

The Evolution of Yingkou-Weifang Fault Zone and Its Control on Tectonic Framework of Adjacent Basins

【作者】 周红建

【导师】 周瑶琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 郯庐断裂带是中国东部一条巨型的走滑断裂带,营潍断裂带是指郯庐断裂带营口—潍坊段。本文充分利用前人的研究成果,在收集各种地球物理资料(重、磁、电、地震)、地学大断面和电法剖面(MT)分析基础上,结合在平衡剖面和构造沉降史分析,研究营潍断裂带的基本特征、分布形态、发育演化和动力学背景。通过研究发现营潍断裂带发育演化具有明显的分段性和多期次性。该论文将营潍断裂带演化过程划分为以下7个过程:①早—中侏罗世的挤压;②晚侏罗—早白垩世的左行平移,该期活动主要在潍坊—莱州湾—黄河口段和辽东湾南段较强,渤中段较弱;③晚白垩世左旋挤压;④古新世—早始新世的左旋走滑兼伸展,在潍坊—莱州湾—黄河口段走滑作用显著,渤中段和辽东湾段走滑作用不明显;⑤中始新世的伸展兼右旋走滑,该期伸展作用以辽东湾北段和渤中段为主;⑥渐新世右行走滑,该期的走滑作用以渤中段和辽东湾段为主,潍坊-莱州湾-黄河口段相对较弱,辽东湾北段表现为张扭,辽东湾南段表现为压扭,造成辽东凸起贯通,莱州湾凹陷东侧断裂带也表现为压扭;⑦新近纪以来的表现为弱挤压,兼具右行走滑。依据不整合的发育情况,将研究区侏罗系以上的地层自下而上划分为下—中侏罗统(J1+2),上侏罗统—下白垩统(J3+K1)、上白垩统(K2)、孔店—沙四段(k+Es4)、沙三段(Es3)、沙二—沙一段(Es2+Es1)、东营组(Ed)、馆陶—明化镇组(Ng+ Nm)以及Qp九个构造层,在此基础上对各构造层的发育及横向展布特征进行了研究。同时,通过构造层的横向划分与对比,将燕山期以来研究区构造演化划分为J1+2、J3+K1、K2、Ek+Es4、Es3、Es2+Es1、Ed、Ng+Nm、Qp九个期次。济阳坳陷和胶莱盆地是紧邻营潍断裂带的盆地,其形成和演化与营潍断裂带有着密切的关系。本文在研究区选择了16条地震测线进行平衡剖面分析,并在此基础上计算了各剖面不同地质时期伸展率,同时,选取18口井绘制了构造沉降史曲线并计算了构造沉降速率。论文重点对比分析了同地区的不同地质时期和同一地质时期不同地区的伸展率和构造沉降速率的差异性,以此论证营潍断裂带及两侧盆地的构造演化的差异性。论文最后探讨了营潍断裂带带对两侧盆地构造格局的控制作用,即①晚三叠世—早、中侏罗世,印支期(T3)扬子板块与华北板块发生了碰撞与拼接,此时的华北板块夹持于扬子板块与西伯利亚板块之间,在两者的SSW—NNE的水平挤压及郯庐断裂左行走滑作用的剪压构造机制共同作用下,发生整体抬升,造成下、中三叠统的剥蚀,并在板内发生局部挤压调整,形成逆冲断层。②晚侏罗世—早白垩世,营潍断裂带左旋走滑,在营潍断裂带以西自北向南发育了3北西向的地堑系。济阳坳陷夹持营潍断裂带与沧东—兰聊断裂带所派生的左旋剪切应力场之间,受到SW-NE向的拉张,构造反转。胶莱盆地,莱阳期由于营潍断裂带左旋走滑和五荣断裂右旋走滑共同作用,使胶莱地块向东北拉出;③晚白垩世,太平洋聚敛速度大约为每年130毫米,在中国东部形成了NWW向挤压构造应力场,渤海湾盆地整体抬升,缺失该期的沉积。营潍断裂带和牟平—即墨断裂带右旋走滑活动,使胶莱盆地经受南北向拉分;④古新世—早始新世,营潍断裂带左旋走滑兼伸展,在左旋应力场的作用下,在济阳—昌潍和鲁西南地区形成NW方向的正断层控制地堑或半地堑盆地。早始新世末期—中始新世早期是营潍断裂带及西侧地区重要构造转型期,营潍断裂带从左旋走滑转变为右旋走滑。济阳坳陷相应的应力场从北东向拉伸变为南北向拉伸。此时期,北西向和北东向断层都发育,但是北西向断层在沙四—孔店段沉积发育高峰期后逐渐消亡;⑤中始新世—渐新世,营潍断裂带既有伸展作用,又有右旋走滑作用,此时期济阳坳陷在走滑拉分的基础上,产生北东东—近东西向的控盆犁式断层,自南向北伸展。该时期是济阳坳陷的主要伸展期,北东向的断层活动也在此时期达到高峰。⑥新近纪—第四纪(N-Q),由于太平洋板块加速向东亚大陆俯冲运动,致使渤海湾盆地内的走滑断裂带的走滑作用仍然活跃。而伸展作用明显减弱,盆地整体热沉降,进入了坳陷阶段。

【Abstract】 Tan-lu fault zone is one huge strike-slip fault zone which lies in eastern china and Yingkou-Weifang fault zone only means Yingkou to Weifang zone. Following predecessor’s research and basing on lots of geophysical information(gravity、magnetism、electricity、earthquake)、geotraverse and MT analysis, I researched the basic characters and distribution of Yingkou-Weifang fault zone. Basing on studying predecessor’s research, I summarized the evolution and dynamical background of Yingkou-Weifang fault zone. According the research result, I found that the growth of Yingkou-Weifang fault zone is stepwise and multiphase. I divided the evolument of Yingkou-Weifang fault zone into seven steps as follows:①compression during early-middle Jurassic;②the left-lateral strike-slip from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, this step mainly occurred in Weifang-Laizhouwan-Huanghekou zone and Liaodongwan south zone, and seldom in Bozhong zone;③l eft lateral compression in late Cretaceous;④the left-lateral strike-slip and extension from Palaeocene to early Eocene, the step mainly occurred in Weifang-Laizhouwan-Huanghekou zone, but seldom in Bozhong and Liaodongwan zone;⑤the extension and the right lateral strike-slip during middle Eocene, this step mainly occurred in north Liaodongwan and Bozhong zones;⑥the right lateral strike-slip during Oligocene, this step mainly occurred in Bozhong and Liaodongwan zones,and seldom in Weifang-Laizhouwan-Huanghekou zones, tenso-shear represented Liaodongwan north zone , compression shear which made Liaodong zone heave and run through represented Liaodongwan south zone, compression shear represented Laizhouwan sunken eastern fault zone;⑦the weak compression and right lateral strike-slip form Tertiary to now.According to the unconfromitis, layers above Jurassic can be divided into nine structral sub-layers: J1+2, J3+K1, K2, Ek+Es4, Es3, Es2+Es1, Ed, Ng+Nm, Qp. Then the characteristics of the lithology and the distribution were ascertained. Through the division and comparison on the evolution of structral layers, the area of research can be divided into nine periods: J1+2, J3+K1, K2, Ek+Es4, Es3, Es2+Es1, Ed, Ng+Nm, Qp form Jurassic to now. Depression jiyangensis and basin jiaolaiensis are basins which are the neighbors of Yingkou-Weifang fault zone. Their coming into being and evolution have quite a lot relationship with Yingkou-Weifang fault zone. In this paper, I did balanced section analysis on 16 seismic lines, and then calculated on extension amounts and rates of every section in different geologic time. At the same time, I protracted structural subsidence curves on selected 18 wells and calculated tectonic subsidence speed. The focal content of this paper analysed the diffirence of extension rates tectonic subsidence speed in different geologic time when they were in the same area and in different areas when they were in the same geologic time. Finally, I summed up the frontal research and adequately discussed how Yingkou-Weifang fault zone have effected on the structures framework of its adjacent basin.①Late Triassic- Early-Middle Jurassic, Indo-Chinese Epoch(T3)Yangzi plate and Huabei plate hit and pieced together, at this time, Huabei plate was surrounded by Yangzi plate and Sibirica plate, under the level extrusion of SSW-NNE and shear structure of Tan-lu fault zone’s left lateral strike-slip, Yangzi plate was lifted up and caused denudation of late-middle Triassic, at the same time, the plate adjusted itself and produced partly thrust fault.②Late Jura - Early Crataceous, Yingkou-Weifang fault zone left lateral strike-slipped. At the west side of it, 3 grabens grew from north to south. Jiyang down warp was in left lateral shear stress field which was made by Yingkou-Weifang fault zone and Cangdong-Lanliao fault zone, spread by SW-NE, its construct was reversed. Because of Yingkou-Weifang fault zone’s left lateral strike-slip and Wurong fault zone’s right lateral stike-slip, Jiaolai zone was pulled towards north east.③Late-Cret, Pacific converged at the speed of 130mm/year,which made compressional structure stress field at the east of China. Bohaiwan basin was lifted entirely. Yingkou-Weifang fault zone and Moping-Jimo fault zone right lateral strike slip made Jiaolai basin was pulled by two forces which came from south and north. In the basin;④Palaeocene-Early Eocene, under the function of left lateral stress field which was produced by Yingkou-Weifang fault zone’s left lateral strike-slip, downslip fault grabin or half grabin basin were formed in Jiyang-Changwei and Luxinan zone by NW direction. From the last stag of Early-Eocene to the early stage of Middle-Eocene, Yingkou-Weifang fault zone and its west zone’s structure changed, as Yingkou-Weifang fault zone changed left lateral strike-slip to right lateral strike-slip. The stress filed of Jiyang sunken changed its direction from NW to SN. At this period, NW and NE fault both grew, but NW fault gradually disappeared after Shasi-Kongdian segment’s peak development stage. Reversely;⑤Middle Eocene-Oligocene, Yingkou-Weifang fault zone show right lateral strike-slip and extension. At the period, basing on strike-slip, NW-NW fault was produced and extended from south to north. This period was the main extension stage of Jiyang sunken and NE fault’s activity reached the peak.⑥Late Tertiary Period- Quaternary Period, because Pacific plate speeded up to under thrust East Asia mainland, strike-slip fault zone was still active in Bohaiwan basin. Extension became weaker, the basin heat sank and came into down warp stage.
