

Research on Distribution Network Geographic Information System of Jiefang District in Jiaozuo City

【作者】 李学伟

【导师】 魏峰远;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市经济建设的发展,人类的生产、生活用电范围日益广阔,电网结构变得比以往复杂,这给传统人工方式的电网管理带来了不小的挑战。因此,在计算机、通讯、定位技术高速发展的今天,采用新的技术来辅助人工对电网进行科学管理成为了有价值的研究课题。本文是在国内外公司和高校的研究成果基础上,利用地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)技术,结合焦作市解放区的区域用电特点和配电网管理工作的内容,研究设计的适合焦作市解放区的配电网GIS系统体系结构。在和焦作市供电公司配网中心工作人员共同努力下,确定了系统建设的原则和空间数据库设计原则;通过对流行的GIS开发方式特点的比较,确定采用SuperMap Objects的集成式二次开发;结合电力行业特性和系统数据特点,将GIS数据模型扩展成配网GIS数据模型;然后划分了系统图层,并设计了设备属性表的表结构;最后在Visual Basic 6.0开发环境下进行配电系统的开发,主要实现了地图管理、设备管理、查询统计等模块的功能。

【Abstract】 With the construction of urban economic development, human’s production and power consumption’s range broad increasingly, power structures become more complicated than in the past. It has brought a big challenge to the traditional manual method of network management. Therefore, in the environment of computer, communications, positioning technology rapid development of today, use a new technology to support on power management scientifically becomes a valuable research topic.This article is based on the research results in the domestic and foreign companies and universities, combined with power distribution network management features and contents of Jiefang district in Jiaozuo City by use of Geographic Information System technology, research and design distribution network GIS system architecture that suitable for Jiefang district in Jiaozuo City. With the efforts of Power Distribution center in Power Company of Jiaozuo, established the principle of system construction and spatial database design; through the feature comparison of popular GIS development method, determine use of integrated development with SuperMap Objects; GIS data model is extended into the distribution network GIS data model combined by the characteristics between power industry and its system data; then layers was divided and the structure of attribute table was designed of the device which managed by the system, finally, carried out the system development in Visual Basic 6.0 development environment, primarily to achieve the map management, equipment management and query statistics module’s functions.
