

The Distribution of Rodents Population in the Danjiang Reservoir Area & the Investigation of Its Carrying Vectors

【作者】 王庭柱

【导师】 张卫东; 王玉敬;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 公共卫生, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的南水北调工程已进入移民搬迁、大坝加高、蓄水水位提高的实质性阶段,为预防和控制库区鼠类病媒生物性传染病的发生和传播,保障南水北调水源安全,对丹江库区不同环境鼠群种类及携带寄生虫情况进行调查研究。方法通过现场监测,采用鼠笼法、鼠夹法隔夜捕获鼠类,在实验室内进行鼠群种类、鼠龄、性别鉴定和体表、体内寄生虫调查、研究。鼠群种类鉴定:按照鼠的分类目录,并根据体型、体重、体长、尾长、毛须特征、颜色、胸背形状特征以及爪的形状等特征进行分类。体表寄生虫搜集方法:将鼠提起尾巴于清洁白瓷盘上方,由上向下用篦子梳理鼠毛后搜集盘中的寄生虫,用毛笔尖蘸水把寄生虫移入75%酒精瓶内保存,按虱、蚤、螨、其他分类计数;体内寄生虫调查检验方法:将鼠类剖腹后,首先以肉眼观察肝脏表面有无病变,如发现有淡黄色、散在或聚集分布的结节时,剪取肝脏病变和部分肌肉(舌肌、膈肌或后腿),分别置于载玻片直接压片法,在显微镜下镜检肝毛细线虫感染情况。结果本项调查共布放笼(夹)5000个次,有效笼(夹)4720个次,有效率为94.4%,共捕获各种老鼠355只,发现鼠种1目2科5属7种,分别为社鼠、大林姬鼠、大仓鼠、棕背鼠平、褐家鼠、黄胸鼠、小家鼠。库区鼠密度为7.52%,鼠类时间分布上,1-7月鼠密度持续升高,8月、9月维持高水平,9月以后持续下降,至12月份鼠密度降到一年中最低;捕获的鼠类按照鼠龄分成年鼠占86.48%,幼年鼠占13.52%;按照性别分雄性鼠占54.37%,雌性鼠占45.63%。鼠笼法捕获率(8.34%)高于鼠夹法捕获率(6.72%),χ2=4.28。有144只老鼠体表查到携带有寄生虫,鼠体表寄生虫感染率达40.56%,鼠笼法捕获活鼠体表寄生虫感染率(62.05%)高于鼠夹法捕获死鼠体表寄生虫感染率(14.38%),χ2=82.86。查到体内感染有肝毛细线虫鼠32只,体内肝毛细线虫感染率为9.01%,平原的家栖鼠肝毛细线虫感染率高于山区鼠。结论库区鼠密度以及寄生虫携带率均较高,传播相关病媒生物性疾病的风险大,为保障南水北调水源安全,预防相关传染病爆发,应加强对丹江口水库库区鼠类的杀灭。本文应用鼠笼法和鼠夹法捕获鼠类,两种方法捕获率不同,有待进一步增加布放鼠笼鼠夹数量进行证实;鼠笼法捕获活鼠与鼠夹法捕获死鼠体表寄生虫感染率不同,因此若进行鼠体表寄生虫研究应当应用鼠笼法捕获活鼠,以保障反映鼠体携带寄生虫的真实情况。进行鼠类密度与人群病媒生物性疾病之间的研究,可建立相应的数学模型。

【Abstract】 ObjectiveThe South-to-North Water Diversion Project has entered the substantive stage when the immigration is to remove, the dam is to be heightened, and the water storage and water level are to be improved. To prevent and control the rodent vectors of the occurrence and spread of biological infectious diseases in this area, ensure the security of the water source from Danjiang Reservoir, mastering the rodents population in different environments, promoting the vector investigation and research.MethodsThrough on-site monitoring, using cage method and mousetrap method overnight to capture rodents, the identification of rodents population and the outer & internal parasites investigation and research were carried out. Identification of rat specials:According to the classification of rat directory and size, weight, body length, tail length, hair characteristics, color, shape features, as well as the shape characteristics of claws, backs and chests of classification to identify the groups. To collect the body surface parasite, over a clean plate the mouse was lifted up-side down, the mouse hair was combed downwards to collect the parasite, lice, fleas, mites, were counted; To survey and test the internal parasites, after cutting open the belly of the mice, first observe with naked eyes whether the surface of liver has pathological changes, if there are light yellow, scattered or clustered distributed nodules, clip the pathological changes of the liver and some muscles (tongue muscles, diaphragm, or hind legs), and respectively place them on the sheeting glass slide to exam liver capillarity roundworm infection under a microscope.ResultsThis investigation altogether cloth cage (trap) 5000, the effective cage (trap) 4720, the effectiveness 94.4%, a total of 355 rats captured all, discovering the rodents population has one order, two families, five genus and seven species, respectively White-bellied Rat, Apodemus speciosus, big hamster, Clethrionomys rufocanus, Rattus norvegicus, Rattus rat, Mus musculus,mouse density 7.52%. In the Rodents time distribution, the rat density continues to rise in January to July, and to maintain a high level in August and September after September it continues to decline and in December it drops to the lowest; the captured rodents in accordance with rat age were divided into adult rats, accounting for 86.48%, and young rats accounting for 13.52%; according to sex, male mice accounting for 54.37%, female mice accounting for 45.63%. The rate with cage method to catch the parasite is higher than that with trap method,χ2=4.28. There are 144 mice found carrying parasites on their body surfaces, the infection rate of rodent parasite up to 40.56%, the infection rate of rodent parasite with cage method to catch the living mouse is higher than that with trap method to capture the dead mice,χ2=82.86. There are 32 mice infected with parasites found in the body, and the parasites are all Capillaria hepatica, and Capillaria hepatica infection rate is 9.01%, and the infection rate of Capillaria hepatica of plain Rodents is higher than that of the mountain mice.ConclusionsThe density of rodents in the reservoir area and the parasite carrier rate are high, therefore we should strengthen to kill rodents and strengthen the prevention and control of vectors and the related infectious diseases to protect the diversion water safety and prevent the related outbreak of infectious diseases. Meanwhile, it can also provide a solution to the prevention of underlying diseases after completion of the project. This paper also applied cage method and rat trap method to capture rodents, resulting in different capture ratios. The differences of the two capture ratios need further confirmation by increasing the number of laying cages and traps; The infection rate of rodent parasite with cage method to catch the living mouse is different from that with trap method to capture the dead mice, so if people want to carry out the research of the parasites in mice body surface, they should the cage method to ensure it can reflect the real situation. Carrying on the research between the rodent density and the crowd infection carrier biological disease can establish the corresponding mathematical model.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期