

The Interactive Research of Yan King’s Legends and Belief Customs in the Southeast of Shanxi Province

【作者】 郭艳芳

【导师】 毛巧晖;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 民俗学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 山西省东南部自古以来农耕业就十分发达,这里不但流传着众多与炎帝有关的传说,还保存着神农城、神农井、五谷哇、五谷庙等一大批遗迹,它们构成了庞大的炎帝传说信仰圈。本文以山西东南部炎帝传说与信仰为研究对象,通过对当地炎帝传说和炎帝信仰的梳理分析,试图探寻两者的互动关系。全文分为绪论、主体、结语三大部分。主体部分包括三章:第一章,对史料中的炎帝传说和山西东南部口头传承的炎帝传说进行梳理分类,将两者进行比较,以探析历史文献与民众记忆中炎帝的不同,并着重解析口头传承中炎帝传说的情节单元,进而揭示传说背后所蕴藏的民众心理及其诉求。第二章,在田野调查的基础上,首先展示炎帝信仰在当地民众生活中的具体表现,对山西东南部炎帝信仰的历史源流进行梳理,指出当地炎帝庙宇数量的减少并不代表炎帝信仰的减弱。第三章,通过对民众口头传承的炎帝传说进行分析,揭示炎帝传说是炎帝信仰的载体和基石,从炎帝传说到炎帝信仰的转变是口头叙事到行为模式、表层语言到深层民俗心理的转化;而炎帝信仰则规约着炎帝传说的内容和演变方向。两者相互作用,共同保存着山西东南部民众的群体性记忆。绪论包括本文的研究对象和范围、学术史综述、选题目的和意义及资料来源与研究方法。在主体研究的基础上,结语部分对本文的研究进行了总结,并提出炎帝传说与信仰是山西东南部民众生活文化不可或缺的一部分,它以特有的方式保存着民众的历史。将炎帝传说与炎帝信仰进行双向解释研究,不但有助于审视山西东南部民众的历史记忆的传承,而且对促进中华民族的团结凝聚具有重要的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 The farming industry has highly developed in the southeast of Shanxi Provice since ancient times. The popularity of a large number of legends related with the Yan King, and the relics of Shen Nong City, Shen Nong Wells, Grain Valley, and many grain Temples formed a large circle of Yan King’s legends and faith. This dissertation regards Yan King’s legends and belief customs in the southeast of Shanxi Province as research object, through the local legends and the faith, attempting to explore the interaction between them.The dissertation is composed of three parts:introduction, main body and conclusion. The main body comprises three chapters: Chapter One, by comparing the ancient text with the modern text, the thesis exposes the types of Yan King’s legends. the diffrence between them can help explore the differences between the legends in historical records and oral legends, and interperte the plot lelments and the profound meaning of Yan King’s legends. Chapter Two, based on the materials of field research, it firstly shows the concrete experssion of Yan King’s faith in the local people’s lives of the southeast of Shanxi Province, and then arranges the historical developments of Yan King’s faith in order to point out the fact that the reduction in the number of the Yan King’s temples does not represent the weakening of faith. Chapter Three, through analysizing the oral legends of Yan King, it indicates that Yan King’s legends are the cornerstone of Yan King’s faith, and the teansformation is from oral narration to behaviors, from surface words to deep folk psychology; However, Yan King’s faith can decide the content and direction evolution of the legends. The interaction between them has saved a group memory of the people in Southeast of Shanxi Province.The introduction comprises the research object, the literature review, the purpose and significance of the research, resources of materials, research design and methodology. Based on the study of main body, the conclusion summaries the findings of the research, and points out that the Yan King’s legends and faith are an integral part of people’s cultural lives in the southeast of Shanxi Province. It preserved the history of the people in a unique way. It is beneficial to improve the agglomeration of the whole Chinese culture as well as the transmission of the people’s historical memory in Shanxi Province.

  • 【分类号】K21
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