

The Research of Sedimentary Facies and Reservoir Prediction of the Eocene in Eastern Area of the Deep Depression in Gaoyou Depression

【作者】 伊伟

【导师】 王伟锋;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高邮凹陷是江苏油田主要的油气勘探开发区。目前高邮凹陷勘探开发中浅层的油气勘探程度越来越高,油气勘探的下一步战略方向已转向精细研究。高邮凹陷深凹带的上含油气系统(戴南组、三垛组)含油地层储集层断层多,埋深大,物性差,单层厚度薄,一般常规试油产量较低。因此对其进行沉积体系研究,分析有利砂体分布规律,进而对储层特征进行研究,分析有利储层的分布规律,可以为下一步的油气勘探工作提供地质依据。首先在层序地层学、沉积学理论的指导下,采用传统的地层划分方法,选取该区典型的标志层,将高邮凹陷戴一段地层划分为3个砂层组,将高邮凹陷戴二段地层划分为5个砂层组,将高邮凹陷垛一段地层划分为7个砂层组,并在此基础上建立了研究区地层格架。在建立地层格架的基础上,通过岩心观察、测井响应特征、粒度分析资料并结合前人研究成果,对高邮凹陷深凹带戴南组和三垛组的沉积相进行了研究。研究表明:戴一段时期主要发育近岸水下扇沉积;戴二段时期主要发育扇三角洲沉积;垛一段初期发育扇三角洲沉积,中期以后主要发育河流相沉积。进而可分为近岸水下扇扇中、近岸水下扇端、扇三角洲平原、扇三角洲前缘、前扇三角洲、辫状河等6种亚相,以及水下分流河道、水下分流间湾、扇中前缘、扇端泥质物、辫状分流河道、湖底扇、心滩、河间洼地、河道侧翼及末梢、辫状河道等10种微相类型。通过对各层段的沉积相演化分析,可以看出,从戴南组至垛一段初期,湖盆面积逐渐萎缩,扇体面积增大,垛一段中期至晚期,湖水退去,沉积了一套河流相地层,整体表现为进积沉积。通过对研究区储层的物性特征进行分析,认为研究区储层为中孔低渗储层。在地质条件约束下,井资料和地震资料相结合,利用波阻抗反演方法预测储层的分布。结合研究区沉积相、岩性特征、成岩作用特征、孔隙结构及储层物性特征,将储层分为4个类别,其中Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类储层为好的储层,Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类储层为差的储层。在储层评价的基础上,预测了6个有利储层发育的层位,分别为戴一段一、二砂层组,戴二段三、五砂层组和垛一段六、七砂层组。

【Abstract】 The Gaoyou Depression is the major oil exploration in Jiangsu oil field. According to the exploration level of upper and middle formations are high in Gaoyou depression, the next exploration direction are refined. The reservoir of the oil-bearing formation in the upper petroleum system (Dainan formation, Sanduo formation) are more faults, large depth of burial, poor physical property and thin monolayer thickness, so the output of generally conventional test oil is lower. Therefore, to research the sedimentary system and distribution regular of advantage sand body, and then to study the reservoir characteristics and research the distribution of advantage reservoir, it can provide geological basis for the next phase of oil and gas exploration.First, grounding on stratigraphy of equence stratigraphy and theory of sedimentlogy, choosing traditionally formation divided method, selecting the typical section in the area, the E2d1 section of Gaoyou depression are divided into three sand bed groups; the E2d2 section of Gaoyou depression are divided into five sand bed groups; the E2s1 section of Gaoyou depression are divided into seven sand bed groups; and on the based then the formation framework of the research area is established.The study of sedimentary environment of Dainan and Sanduo formation of Gaoyou depression is carried out through rock observation, log response, sizing analysis and the predecessors’research based on formation framework built. And the study makes clear that they are most developed Nearshore Subaqueous Fans during sediment of E2d1 section; they are most developed Fan-delta during sediment of E2d2 section and early period of E2s1 section; they are mainly developed Fluvial Facies since middle period of E2s1 section. The sedimentary facies here can be further divided into six subfacies which are composed of middle of Nearshore Subaqueous Fans, Nearshore Subaqueous Fans front, Fan-delta plain, Fan-delta front, the former fan-delta and braided river subfacies, and these subfacies include ten microfacies which are composed of sub-distributary channel, sub-distributary bay, front in the fan, clay objects in fan-side, braided distributary channel, sublacustrine fan, channel bar, interchannel area, river flank and peripheral and braided river. Through analyzing the evolvement of sedimentary in every layer, it is found that the lake area is gradually shrinking, fan body size increases from E2d section to early period of E2s1; the lake receded and a fluvial sedimentary strata from middle period of E2s1 to late period of E2s1. It shows that sand body show progradation deposition.Though the study of micro-features of reservoir, we can see that it is middle porosity and low permeability reservoirs. With the constraints of the geological conditions, combinning the well datas and seismic datas, we can predict the distribution of reservoir by the method of wave impedance inversion. We can classify the reservoirs into 4 categories combining sedimentary facies, lithologic characteristic, diagenesis, pore structure and physical properties of reservoir, of whichⅠandⅡis good reservoirs,ⅢandⅣis bad reservoirs. Based on reservoir evaluation, we predicted six horizons of favorable reservoir distribute, they are E2d11,E2d12,E2d23,E2d25,E2s16 and E2s17.
