

Study on Accquisition for Fault Symptoms of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor Vertical Transportation System

【作者】 刘静

【导师】 王福忠;

【作者基本信息】 河南理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 永磁直线同步电机及其伺服系统具有高效、节能等显著优点,在我国已取得了成功的开发和应用,已越来越受到重视。由于“分段式永磁直线电动机驱动的矿井提升系统”是一项新的研究课题,有许多问题有待解决,其中提升系统的运行安全就是亟待解决的关键问题之一。电机在发生故障前会出现某些征兆,其直接参数和间接参数都会在某种程度上呈现出一定的变化趋势,通过检测这些参数,以达到抑制故障发生,达到安全运行的目的。本文以分段式永磁直线电机提升系统为研究对象,通过对其结构、运行原理的分析,研究了系统在发生各种故障时引起的参数变化趋势和主要特征参数的获取策略,建立了以TMS320F2812和传感器测试技术相结合的故障征兆检测系统。该系统既可以完成现场的实时监测,又可以完成连续的参数分析。该系统由硬件电路和软件部分组成。硬件部分包括电压、电流、气隙、速度、绝缘、无位置传感器功率角检测模块,模拟信号调理电路,A/D转换电路,开关量采集模块,通讯模块。软件设计包含了数据采集,SCI初始化,监控程序设计。实验结果表明本设计可以满足实际要求、误差较小,可应用于实际系统。本监测系统为以后研制更大规模的管理系统迈出了具有基础性和开拓性的一步,其成果具有先进性和潜在的经济效益。

【Abstract】 Permanent magnet linear synchronous motor and servo system with high efficiency, energy-saving and other significant advantages, it has made a successful development and application in our country ,and gets more and more attention. the“sectional permanent magnet linear motor drive for mine transportation system”is a new research project, so many issues is still to be resolved, in which the operation stability is the key issues. Some signs will be shown before failure of the motor, its direct and indirect parameters would have some tendency, we can restrain failures by parameters detecting.In this paper, sub-type permanent magnet linear motor lift system as the research object, through analysis of its structure and operation principle, researching these parameters’changes when the system occurs failures.Based on the TMS320F2812 and sensor technology established the test monitoring system. The system not only can complete the on-site real-time monitoring, but also complete a continuous parameter analysis.The system is constituted by Hardware and software. Hardware is composed by voltage, current, air gap, speed, insulation modules, without position sensor power angle detection module, analog signal conditioning circuits, A/D conversion circuit, the switch volume acquisition module, communication module. Software design includes data acquisition, SCI initialization, monitoring program design. Experimental results show that this design can meet the practical requirements; less error can be applied to practical applications. The monitoring system for the future development of more large-scale management system has taken the foundation and ground-breaking step, the results have advanced and the potential economic benefits.Experimental results show that this design can meet the practical requirements, less errors, it can be applied to practical applications. The monitoring system has taken the foundation and ground-breaking step for the future development of more large-scale management system, the results have advanced and the potential economic benefits.
