

: Master Sports Participation Influence of Subjective Well-being

【作者】 杜辉

【导师】 常乃军;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 《国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要(草案)》提出,实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略,把发展教育和培养德才兼备的高素质人才摆在更加突出的战略位置。党的十七大报告提出了努力建设创新型国家和人力资本强国。研究生是当前我国受教育程度最高的群体,是国家培养的高层次人才,是我国科技创新的主力军,在未来社会发展中将承担着艰巨的任务和使命。当本科生就业难不再是新闻,一个特殊的高学历群体便浮出水面,这就是界于本科生与博士生之间的硕士研究生群体。随着高校硕士研究生扩招力度的不断加大,硕士研究生组成了一个庞大的群体。硕士研究生的扩招仅仅是暂时缓解了就业压力,随着硕士研究生的大量毕业重新进入社会,不仅给社会带来了新一轮的就业压力,还给本科生的就业带来了更大的冲击。在高学历和严峻的就业压力面前,硕士研究生的幸福感状况不由得令人们开始担忧,硕士研究生的幸福感状况和如何提升硕士研究生的幸福感水平成了亟待解决的问题。因此,本文在前人研究的基础上,考察体育参与与硕士研究生主观幸福感是否存在关系、什么样的体育参与模式才能更有效地对硕士研究生主观幸福感产生影响。本文在系统地分析了国内外关于体育参与与主观幸福感及其预测指标关系研究的基础上,提出了该领域研究的不足,并采用文献法、逻辑法、问卷调查法、访谈法、心理测量法、数理统计法等研究方法,对这些问题进行了深入的研究。本文以山西省高校非体育专业的硕士研究生体育参与中的主观幸福感为研究对象。根据研究目的,从山西师范大学、山西大学、太原理工大学、山西医科大学、山西农业大学随机选择样本容量为500人左右的硕士研究生做为本研究的调查对象,得到有效样本473名。本文通过研究初步得出以下结论:体育参与通过“直接影响”和“间接迁移”对硕士研究生主观幸福感产生影响;体育参与对硕士研究生主观幸福感各维度和整体都有积极的影响和较大的促进作用;体育参与强度对硕士研究生主观幸福感维度的影响呈现倒“U”型趋势发展;中、小强度运动项目对硕士研究生主观幸福感的影响最佳;体育参与时间、频率对硕士研究生主观幸福感维度的影响呈现线型上升趋势发展;研究生体育参与的运动量与主观幸福感存在相关,不同运动量的体育锻炼对研究生主观幸福感的增强作用显著不同,中等运动量的体育锻炼的效果最好。

【Abstract】 "Economic and Social Development 10th Five-Year Plan (Draft)"proposed strategies and to implement in this strategy to develop educationand training both ability and integrity of high-quality talent in a moreprominent strategic position. The party’s 17 largest report of efforts tobuild an innovative country and human capital power. Graduate students inChina’s current group with the highest level of education is a nationalculture of high-level talent is the main force of China’s scientific andtechnological innovation, in the future development of society will bear thearduous task and mission.When the undergraduates difficult employment is no longer news, aspecial group of highly educated have surfaced, which is bounded byundergraduate and doctoral postgraduates between the groups. As theintensity of college enrollment Master continued to increase Master formeda large group. Master’s graduate enrollment is only a temporary relief fromthe employment pressure, with a large number of students graduating frommaster’s to re-enter society, not only to the society a new round of jobpressure, returned to the employment of undergraduate students hasbrought even greater impact. In the employment of highly educated andsevere face of pressure from the well-being status of Master could not helpbut make people started to worry, happiness Master status and how to enhance the level of Master’s sense of happiness has become urgent tosolve. Therefore, this article on the basis of previous studies, examiningsports participation and Master the existence of the relationship betweensubjective well-being, what kind of sports participation patterns in order toenhance the effectiveness of Master of subjective well-being have animpact. In this paper, a systematic analysis at home and abroad on sportsparticipation and predictors of subjective well-being and their relationshipon the basis of the study presented insufficient research in this field, andusing literature method, logical method, questionnaire, interview,psychological test search method, mathematical statistics and otherresearch methods, conducted a study on these issues.When the undergraduates difficult employment is no longer news, aspecial group of highly educated have surfaced, which is bounded byundergraduate and doctoral postgraduates between the groups. As theintensity of college enrollment Master continued to increase Master formeda large group. Master’s graduate enrollment is only a temporary relief fromthe employment pressure, with a large number of students graduating frommaster’s to re-enter society, not only to the society a new round of jobpressure, returned to the employment of undergraduate students hasbrought even greater impact. In the highly educated and severeemployment pressure in front of the well-being status of Master could nothelp but make people started to worry, happiness Master status andUniversities in Shanxi Province this paper, non-sport professional sport toparticipate in the Master of subjective well-being as the research object .According to research purposes, from Shanxi Normal University, ShanxiUniversity, Taiyuan University of Technology, Shanxi Medical University,Shanxi Agricultural University, randomly selected sample size of about 500 master’s students as a survey of this study was obtained 473 valid samples.In this paper, preliminary study reached the following conclusions:Master tends to younger age groups, mainly concentrated in the 20-30years of age; the vast majority of postgraduates no work experience;colleges and universities Master problem for sports participation andsubjective well-being is not enough emphasis; Master sports participationand subjective well-being status of the status quo can not be optimistic;sports to participate in Master’s subjective well-being has a positiveimpact and a larger role in promoting; sports a sense of subjectivewell-being of the population was significantly higher than non-sportpopulation, a sense of subjective well-being; graduate students toparticipate in exercise and sports sense of subjective well-being related tothe different amount of exercise (intensity) of physical exercise on thegraduate students to enhance the role of a sense of subjective well-beingsignificantly different, medium amount of exercise (intensity) of physicalexercise the best results.
