

Countermeasures to Online Games’ Impact on Moral Education of Young People

【作者】 韩一凡

【导师】 魏长领;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 伦理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 基于互联网络技术的网络游戏近年来在青少年群体中普遍流行,由此引发了一系列诸如青少年网络成瘾、犯罪、道德素质滑坡等社会问题。其中尤其以网络游戏对于青少年道德及其教育的影响最为社会所关注。传统的针对青少年群体的道德教育在以网络游戏等新技术娱乐方式的冲击下已经显得力不从心,因此针对网络游戏的时代特点和其对青少年的道德及其教育影响展开研究已经十分必要。本文从三个部分论述了网络游戏对青少年道德及其教育的影响以及对策。第一部分着重分析了网络游戏在近年来的新的发展情况以及特点,并对当前面对网络技术大发展条件下我国现阶段青少年道德教育在德育内容、理念、目标上的情况作出了分析。第二部分是论文的重心部分,着重从网络游戏对青少年道德认知、道德情感、道德同一性以及道德信仰四个方面的影响作了具体的阐述与分析。在论证上借鉴吸收了包括伦理学、道德心理学以及教育学等多学科的理论成果,并就此揭示了网络游戏是如何通过瓦解青少年道德心理的四个方面导致青少年的道德行为失范现象。同时,这部分还通过辩证分析的方法,从网络游戏内涵的积极道德因素对青少年的道德教育功能做出了三方面的总结,包括有利于培养青少年的集体主义团结精神,有利于弘扬中华传统的道德文化以及有利于青少年的道德内化。第三部分探讨了如何规避网络游戏对青少年道德及其教育的负面效果,包括重视道德认知发展机制、重视核心价值观教育、重视道德情感体验等。并在此基础上对如何加强网络游戏道德他律措施以及发掘网络游戏在道德教育中的道德资源性作用在内的道德教育功能提出了一些对策性建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, online games based on Internet technology prevail among youngsters, which triggered a series of social problems such as Internet addiction, crime, moral decline. Especially, online games’ impacts on moral education for young people arouse great concern of the community. The traditional moral educations for youngsters have appeared to be inadequate under the impact from the network-gaming entertainment characterized by new technologies. It is necessary to conduct a research on characteristics of the times of online games and online games’ impact on moral educations for youngsters.This paper discusses the game’s education and moral influence on young people from three aspects, as well as countermeasures. The discussion consists of three parts. The first part focused on moral education analysis on new developments and features of online games in recent years, and analysis on content, philosophy, goals of moral education for China’s young people with the great development of network technology. The second part is the core of the paper, mainly analyzing young people’s moral awareness, moral emotion, moral identity and moral beliefs concerning online games. The discussion in this part just uses ethics, moral psychology, pedagogy, and multi-disciplinary theoretical achievements for reference. And this part reveals how network game undermines the moral heart of young people through the four aspects and how network game led to collapse of young people’s moral behavior. At the same time, through the dialectical method of analysis, based on the positive effect of online game on moral education for young people, a summary was made, including helping to cultivate a spirit of solidarity collectivism, carrying forward the Chinese traditional moral culture, and helping to develop young people’s moral internalization. The third part discusses how to avoid the negative effects of online games on the moral of young people as well as on the education for them, including emphasis on the importance of moral cognitive development mechanism, the core values of education, moral and other emotional experience. And on this basis, the writer aims at putting forward instructive suggestions concerning how to strengthen the moral other-discipline and how to explore the positive effects of online game on moral education for young people.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期