

A Study of Land Reform of Huguan County(1945-1949)

【作者】 韩李飞

【导师】 张玮;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 解放战争前后,中国共产党领导广大农民在中国农村进行了轰轰烈烈的废除封建土地所有制的土地改革运动,这不但解放了农村生产力,而且也粉碎了国民党统治,使广大农民的政治地位得到了很大的提高。本文以太行区壶关县在解放战争时期的土地改革作为研究个案,论述了土地改革运动及其对农村的影响。在旧中国,壶关县人民深受帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的压迫,人民生活极度贫穷,很想得到土地。中国共产党党组织在壶关的建立,给壶关人民带来了曙光。中国共产党领导农民进行土地改革,不是单纯的经济变革,而是与争取革命战争胜利、建立新政权联系在一起的。从某种意义上说,土地改革是中国共产党取得革命战争的主动权而必须经过的门槛。1946年,随着战争形势的日益严峻,中国共产党从自身出发,提出“耕者有其田”的口号,在广大农村进行了空前规模的废除封建土地所有制的土改运动。这一决定性举措,不但使中共最终战胜了国民党政权,也极大地推动了中国社会的进步。抗战胜利后,从壶关县落实党中央减租减息和生产政策开始,1947年2月基本完成土地改革,到1949年3月结束土改,前后历时4年左右,大致经历了减租减息、集中土改、土改复查、土改结束四个阶段。中共因时而宜,在各个阶段采取了不同的运动方式,通过土改促进了各项工作的开展。特别是在土改中,壶关县党组织在战火中建立,经过多次整顿,纯洁了干部队伍,同时对基层干部所采用的民主选拔制度,一定程度上使“人民民主”思想开始在广大农村广泛流传。同时壶关县党组织为赢得广大农民的认同和支持,组织各级干部和积极分子,深入农村,以民校、冬学、大众文艺为主要的活动形式,开展文化思想宣传教育运动,为推翻封建统治,建立人民共和国提供了保障。通过开展土地改革和各项运动,广大农民传统的权力、利益和柔情的网络被打破,农民政治觉悟随之提高,他们以空前高涨的政治激情和参与意识,给解放战争以人力、物力和财力的大力支持。

【Abstract】 During the time before and after the Liberation War in China ,Communist Party party led the majority of farmers in rural China to conduct a vigorous land reform movement to abolish the feudal land ownership, which had not only liberated the productive forces in rural areas, but also shattered the crude rule of Kuomintang and the political status of the peasants had been greatly improved. In this paper, Huguan County’s reform of land in the Liberation War is taken as a case study discussing the impact of rural land reform movement.In those days ,people in Huguan county suffered deep oppression from imperialism, feudalism and bureaucracy and lived a poverty-stricken life so that they aspired to land.The founding of communist party threw a light of hope to Huguan people.The reform of land led by the communist party was not only simple a form of economy but also was associated with both achieving a victory of revolutionary war and founding a new politic power In a way , the reform of land was the inevitable process for communist party to achieve the victory of revolutionary war.In 1946,The communist party initiated the slogan“the peasants owning the land”based on the reality of the increasingly miserable situation, which began the epoch-making reform of land in the huge rural areas. The defining measure taken by the communist party not only defeated the power by GuoMingdang but promoted the progress of the society of China.After the liberation war, the county government began with the policy of the reduction of land rent and interests and then finished the land reform roughly in the February of 1947 and completely concluded in March of 1949 with a period of four years or so. During the course of the land reform , four stages were involved including the reduction of land rent and interests ,intensive land reform, investigation of land reform and its completion .The party took different ways of movement in different stages of land reform according to the requirements of times and improved the development of all kinds of work. Especially, the local party organization of HuGuan county was set up in the war and purified the carder organization after change and rectifying the system of election of lower level of party. Consequently, to some extent,“the thought of democracy”began to spread in the rural areas.In land reform, the party organizations of Huguan County organized activists and cadres at all levels to win recognition and support of farmers, in-depth rural areas to schools, winter school, the public literature and art as the main form of activity, conducting cultural and ideological propaganda and education campaign . It was to overthrow the feudal rule and an important guarantee for the establishment of the People’s Republic. Through land reform , the campaign to make of traditional network of power, interests and tenderness of the farmers were broken, and it raised the political consciousness of farmers with unprecedented political passion and sense of participation to give the war of liberation to human material resources as well as the financial support.

  • 【分类号】K266
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