

Study on Physiological and Ecological Effects of Spatial and Temporal Alternative Supplementary Irrigation of Summer Corn

【作者】 杜园园

【导师】 王同朝;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验于2008-2009年在河南农业大学科教园区测坑试验区进行,试验利用作物自身遗传和生态生理特性,将时间(不同生育时期)交替和空间(不同根系区域)交替相结合,形成时空综合调控技术,进行主动的水分调控。通过对土壤水分运移规律、夏玉米生长发育特点,生理生态效应,夏玉米的产量以及夏玉米耗水规律的分析,较系统的研究了夏玉米时空综合调控技术的生理生态效应,主要结论如下:时空交替灌溉方式下,各处理在灌水结束后土壤平均含水量和土壤最大含水量以垄高15㎝,垄宽55㎝的T2处理最大,所需入渗时间最短。非灌水沟(观测点4)在土壤各剖面土壤水势的作用下使土壤水分侧向入渗增强,垂直下渗减少,土壤含水量逐渐上升,最后达到平衡。说明适宜的垄体参数(T2处理)可有效改善土壤水分再分布,使时空交替灌溉方式发挥更大的节水效益。夏玉米全生育期内土壤含水量在不同层次上的垂直变化明显不同,苗期不同层次的土壤水分含量差异较小,拔节期以后差异逐渐变大。0~40㎝土层的土壤水分含量变化幅度较大,40~60㎝土层的土壤水分含量变化程度相对较小,60~80㎝和80~100㎝土层土壤水分含量变化相对比较稳定。不同处理60~100㎝土层土壤含水量存在明显差异,拔节期高水分(田间持水量的80%)补灌的T1N1、T1N2和T1N3三处理始终表现为持续缓慢增加,拔节期中度亏缺(田间持水量的65%)的T2N1、T2N2和T2N3处理出现明显下降趋势,拔节期重度亏缺(田间持水量的50%)的T3N1、T3N2和T3N3处理开始下降的时间逐渐提前。同一补灌时期下,补灌量不同,土壤各层次水分含量表现为,N1>N2>N3,即高水分>中度亏缺>重度亏缺。各处理株高和叶面积指数随玉米生育进程逐渐增大,且随总补灌量的减少而降低。其中,拔节期高水分、抽穗期中度亏缺补灌的T1N2处理最高。各处理籽粒干重逐渐增大,籽粒灌浆初期,各处理间的籽粒干重差异不明显,随籽粒灌浆进程,差异逐渐增大。同一补灌时期不同补灌量之间差异表现为:高水分﹥中度亏缺﹥重度亏缺,不同时期间表现为拔节期补灌优于抽穗期。夏玉米叶片叶绿素值、叶片相对含水量和叶片比叶重随植株生育进程逐渐下降,不同处理间以拔节期高水分、抽穗期中度亏缺的T1N2处理最高,其余处理,随总补灌量的减少而降低,且同一补灌时期下,各处理随水分亏缺程度加强,其下降幅度增大。夏玉米叶片相对电导率、MDA含量和脯氨酸含量随植株的衰老呈逐渐增加。不同处理间同样表现为拔节期高水分、抽穗期中度亏缺的T1N2处理相对电导率、MDA含量和脯氨酸含量最小,随生育进程,与其他处理间差异逐渐增大,吐丝30天后,与其余处理间差异显著。不同处理光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度的变化趋势基本一致,随总补灌量的减少而逐渐降低,且随水分亏缺程度的加剧,降低的幅度增大,且蒸腾速率减弱的程度要比光合速率减弱的程度大。叶片水分利用效率的变化不具有一定的规律性,拔节期高水分、抽穗期中度亏缺的T1N2处理最高,拔节期和抽穗期均为高水分的T1N1处理最低。随玉米生育进程的推进各处理Fv/Fo和Fv/Fm均呈先升高后降低的趋势。不同处理间,除T1N2处理外,Fv/Fo和Fv/ Fm值均随总补灌量的降低而下降,尤其是抽穗期重度水分亏缺的处理下降最快。不同处理ΦPSⅡ和ETR均表现为逐渐下降的趋势,且随时间的推移,ETR值下降幅度增大。夏玉米的棵间蒸发量在整个生育期内的变化曲线均呈脉冲状,每次灌水或降水后,各处理夏玉米棵间蒸发变化趋势一致,均有明显的上升趋势,然后逐渐下降。夏玉米各生育阶段的棵间蒸发量占耗水量比例的变化规律为播种-出苗最高,尔后逐渐下降,抽雄-灌浆阶段降至最低,随后,由于植株衰老,植株蒸腾降低,二者比例又明显增加。不同处理间,亏缺严重的低水分处理在进行灌水或降水后迅速上升,其上升幅度明显高于其余处理。不同处理产量以拔节期高水分、抽穗期中度亏缺的T1N2处理产量最高,以T1N2处理为对照,T3N1处理减产22.44%,T3N2处理减产24.6%,而T3N3处理减产达29.01%,处理间差异达极显著水平。T1N2处理水分利用效率最高,拔节期和抽穗期均为高水分处理的T1N1处理最低,其余处理随着总补灌量的减少逐渐下降,T1N2处理水分利用效率分别比T3N1、T3N2、T3N3和T1N1处理高12.78%、16.9%、19.79%和26.92%。若与目前生产上普遍延用的大田漫灌相比,产量与其相平略有提高,但水分利用效率可提高15%-20%左右。综合本研究结果,在采用时空交替灌溉方式进行补灌的条件下,初步拟定了夏玉米高产高效的优化灌水技术,即采用空间上的交替隔沟灌溉结合时间上的拔节期充分补灌(田间持水量的80%)和抽穗期补灌量适度减少(田间持水量的65%)的水分处理(T1N2处理)有利于夏玉米产量的增加和水分的合理优化分配,进而提高水分利用效率。

【Abstract】 The experiment were carried out from 2008 to 2009 in the testing-hole at the Henan Agricultural University Science and Education Garden Area. The experiment usesd crop genetic and ecological physiological characteristics of their own, combined the temporal (different stages) and spatial alternation (in different root regions) together to form a temporal and spatial integrated control technology for active water regulation. Through the analysis of soil moisture transfer, the characteristics of growth and development, physiological and ecological effects, yield and water consumption of summer corn, this thesis systematically examines the physiological and ecological of temporal and spatial integrated control technology of summer corn. With sufficient disscussion,the conclusions are listed as follows:Under temporal and spatial alternative irrigation methods, at the end of irrigation, the trentment (T2)has the average SWC and max SWC which within the height of 15 cm and width of 55 cm, and the time of infiltration was the shortest. Because of soil water potential, increased lateral infiltration and reduced vertical infiltration at non-irrigation ditch (observation point 4), soil water content increased gradually, and finally reached equilibrium. This result demonstrates that appropriate ridge parameters (T2 treatment) can improve the soil water redistribution, so that spatial and temporal alternation of irrigation can greatly improve the water-saving irrigation efficiency.For the soil water content in summer corn’s growth period, vertical changes at different levels have significant differences. There were smaller differences of soil moisture content in different levels at seedling stage, and differences gradually enlarged after jointing. The soil moisture fluctuation ranged relatively bigger of the 0 ~ 40 cm layer, 40 ~ 60 cm layer was relatively small, 60~80 cm and 80 ~ 100 cm was relatively stable. The differences were obvious for soil water content of 60~100 cm, at jointing stage, high moisture (80% of field capacity) which included T1N1, T1N2 and T1N3 three treatments have always increased continually, moderate deficit ( 65% of field capacity) which consists of T2N1, T2N2 and T2N3 showed significant downward, severe deficit (50% of field capacity) which included T3N1, T3N2 and T3N3 began an earlier decline. Under the same period of supplementary irrigation, the amount of supplementary irrigation is different, soil water content showed: N1> N2> N3, the high water> moderate deficit> Severe deficit.The process of plant height and leaf area index increased gradually with the growing process of corn, and with the reduction of the total amount of supplementary irrigation, it decreased. T1N2 treatment high moisture at jointing, moderate deficit at heading stage were the highest. Grain dry weight increased gradually in all treatments, in the period of early grain filling, the grain dry weight among different treatments has no significant difference, but with the grain filling process, the difference increases. In the same period of supplementary irrigation, the different amount of supplementary irrigation showed: the high water> moderate deficit> Severe deficit. At different stage of supplemental irrigation it showed jointing stage is better than heading stage.Value of maize leaf chlorophyll, leaf relative water content and specific leaf weight decreased gradually with the plant growth process. Among different treatments, T1N2 treatment that has high moisture at jointing, moderate deficit at heading stage were the highest. While the rest treaments decline with the decreasing of the total amount of supplementary irrigation, and under the same period of supplementary irrigation, each dealing with the enlarged extent of water deficit, the declining rate increased. MDA content in maize leaves and proline content were gradually increased with the senescence of plant, the relative conductivity of leaves were gradually reduced and changed relatively. The performance shows that T1N2 treatment which the jointing of high moisture and the heading stage of moderate deficit, MDA and proline content were smallest, while the relative conductivity was the largest. With the growth process, the difference increased between other treatments and after silking 30 days the rest of the treatments were different.Between the different treatments of photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance consistent with the trend, and with the reduction of the total amount of supplementary irrigation gradually decreased, and with the increased level of water deficit, the rate of reduction increased, and transpiration rate is faster than the degree of great extent reduced photosynthetic rate. Changes in leaf water using efficiency does not have a certain regularity, the treatment(T1N2) which jointing of high moisture and heading stage of moderate deficit was the highest, T1N1 treatment in jointing and heading stages with high moisture were minimum. With the advance of the growth process of corn processing, Fv / Fo and Fv / Fm increased at first while then decreased. Among different treatments, except T1N2, Fv / Fo and Fv / Fm decreased with the declining of total irrigation quantity, especially the treatment of severe water stress at heading stage decreased fastest.ΦPSⅡand ETR of different treatments aslo showed decreasing trends and over time, ETR increased its declining rate.The evaporation of summer corn showed a pulse-shaped curve in the whole growth period, after each irrigation or rainfall, the evaporation of summer corn has a same trend---an obviously upward trend, and then gradually decreased. In each growth stage,the variation of maize evaporation accounted of water consumption showed that the highest rate appears in seedling stage,and then gradually decreased. Days to heading- filling stage, then, due to plant senescence, plant transpiration reduction ratio between the two obviously increased. Among different treatments, the treatments of severe deficit increased rapidly after irrigation or rainfall, the rate of increase was significantly higher than the rest of their treatments.The yield of T1N2 with high moisture at jointing stage and moderate deficit at heading stage was the highest. Compared toT1N2, T3N1 deal cut 22.44%, T3N2 treatment cut 24.6%, and T3N3 deal cut up to 29.01%, the difference reached an obvious level. T1N2 has the highest water using efficiency, jointing and heading stages were high water treatment, while T1N1 was lowest.The other dealings decling gradually with the reduction of the total amount of supplementary irrigation. Water using efficiency of T1N2 was higher than T3N1, T3N2, T3N3 and T1N1 treatment, respectively the rate of 12.78%, 16.9%, 19.79% and 26.92%. But if compared with the flooding irrigation, which is popularly used in the agricultural production,it can produce a little more , but water using efficiency can be improved about 15%.Comprehensive results of this study, under the conditions of using spatial and temporal way of supplementary irrigation, we preliminarily studied out a high production, high efficiency and optimal irrigation technology for summer corn.That is the method of combining alternate furrow irrigation with full irrigation at jointing stage (80% of field capacity) and moderate deficit (65% of field capacity)of heading stage, which is conducive to the increase in maize production and the rational optimization of water distribution, thus improving water using efficiency.

  • 【分类号】S513
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