

Ecological Disposition and Comprehensive Utilization of Coalmine Waste

【作者】 武润强

【导师】 张爱国;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 煤矸石是采煤工业排出的固体废弃物,是在煤炭开采、洗选加工过程中产生的,大量的煤矸石堆放能形成矸石山。临汾市占全省含煤面积18%,煤炭探明储量348.09亿吨,占全省的13.48%。但是煤矸石一直是临汾工业固体废弃物中排放和堆存量最大的。堆置的矸石占用大量土地,破坏景观,遇到大风天气易产生风蚀扬尘。而且矸石中含有有毒有害元素,露天堆放经降雨淋溶后,可溶解性元素随雨水迁移进入土壤和水体,对土壤、水体和植被造成影响对周围的土壤和地下水造成一定影响。煤矸石已经成为固、液、气三害俱全的污染源,亟待治理。目前临汾市主要煤矿的处理途径为堆积,对于合理填埋、制造水泥、建材、筑路、燃料发电,采选伴生矿物、生产有机肥料等等,这些煤矸石利用途径,一直没有发展到位。怎样才能消耗掉大量的煤矸石,并且符合煤炭矿区发展循环经济的要求,实现矿业生产的可持续发展?本文以临汾市霍州辛置煤矿为例,在分析其煤矸石的理化性能、成分特征以及主要岩石组成,对煤矸石的生态处置与综合利用途径进行了实验研究和探讨,提出了合理填埋煤矸石的主要方法以及综合利用煤矸石的一些最佳方法,为临汾市煤矸石生态处置和开发利用开辟了新的方向。论文主要内容如下:(1)从时间角度论述了煤矿煤矸石生态处置与综合利用研究的国内外进展。煤矿煤矸石生态处置与综合利用探究是随着煤矿产业的快速发展及可持续发展的要求而日益显著,为了协调环境保护与经济发展之间的矛盾,而不断发展起来的。(2)从理论分析的角度,对煤矿煤矸石生态处置与综合利用探究的理论基础进行了分析,循环经济理论、清洁生产理论、景观生态学理论等可以作为煤矿煤矸石生态处置与综合利用的理论基础。在对煤矿煤矸石生态处置与综合利用探究理论与方法技术体系的分析与探讨的基础上,提出了煤矿煤矸石生态处置与综合利用研究的技术路线,构建了生态处置与综合利用的分析程序。(3)从实证研究的角度,以临汾市霍州辛置煤矿煤矸石生态处置与综合利用为案例进行了实证研究。通过资料分析整理、实地观测、GPS定位、现场访谈、景观拍摄、定量计算、专业制图等手段和方法,对辛置煤矿进行实地分析研究,提出了清洁发展方向与生态控制措施,这对协调临汾市生态环境与经济之间的矛盾,实现该区域的可持续发展是非常必要的。为了反映临汾市的地区特征,基于环境、经济两方面的考虑,让煤矿企业在实际操作过程中具有可操作性,能够使结论与实践具有很好的吻合性,提出了各煤矿今后建设的重要内容以及控制措施。(4)从总结讨论的角度,对论文主要工作以及得出的一些基本结论进行了总结,对论文存在的不足以及今后需要努力的方向进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 Coalmine waste is a kind of industrial solid waste discharged in the coal mining. A huge number of waste accumulations can form Waste Dump. The coal-bearing area of Linfen city makes up 18% of Shanxi, and its proven coal reserves are 34.809 billion tons, accounting for 13.48% of the province. However, waste accumulation is huge in Linfen, and coalmine waste has striking influence on ecological environment. Not only do they occupy lots of land, but also destroy the landscape and cause sand storms in windy weather. What’s worse, there are many toxic elements in coalmine waste, if rained, dissolvable elements may migrate into the soil and water, influencing the earth, water and vegetation, affecting surrounding earth and groundwater. Gangue has become a solid, liquid and gas source of pollution in urgent need of treatment. The main treatment of coalmine in Linfen city is accumulation at present. A comprehensive utilization has no development in place, such as reasonable landfill, manufacturing cement, building materials, road construction, fuel power generation, mining and associated minerals, production of organic fertilizers, etc. How to consume a lot of coalmine waste so as to be in accordance with the requirements of the development of circular economy and realize sustainable development of mining production? This paper takes Huozhou Xinzhi Coalmine in Linfen city as an example, analyses its coalmine waste’s physical and chemical properties, composition characteristics as well as the main rock composition, talks about its ecological disposal and comprehensive utilization experimentally, puts forward a reasonable method of landfill and comprehensive utilization of coal gangue in some of the best methods, and opens up a new direction for the ecological disposal and comprehensive utilization of Linfen’s coalmine waste.The main content of the thesis is as follows:(1) From the point of time, this paper discusses researches on ecological disposal and comprehensive utilization of coal gangue home and abroad. These researches develops significantly with the rapid development of coalmine industry and the requirements of sustainable development in order to coordinate the contraction between environmental protection and economic development.(2) From the view of theoretical analysis, this paper explores the theoretical bases of the ecological disposal and comprehensive utilization of coal gangue, such as the theory of circular economy, clean production theory, landscape ecology theory. Based on these analyses, it comes up with the technical system and constructs the analytical procedures of coalmine waste’s ecological disposal and comprehensive utilization.(3) From the perspective of empirical research, this paper takes Linfen’s Huozhou Xinzhi Coalmine as an example. Through data analysis, field observations, GPS positioning, on-site interviews, landscape photography, quantitative terms, professional graphics, the paper studies empirically and proposes clean development and ecological control measures, which have great significance in coordinating the conflict between environment and economy and thus achieving regional sustainable development. In order to reflect the regional characteristics of Linfen City, make an environmental and economical operation and have a good match of theory and practice, this paper suggests the construction of various coal mines in the future as an important content and control measures.(4) Finally, as a conclusion, this paper summarizes the main thesis work and some basic conclusions, pointing out its shortcomings and some relative further explorations.

  • 【分类号】X752;TD849.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】436
  • 攻读期成果