

The Fusion of Horizons of “The Degree” of Translation Strategies and the Subjectivity of the Translator

【作者】 郑邦悦

【导师】 李丽;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 翻译是一个复杂的活动。译者在从事翻译活动的过程中,无疑会用到归化和异化两个基本翻译策略。如何把握好翻译策略的“度”,也就是在归化和异化中寻求平衡,对译者来说很重要。异化过度,译作会充满了翻译腔,读起来生硬。归化过度,抹杀了原作的洋味,又如同阅读国内作品,不利于读者了解异国文化。本文作者从视域融合的角度对林语堂大师的译作Six Chapters of a Floating Life进行分析。作为主体的译者在翻译过程中其主体性发挥了积极作用,导致译者主体性决定译者对翻译策略实施的倾向性。现代西方阐释学认为阐释是对探索意义理解和解释的过程,不是再只是注重结果的哲学。伽达默尔提出的阐释学具有三个主要原则:理解的历史性,视域融合以及效果历史原则,该理论为翻译研究提供了新的理论依据。译者林语堂与作者沈复在性情与人生等方面具有相同之处,这导致了林语堂选择其作品进行翻译。林语堂在英汉两种语言方面的造诣极深,对于两种文化也是了如指掌,因此其译作极具典型性和可信性。在翻译过程中,林语堂为了满足西方读者的需要,适时采取同化这一翻译策略;为了将中国传统文化介绍给西方读者,适时采取异化这一翻译策略。本文作者通过对林语堂在翻译过程中针对各种语言因素采用的翻译策略应用的分析,得出译者主体性对于翻译策略的实施的倾向性起决定性作用。

【Abstract】 Translation is a complex activity. In the translating progress, undoubtedly the translator applies the basic translation strategies, domestication and foreignization, to his translation version. As far as the translator is concerned, it is of importance to grasp firmly the degree of the translation strategies, that is to say, the translator must seek a balance between domestication and foreignization. Over foreignization leads to translationese, and the translation version reads stiff. And over domestication results in eliminating the foreign atmosphere of the source text, and the translation version reads like a domestic work. It is detrimental to the target language readers’understanding as to foreign cultures. Western modern hermeneutics offers theories for solving this issue.The author of the thesis analyzes the English version of Six Chapters of a Floating Life, translated by Lin Yutang, from the perspective of fusion of horizons. As the subject, the subjectivity of the translator must make a full play of his\her subjectivity in the activity. As a result, the tendency toward application of translation strategies depends on the subjectivity of the translator. Modern western Hermeneutics is a science of exploring understanding and explaining meaning, not a science focusing on the result any longer. The three principles, historical interpretation, fusion of horizons and effective history, which put forward by Hans-George Gadamer, offer a strong theoretical base for the study of translators’subjectivity. Lin Yutang shares the same temperament and attitude towards the life with the original author Shen Fu, which leads Lin Yutang to choose Shen Fu’s works to translate. Lin Yutang is proficient in English and Chinese, while he is greatly familiar with English and Chinese cultures, so his translated works are greatly typical and believable. In the course of translation, Lin Yutang adopts domestication appropriately in order to satisfy the readers; he adopts foreignization properly so as to introduce Chinese traditional culture to the West. Through the analysis the application of the translation strategies used for translating all kinds of language elements, the author of the thesis can a conclusion that the translator’s tendency toward application of translation strategies depends on the subjectivity of the translator.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【下载频次】193