

The Research and Application of Laser Scanner Base on Vehicle Measurement

【作者】 曲来超

【导师】 袁占良; 刘先林;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,在快速发展的当今社会,车载激光数据测量已成为我国基础测绘手段之一,在地理空间数据的获取与更新中发挥着重要作用。而传统的数据获取方式已经远远不能满足现在社会发展的需要,特别在近景的数据获取中,这种不足就更尤为突出。随着激光测量的应运而生与激光扫描仪的迅速发展,快速摄影线阵相机技术的出现和应用,Pos系统的精密度的提高,近景数据获取测量己进入到数字测量阶段,然而现有的激光扫描仪、线阵相机、Pos等一些高科技术,也会存在这样那样的缺点,如激光扫描仪测距的不准确、内方位元素无法直接量取,线性相机对目标物体的颜色无法准确的获取,Pos定姿的误差等,这就使得激光扫描无法直接在近景测量中使用,因此,要想将三维激光扫描系统作为近景数据获取系统,以上的诸多技术难题必须得以解决。针对以上问题,本文主要研究内容如下:1.首先介绍了激光扫描测量的原理及激光扫描坐标系的定义,为研究激光测量技术打下基础;2.激光测量误差主要来源之一是目标物距激光扫描仪的远近及目标物灰度的不同而引起的测量误差,为此,设置了实验对其进行检校并得到其检校参数,对于另外一些激光测量误差来源如激光电流、激光转速的不同对其产生的误差来源也进行了检校并得到了其检校参数。3.对车载三维激光扫描的另外的一个重要传感器惯导联合激光一起做了检校,并得到其检校参数,在各种检校完毕后进行了实地应用测试,并给出结论分析车载激光扫描测量技术的可靠性与投入市场的可行性。

【Abstract】 In the rapid development of today’s society, the traditional way of data acquisition has been far away to meet the needs of social development. It is more prominent particularly in the close-range data acquisition.Laser scanner comes into being with the rapid development of fast line scan camera photographic technologies, applications and development, Pos system, the improvement of precision, the traditional way of close-range data acquisition has been challenged, but now the laser scanner, linear array camera , Pos also have drawbacks, laser scanner measurement is not accurate position and the volume element can not be directly obtained, the linear camera on the target object’s color can not obtain accurate, Pos attitude determination error, which makes laser scanner can not be directly in the close-range the use of measurement; Therefore, the three-dimensional laser scanning system as a close-range data acquisition system, more than a lot of technical problems must be resolved.To solve the above problems, this paper mainly studies content as follows:1.First introduced the measurement principle of laser scanner and laser scanner coordinate system . And lay the foundation for study laser measurement techniques.2.The main Laser measurement error caused by the target object’s distance from the laser scanner and the different gray , so set up an experimental calibrate it and get the calibration parameters, for other laser measurement error sources such as laser current, laser speed generated and so is it and carry out calibration and give its calibration parameters.3. Another sensor of on-board laser scanning is IMU, set a joint calibration using laser and IMU and a variety of calibration is carried out after field application testing, and gives the conclusions on laser scanning analysis of vehicle measurement reliability and feasibility of the market.
