

Software Development for Thermodynamic Calculations of Vacuum Furnace and Process Software Completion of Coking Furnace

【作者】 李娜

【导师】 肖家治; 王兰娟;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 化学工程与技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文利用面向对象编程软件Visual Basic 6.0完成了真空加热炉热力计算校核软件开发和焦化炉工艺软件完善。真空加热炉热力计算校核软件包括燃烧计算、烟火管计算、盘管计算及烟气阻力计算等模块,计算得到烟气出火管温度、排烟温度、介质出口温度、盘管压降以及烟气压降等关键工艺参数,与现有Excel计算软件相比:1.软件可对两回程和三回程烟管进行计算,并将烟管分四段计算得到烟管内烟气温度、烟管传热系数、烟管负荷等参数的分布;2.软件对不同盘管型式进行计算,包括光管、内螺纹管和扰流子盘管,针对不同加热介质选择适合的盘管型式,减少盘管内壁结垢;3.介质物性数据可以自动计算不需人工查图减小人为误差。对焦化炉工艺软件进行了进一步完善,给定非平均热强度的情况下,可以计算得到油品在管内的停留时间、热转化率、流型、管内壁温度等重要工艺参数。利用辐射传热模型Monte Carlo方法,完成了焦化炉管外传热的编程计算,分别对斜顶炉中间布管、双面辐射焦化炉两侧布管、新型单面辐射焦化炉等炉型进行管外热强度计算,考察了中间燃烧、贴墙燃烧及壁面发热三种燃烧方式对管外热强度分布的影响,并与CFX模拟结果进行对比。计算结果表明三种燃烧方式,壁面发热与中间燃烧和侧墙燃烧相比下部炉管热强度较大,上部炉管热强度较小,热强度下移。编程计算与CFX模拟计算热强度沿炉管变化趋势基本相同。

【Abstract】 Chemical Engineering and TechnologySoftware development for thermodynamic calculations of vacuum furnace and Process Software Completion of coking furnace have been completed in the thesis with Visual Basic 6.0.Software development for thermodynamic calculations of vacuum furnace consists of the computation modules such as the combustion calculation, the firework tube calculation, the coil calculation and the flue gas resistance calculation. The software can get the key process parameters, such as the temperature of the gas out of the fire, exhaust gas temperature, the temperature of streams leaving coils, outlet temperature of the heated medium, the pressure drop of coil, etc. Compared with Excel software has good points: 1. It can calculate the three return-pipe, and along the the direction of gas flow pipes can be divided into four pipe and get the temperature distribution of smoke; 2. Software calculates a variety of coil types, including fluorescent tubes, internally ribbed tube and turbulator coil; 3. Dielectric properties data can be automatically calculated and reduce human error.In addition, process software of coking furnace has been Completed. In the case of given heat intensity of each tube, software can calculate process parameters, such as residence time, thermal conversion, flow and tube wall temperature. Using Monte Carlo methods, software completes programming terms for hot strength of pipe. Software calculates hot strength of pipe for slant furnace of the middle of piping , side piping of double-sided radiation coking furnace, new single-sided radiation furnace coking furnace and so on. Software studies the impact on the outside tube heat intensity distribution with middle combustion, side combustion and wall heat, and compared with CFX and box-tope furnace. The results show that in the three types of combustion, the lower part of tubes have larger heat intensities and the upper tubes have smaller heat intensities on the types of wall combustion. Programming calculation and CFX simulation have the same trend.

  • 【分类号】TE963
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】154