略通过对国内目前的形势分析和即将面临的国际挑战,吉林烟草工业有限责任公司在产品策略上要继续坚持低焦品类,努力发展中式卷烟,并对每一包低焦产品寻求一个与之相对应的产品诉求点,这样能够更好的抓住目标消费群体。在目标市场的选择上,要在对消费者进行市场细分的基础上,根据不同的目标市场采取不同的营销策略。另外由于当前制度的限制,还是要积极坚持工商协同营销和推拉结合营销,但积极探索新的协同方式,进一步的做大做强优势品牌的同时更要注重对终端消费者的了解,对于消费者不同的需要提供更好的服务。

【Abstract】 The mode of our tobacco industry is national tobacco monopoly system, cigarette is monopolistic , product is planned to make, channels are single, price is planned, promotion is restricted, the four elements of marketing can not normal play. If the cigarette market has marketing, at most, only extensive marketing. With China’s accession to WTO, China tobacco will be faced more critical situation .1.the problem is: China tobacco industry marketing model can not adapt to the current situation and future needsAs is known to all, WTO premise of all the rules, almost all the enterprises as the main economic and trade without administrative intervention. Although negotiations on accession to the WTO agreement, China has insisted on retaining the national tobacco monopoly system. But with the falling tariffs, the price advantage of foreign cigarettes will be more obvious, and with the influx of foreign cigarettes, total demand is essentially in Chinese market, the domestic cigarette market share of the original will be greatly eroded, so the tobacco monopoly current management style is no doubt all have to change.Since the China tobacco industry divided into industry and commerce, cigarette industry enterprises are mainly responsible for the cigarette production; and commercial enterprises are responsible for cigarette sales and marketing management. Therefore, the core of industrial enterprises like old production concept, is only responsible for production and marketing of cigarettes to commercial enterprises to complete. Although many cigarette industrial enterprises have also established a marketing department, but the current international tobacco giant marketing than there is a large gap between the level of only continue to improve marketing, vocational, and professional marketing is to survive2.Cause of the problem: Analysis of China tobacco marketingProtected by the system, cigarette marketing is still only extensive marketing, the China tobacco industry marketing chain, including internal marketing personnel of industrial enterprises, tobacco commercial companies, marketing manager, cigarette retailers, consumers. However, the current marketing work is cooperate with tobacco commercial companies, and lack of concern for retailers and consumers . Although some industrial enterprises is also increased attention on the terminal marketing, but don’t form a complete marketing chain. It should be noted, today’s consumers pay more attention to quality service and attentive care, if loss of consumer, product quality is often not the problem, consumer dissatisfaction with the service and provide excellent service and build consumer loyalty to the enterprise to need to consumers throughout the enterprise values the entire business process, enterprises in all sectors will be highly integrated to work with consumers as the center; the other hand, consumer demand, values will be changed in the interaction with the market environment , and the frequency of this change is increasing, for them to adapt to such changes, the kind of one-way communication of traditional marketing methods will not be right, and need a new two-way communication, consumers and enterprises is to establish long-term stability of the interaction3.Jilin Tobacco Industrrial Co., Ltd. Marketing StrategyThrough analysis of the current situation on the domestic and international challenges facing soon, Jilin Tobacco Industrial Co., Ltd. will focus on a category with low harm to the health in the product strategy, efforts to develop Chinese-style cigarettes, and to find a corresponding product demand points for each category. It will be better to grasp the target consumer groups. The choice of the target market, to market segmentation of consumers based on the different target markets to take a different marketing strategy. In addition, as the current system of restrictions, tobacco industrial enterprises still need to cooperate with tobacco commercial companies,and combination of cooperative marketing and marketing push, to actively explore new cooperative approach, make the further advantage of the brand bigger and stronger, focus on understanding to the consumer, to provide better service for different needs from the consumer.

【关键词】 烟草营销模式市场分析研究
【Key words】 Tobaccomarketingmodemarket analysisresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】F426.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】393