

Tobacco Leaf’s Chemical Quality–based Spatial Variability and Differential Management of Soil Nutrients for Tobacco Field

【作者】 宋晓华

【导师】 赵百东; 刘国顺;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 烟叶质量一般用的化学品质、物理特性和感官指标等来评价,但是化学成分不依评价人的主观判断而受影响,相对较为客观。同一质地的土壤在同一平面或不同深度上并不完全均质,其土壤物理特性等参数在各点的值也并不相同。了解烟田土壤特性特别是养分空间变异,是管好土壤养分和合理施肥的基础。反过来其养分的变异必然会引起其烟株生长的变异,所以,开展烟田土壤养分空间变异性研究可以合理地制定农田施肥方案,提高养分资源科用率,实现精确施肥都具有重要意义。本研究采用GPS定位,对河南南阳社旗烟草科技示范园的烟田进行40×40米的网格取样。将烟叶的和土壤的养分结合起来,用烟叶的化学品质筛选出与其相关度大的土壤养分,综合运用GIS和地统计学方法,分析了土壤养分的空间变异规律,并绘制了土壤养分空间格局,经一步利用层次聚类分析的方法对土壤养分管理分区,为实现土壤的差异化管理提供支持。(1)研究区烟叶样本含碳化合物略高于适宜范围,含氮化合物的平均值均的在适宜范围内,钾、氯及其比值代表的燃烧性指标也基本上适宜,烟叶的酸碱关系均适宜。(2)对烟叶样品的化学成分进行了因子分析,提取了4个烟叶化学成分的因子,占到10种化学成分总方差的89.839%,并用碎石图证实了利用因子分析的可行性。将这4个因子分析分类为综合因子、碳化合物因子、氮化合物因子和燃烧性因子,最后给出每个取样点烟叶化学成分的综合得分。(3)土壤速效氮、速效磷和速效钾的平均含量分别为114.270mg/kg、10.737mg/kg和135.780mg/kg,基本上属于适宜范围;全磷的平均值为0.663g/kg,在偏低的范围内,全钾的平均值为27.574个g/kg,属于极高的水平;土壤有机质的平均含量为14.798g/kg,属于偏低范围。土壤有机质、速效氮、全钾、速效钾和有效铜的变异系数在11.866%-23.883%之间;速效磷、全磷、有效铁、有效锰和有效锌的变异系数较大在33.484%-60.895%之间。在土壤养分的频度分析中,除有机质和有效铜外,其余养分均分为不同的级别。说明土壤表现出较大的空间变化,有必要对其进行差异化管理。(4)利用灰色关联度分析方法,用烟叶样品的化学成分的综合得分筛选出与其关联度大的土壤属性。结果显示:土壤速效钾、速效磷、有机质、全钾、有效锌和有效铜的关联系数分别为0.665、0.663、0.632、0.624、0.616和0.607。(5)对土壤全钾、有效锌进行cox-box、对数转换后,符合正态分布。用GS+统计软将对土壤养分进行了地统计学分析,土壤速效磷和有效铜的块金效应<25%,表现出强烈的空间相关性,表明速效磷和有效铜中结构性因素占总变异的比重较大;土壤速效钾、有机质、全钾和有效锌的Co/(Co+C)比值在25%~75%之间,表现出中等强度的空间相关性,表明其空间变异是由随机因素和结构因素共同决定的。(6)在Arcgis平台上,精确的描述了研究区土壤养分的分布格局。并用层次聚类法对其进行了分区,每个区的土壤养分的方差分析表明,分为3个管理单元最好,但是结合农业生产的投入产出比,综合考虑以2个管理单元为最佳分区数。

【Abstract】 Generally, chemical quality, physical properties and sensory indicators were used to assess the quality of tobacco, but the chemical composition had no influence by people’s subjective judgment. the quality of the same soil in different depths or on the same plane was not entirely homogeneous, the physical properties of soil at all points of the value was also not the same. Finding out soil properties of tobacco fields’especially nutrient spatial variability could manage soil nutrient and reasonable fertilization. In turn, variability of soil nutrients caused tobacco growth. Therefore, studying on spatial variability of soil nutrients could be reasonably developed and improved nutrient utilization. In this experiment, GPS was used to take soil sample in Nan yang Technology Garden, the interval was 40*40m. the nutriment of leaf and soil was combined with the chemical quality in order to selected related degree between tobacco lead and soil nutrients, GIS and geostatistics method were used to analyze the spatial patterns of soil nutrients, and the pattern of soil nutrients was mapped. The results showed as follows:(1) The contents of carbon compounds of leaf from the study areas was slightly higher than the suitable range; the contents of nitrogen compounds was in the appropriate average range; potassium, chloride and their ratio were basically suitable, the relationship of acid and base was also suitable(2) The chemical constituents in tobacco leaf samples were analyzed, and four leaf chemical components factors were extracted, accounting for total variance of ten kinds of chemical components was 89.839%, and the feasibility of using factor analysis was confirmed by a stone map. These four factors were classified as integrated factor, carbon compounds factor, nitrogen compounds and combustion factor, and at last, the overall score of the chemical composition of each sample point leaves were given.(3) The average contents of soil available N, P and K were 114.270mg/kg, 10.737mg/kg and 135.780mg/kg, and were basically suitable; the average contents of total phosphorus 0.663g/kg, was lower than suitable range, while the average contents of total K 27.574 g / kg was higher than suitable range; the contents of soil organic matter was 14.798g/kg. the variation of coefficient of soil organic matter, available N, total K, available K and effective copper were also between 11.866% -23.883%; but that of Available phosphorus, total phosphorus, available Fe, Mn and Zn were between 33.484% -60.895%. By frequency analysis of the soil nutrient, the nutrients were divided into different levels except organic matter and effective copper. This result showed that the soil showed a greater spatial variation, it is necessary to differentiate its management.(4) The relation degree between the soil properties and chemical composition of tobacco leaf samples were analysised by used gray correlation analysis method. The results showed: the correlation coefficient of the soil potassium, phosphorus, organic matter, total K, available Zn and Cu was respectively 0.665,0.663,0.632,0.624,0.616 and 0.607.(5) The data of soil total K, available Zn was treated by Cox-box and logarithmic transformation, all of them accorded the normal distribution. statistical analysis of soil nutrients was taken by using the GS + statistical soft, the results showed that the value of nugget effect of soil available P and effective copper was less than 25%, and it showed a strong spatial correlation and indicated that phosphorus and copper in the structural factors of the total valid variance larger proportion; the value of Co / (Co + C) of soil available K, organic matter, total K and Zn of ratio was during 25% and 75%, it showed moderate spatial correlation and indicated that the spatial variation was decided by random factors and structural factors .(6) On Arcgis platform, the distribution pattern of soil nutrients of the study area was accurately described. The study area was made partitions by using hierarchical clustering method, and the result of variance analysis showed that each area of the soil nutrient divided into three management units was the best, but combining agricultural production with input-output ratio, it was considered that divided into two management units was the best method.

  • 【分类号】S572;S158
  • 【下载频次】74